# Assets & code i haven't made myself: - [The logo](../src/assets/favicon.ico) was made by [Canana](http://canana.xyz/) - [The Splash class](../src/modules/Splash/classes/Splash.ts) is a modified version of [this file](https://gitlab.com/wavedistrict/web-client/blob/master/src/modules/splash/classes/Splash.ts) - [My webpack config](../webpack.config.js) is a modified version of [this file](https://gitlab.com/wavedistrict/web-client/blob/master/src/modules/splash/classes/Splash.ts) - [The reset.css file](../src/modules/core/styles/reset.scss) is a modified version of the one found [here](https://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/) - [The removeElement function](../src/common/lang/arrays/helpers/removeElement.ts) is a typed version from a snippet found in a gist made by the creator of rollup (i can't find the link right now) - [The google material icons](https://material.io/resources/icons/) are as the name suggests, made by Google. - The fonts are imported from [here](https://fonts.google.com/) A list with all code dependencies can be found [here](../package.json) ## Why is there a second contributor? This repo has a second contributor (about 150 lines of code) because an older version used a template made by him. The current version doesn't use anything from that template.