Implement svg and geometry privitives for lens rewrite
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
module LayoutLens.Data.CommonConfig where
import LayoutLens.Prelude
data LayerVisualPosition = Center | TopLeft | TopRight | BottomLeft | BottomRight
data ActionDisplay
= DisplaySymbol String
| DisplayLayerColor
data ActionEffect
= LayerSwitch String
| StickyLayerSwitch String
newtype Action = Action
{ display :: ActionDisplay
, effect :: ActionEffect
newtype Chord = Chord
{ from :: Array String
, to :: Array String
, fill :: Color
, fontSizeModifier :: Number
newtype Layer = Layer
{ name :: String
, textColor :: Maybe Color
, keys :: Array String
data ConfigElement
= LayerGroup (HashMap LayerVisualPosition Layer)
| ChordGroup (Array Chord)
newtype ConfigSection = ConfigSection
{ columns :: Int
, elements :: Array ConfigElement
layerName :: Layer -> String
layerName (Layer { name }) = name
sectionElements :: ConfigSection -> Array ConfigElement
sectionElements (ConfigSection { elements }) = elements
derive instance Eq LayerVisualPosition
derive instance Eq ActionDisplay
derive instance Eq ActionEffect
derive instance Eq Action
derive instance Eq Chord
derive instance Eq Layer
derive instance Eq ConfigElement
derive instance Eq ConfigSection
derive instance Generic LayerVisualPosition _
derive instance Generic ActionDisplay _
derive instance Generic ActionEffect _
derive instance Generic Action _
derive instance Generic Chord _
derive instance Generic Layer _
derive instance Generic ConfigElement _
derive instance Generic ConfigSection _
instance Debug LayerVisualPosition where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug ActionDisplay where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug ActionEffect where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug Action where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug Chord where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug Layer where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug ConfigElement where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug ConfigSection where
debug = genericDebug
instance Show LayerVisualPosition where
show = genericShow
instance Hashable LayerVisualPosition where
hash Center = 0
hash TopLeft = 1
hash TopRight = 2
hash BottomLeft = 3
hash BottomRight = 4
@ -1,21 +1,95 @@
module LayoutLens.Data.Config where
module LayoutLens.Data.Config
( PhysicalKey(..)
, PhysicalLayout(..)
, LensConfig(..)
, buildConfig
, buildPhysical
) where
import LayoutLens.Prelude
data LayerVisualPosition = Center | TopLeft | TopRight | BottomLeft | BottomRight
import Data.Array as Array
import LayoutLens.Data.CommonConfig (Action, ConfigSection)
import LayoutLens.Data.RawConfig
( RawConfig(..)
, RawPhysical(..)
, RawPhysicalActionStep(..)
, RawPhysicalStep(..)
import LayoutLens.Data.Vec2
( ScalePreservingTransform
, Vec2
, composeScalePreservingTransforms
, normalizeScalePreservingTransform
derive instance Eq LayerVisualPosition
derive instance Generic LayerVisualPosition _
-- {{{ Physical layouts
newtype PhysicalKey = PhysicalKey
{ transform :: ScalePreservingTransform
, size :: Vec2
instance Debug LayerVisualPosition where
newtype PhysicalLayout = PhysicalLayout (Array PhysicalKey)
type PhysicalExecutionStep = { block :: Array PhysicalKey, keys :: Array PhysicalKey }
transformKey :: ScalePreservingTransform -> PhysicalKey -> PhysicalKey
transformKey transform (PhysicalKey key) = PhysicalKey
{ size: key.size
, transform: composeScalePreservingTransforms key.transform transform
buildPhysical :: RawPhysical -> PhysicalLayout
buildPhysical (RawPhysical steps) = PhysicalLayout $ _.keys =<< final
final :: Array PhysicalExecutionStep
final = Array.scanl (loop <<< _.block) initial steps
initial :: PhysicalExecutionStep
initial = { block: [], keys: [] }
execStep :: Array PhysicalKey -> RawPhysicalActionStep -> Array PhysicalKey
execStep block = case _ of
Point { size, transform } -> pure $ PhysicalKey
{ size
, transform: normalizeScalePreservingTransform transform
Place transform -> block <#> transformKey (normalizeScalePreservingTransform transform)
loop :: Array PhysicalKey -> RawPhysicalStep -> PhysicalExecutionStep
loop block = case _ of
Block actions -> { block: actions >>= execStep block, keys: [] }
PhysicalAction action -> { block, keys: execStep block action }
-- }}}
-- {{{ Config
newtype LensConfig = LensConfig
{ physical :: PhysicalLayout
, actions :: HashMap String Action
, sections :: Array ConfigSection
buildConfig :: RawConfig -> LensConfig
buildConfig (RawConfig config) = LensConfig
{ physical: buildPhysical config.physical
, actions: config.actions
, sections: config.sections
-- }}}
derive instance Eq PhysicalKey
derive instance Eq PhysicalLayout
derive instance Eq LensConfig
derive instance Generic PhysicalKey _
derive instance Generic PhysicalLayout _
derive instance Generic LensConfig _
instance Debug PhysicalKey where
debug = genericDebug
instance Show LayerVisualPosition where
show = genericShow
instance Debug PhysicalLayout where
debug = genericDebug
instance Hashable LayerVisualPosition where
hash Center = 0
hash TopLeft = 1
hash TopRight = 2
hash BottomLeft = 3
hash BottomRight = 4
instance Debug LensConfig where
debug = genericDebug
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
module LayoutLens.Data.Geometry where
import LayoutLens.Prelude
import Data.Array as Array
import LayoutLens.Data.Vec2
( AABB(..)
