let l_count = 0; let lines = []; console.log("started2"); function edge(start, end) { this.id = l_count.toString() + "line"; l_count++; this.start = start; this.end = end; console.log(start + end); console.log(this.end); console.log(this.start); lines[lines.length] = this; let g = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'g'); $(g).attr({ width: "100%", height: "100%" }); let el = $(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'line')).attr({ x1: "50", y1: "50", x2: "55", y2: "55", id: this.id, fill: "yellow", stroke: "black" }); $(el).attr("stroke-width", "2"); $(g).append(el); let elem = document.getElementById("svg1"); elem.appendChild(g); //console.log("succes"+lines); this.rep = el; this.name = "#" + this.id; this.update = function() { let adr = this.start.name; let temp = $(adr).attr("x"); let n = this.name; //console.log("updating"+adr+temp+n); temp = (parseFloat(temp)).toString(); $(n).attr("x1", temp); temp = $(adr).attr("y"); temp = (parseFloat(temp) + 10).toString(); $(n).attr("y1", temp); adr = this.end.name; temp = $(adr).attr("x"); temp = (parseFloat(temp) + 20).toString(); $(n).attr("x2", temp); temp = $(adr).attr("y"); temp = (parseFloat(temp) + 10).toString(); $(n).attr("y2", temp); //and the color based on the state if (this.start.val) { $((this.rep)).attr("stroke", "yellow"); } else { $((this.rep)).attr("stroke", "black"); } } rem_edge(this); } function rem_edge(ob) { $((ob.rep)).on("click touchstart", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); //removing the edge from the array for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (lines[i] == (ob.id)) { lines.splice(i, 1); } } //removing the visual $((ob.rep)).remove(); //fixing the actual start and end pins ob.start.nei = "yay"; ob.start.val = false; ob.start.state = true; ob.end.val = false; ob.end.state = true; }); }