, Polygon(..)
, ScalePreservingTransform
, Vec2(..)
, aabbToPolygon
, applyScalePreservingTransform
, mapPoints
, vinv
, vscale
data Attribute = Fill Color | Stroke Color
type Attributes = Array Attribute
type GenericAttributes = Array (String /\ String)
type Arc =
{ radius :: Number
, to :: Vec2
data PathStep
= MoveTo Vec2
| LineTo Vec2
| Arc Arc
| Close
data Geometry
= Transform ScalePreservingTransform Geometry
| Many (Array Geometry)
| Text GenericAttributes Attributes String
| Rect AABB Attributes
| Path (Array PathStep) Attributes
-- Approximate the size of some geometry by fitting a polygon around it
boundingPolygon :: Geometry -> Polygon
boundingPolygon = case _ of
Rect aabb _ -> aabbToPolygon aabb
Text _ _ _ -> mempty
Many array -> foldMap boundingPolygon array
Transform t g -> mapPoints (applyScalePreservingTransform t) $ boundingPolygon g
Path steps _ -> foldMap snd $ Array.scanl (points <<< fst) mempty steps
points :: Vec2 -> PathStep -> Vec2 /\ Polygon
points prev = case _ of
Close -> prev /\ Polygon []
MoveTo a -> a /\ Polygon [ a ]
LineTo a -> a /\ Polygon [ a ]
-- This is just an approximation where we fit an AABB around the circle.
Arc arc -> /\ aabbToPolygon aabb
aabb = AABB
{ position: center <> vinv diagonal
, size: vscale 2.0 diagonal
diagonal = Vec2 arc.radius arc.radius
center = vscale 0.5 $ <> prev
derive instance Eq Attribute
derive instance Eq PathStep
derive instance Eq Geometry
derive instance Generic Attribute _
derive instance Generic PathStep _
derive instance Generic Geometry _
instance Debug Attribute where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug PathStep where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug Geometry where
debug a = genericDebug a
@ -2,20 +2,14 @@ module LayoutLens.Data.RawConfig where
import LayoutLens.Prelude
import LayoutLens.Data.Config (LayerVisualPosition)
import LayoutLens.Data.Vec2 (Vec2, Radians)
import LayoutLens.Data.CommonConfig (Action, ConfigSection)
import LayoutLens.Data.Vec2 (RawScalePreservingTransform, Vec2)
data RawPhysicalActionStep
= Place
{ offset :: Vec2
, rotateBy :: Radians
, rotateAround :: Vec2
= Place RawScalePreservingTransform
| Point
{ position :: Vec2
, size :: Vec2
, rotateBy :: Radians
, rotateAround :: Vec2
{ size :: Vec2
, transform :: RawScalePreservingTransform
data RawPhysicalStep
@ -23,79 +17,21 @@ data RawPhysicalStep
| PhysicalAction RawPhysicalActionStep
newtype RawPhysical = RawPhysical (Array RawPhysicalStep)
newtype RawKeySymbol = RawKeySymbol String
newtype RawChord = RawChord
{ from :: Array RawKeySymbol
, to :: Array RawKeySymbol
, fill :: Color
, fontSizeModifier :: Number
newtype RawLayer = RawLayer
{ name :: String
, textColor :: Maybe Color
, keys :: Array RawKeySymbol
layerName :: RawLayer -> String
layerName (RawLayer { name }) = name
data RawElement
= RawLayerGroup (HashMap LayerVisualPosition RawLayer)
| RawChordGroup (Array RawChord)
newtype RawSection = RawSection
{ columns :: Int
, elements :: Array RawElement
sectionElements :: RawSection -> Array RawElement
sectionElements (RawSection { elements }) = elements
data RawActionDisplay
= DisplaySymbol RawKeySymbol
| DisplayLayerColor
data RawActionEffect
= LayerSwitch String
| StickyLayerSwitch String
newtype RawAction = RawAction
{ display :: RawActionDisplay
, effect :: RawActionEffect
newtype RawConfig = RawConfig
{ physical :: RawPhysical
, actions :: HashMap String RawAction
, sections :: Array RawSection
, actions :: HashMap String Action
, sections :: Array ConfigSection
derive instance Eq RawPhysicalActionStep
derive instance Eq RawPhysicalStep
derive instance Eq RawPhysical
derive instance Eq RawKeySymbol
derive instance Eq RawChord
derive instance Eq RawLayer
derive instance Eq RawElement
derive instance Eq RawSection
derive instance Eq RawActionDisplay
derive instance Eq RawActionEffect
derive instance Eq RawAction
derive instance Eq RawConfig
derive instance Generic RawPhysicalActionStep _
derive instance Generic RawPhysicalStep _
derive instance Generic RawPhysical _
derive instance Generic RawKeySymbol _
derive instance Generic RawChord _
derive instance Generic RawLayer _
derive instance Generic RawElement _
derive instance Generic RawSection _
derive instance Generic RawActionDisplay _
derive instance Generic RawActionEffect _
derive instance Generic RawAction _
derive instance Generic RawConfig _
instance Debug RawPhysicalActionStep where
@ -107,30 +43,6 @@ instance Debug RawPhysicalStep where
instance Debug RawPhysical where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug RawKeySymbol where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug RawChord where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug RawLayer where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug RawElement where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug RawActionDisplay where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug RawActionEffect where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug RawAction where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug RawSection where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug RawConfig where
debug = genericDebug
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
module LayoutLens.Data.Svg where
import LayoutLens.Prelude
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.String (Pattern(..))
import LayoutLens.Data.Geometry (Geometry(..), Attribute(..), Attributes, GenericAttributes, PathStep(..))
import LayoutLens.Data.Vec2 (AABB(..), ScalePreservingTransform(..), Vec2(..), radiansToDegrees, x, y)
indent :: String -> String
indent = split (Pattern "\n") >>> map (" " <> _) >>> unlines
tag :: String -> GenericAttributes -> String -> String
tag name attributes child = fold
[ "<"
, name
, " "
, joinWith " "
$ uncurry (\key value -> fold [ key, "=\"", value, "\"" ])
<$> attributes
, ">"
, indent child
, "</"
, name
, ">"
leaf :: String -> GenericAttributes -> String
leaf name attributes = tag name attributes mempty
printGeometryAttributes :: Attributes -> GenericAttributes
printGeometryAttributes = map case _ of
Fill color -> "fill" /\ toHexString color
Stroke color -> "stroke" /\ toHexString color
px :: Number -> String
px n = show n <> "px"
-- Render a geometry to svg
renderGeometry :: Geometry -> String
renderGeometry = case _ of
Many array -> unlines $ renderGeometry <$> array
Rect (AABB aabb) proper ->
leaf "rect"
$ printGeometryAttributes proper
[ "x" /\ show (x aabb.position)
, "y" /\ show (y aabb.position)
, "width" /\ px (x aabb.size)
, "height" /\ px (y aabb.size)
Path steps proper ->
leaf "path" $
(printGeometryAttributes proper)
("d" /\ joinWith " " (mkStep <$> steps))
vec2 (Vec2 x y) = show x <> " " <> show y
mkStep = case _ of
MoveTo p -> "M " <> vec2 p
LineTo p -> "L " <> vec2 p
Arc arc -> joinWith " "
[ "A"
, show arc.radius
, show arc.radius
, "0"
, "0"
, "0"
, vec2
Close -> "Z"
Text generic proper string ->
(generic <> printGeometryAttributes proper)
Transform (ScalePreservingTransform transform) g ->
tag "g"
[ "transform" /\ fold
[ "rotate("
, show $ radiansToDegrees transform.rotation
, ")"
$ renderGeometry g
@ -3,16 +3,129 @@ module LayoutLens.Data.Vec2 where
import LayoutLens.Prelude
newtype Radians = Radians Number
data Vec2 = Vec2 Number Number
-- {{{ Base helpers
rotateBy :: Radians -> Vec2 -> Vec2
rotateBy (Radians angle) (Vec2 x y) = Vec2 (x * c - y * s) (x * s + y * c)
c = cos angle
s = sin angle
vinv :: Vec2 -> Vec2
vinv (Vec2 x y) = Vec2 (-x) (-y)
vscale :: Number -> Vec2 -> Vec2
vscale n (Vec2 x y) = Vec2 (n * x) (n * y)
vsub :: Vec2 -> Vec2 -> Vec2
vsub a b = a <> vinv b
radiansToDegrees :: Radians -> Number
radiansToDegrees (Radians r) = r * 180.0 / pi
x :: Vec2 -> Number
x (Vec2 x _) = x
y :: Vec2 -> Number
y (Vec2 _ y) = y
-- }}}
-- {{{ Shapes
newtype AABB = AABB { position :: Vec2, size :: Vec2 }
newtype Polygon = Polygon (Array Vec2)
aabbToPolygon :: AABB -> Polygon
aabbToPolygon (AABB aabb@{ size: Vec2 sx sy }) = Polygon
[ aabb.position
, aabb.position <> Vec2 0.0 sy
, aabb.position <> aabb.size
, aabb.position <> Vec2 sx 0.0
mapPoints :: (Vec2 -> Vec2) -> (Polygon -> Polygon)
mapPoints f (Polygon points) = Polygon $ f <$> points
aabbCenter :: AABB -> Vec2
aabbCenter (AABB aabb) = aabb.position <> vscale 0.5 aabb.size
-- }}}
-- {{{ Transforms
newtype RawScalePreservingTransform = RawScalePreservingTransform
{ position :: Vec2
, rotateBy :: Radians
, rotateAround :: Vec2
newtype ScalePreservingTransform = ScalePreservingTransform
{ position :: Vec2
, rotation :: Radians
:: RawScalePreservingTransform -> ScalePreservingTransform
normalizeScalePreservingTransform (RawScalePreservingTransform t) = ScalePreservingTransform
{ rotation: t.rotateBy
, position: t.rotateAround <> rotateBy t.rotateBy (vsub t.position t.rotateAround)
:: ScalePreservingTransform -> ScalePreservingTransform -> ScalePreservingTransform
composeScalePreservingTransforms (ScalePreservingTransform first) (ScalePreservingTransform second) =
{ rotation: first.rotation <> second.rotation
, position: second.position <> rotateBy second.rotation first.position
applyScalePreservingTransform :: ScalePreservingTransform -> Vec2 -> Vec2
applyScalePreservingTransform (ScalePreservingTransform transform) v =
rotateBy transform.rotation v <> transform.position
-- }}}
derive instance Eq Vec2
derive instance Eq Radians
derive instance Eq AABB
derive instance Eq Polygon
derive instance Eq RawScalePreservingTransform
derive instance Eq ScalePreservingTransform
derive instance Generic Vec2 _
derive instance Generic Radians _
derive instance Generic AABB _
derive instance Generic Polygon _
derive instance Generic RawScalePreservingTransform _
derive instance Generic ScalePreservingTransform _
instance Debug Vec2 where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug Radians where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug AABB where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug Polygon where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug RawScalePreservingTransform where
debug = genericDebug
instance Debug ScalePreservingTransform where
debug = genericDebug
instance Semigroup Vec2 where
append (Vec2 a b) (Vec2 c d) = Vec2 (a + c) (b + d)
instance Semigroup Radians where
append (Radians a) (Radians b) = Radians (a + b)
derive newtype instance Semigroup Polygon
instance Monoid Vec2 where
mempty = Vec2 0.0 0.0
instance Monoid Radians where
mempty = Radians 0.0
derive newtype instance Monoid Polygon
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ module Main where
import LayoutLens.Prelude
import LayoutLens.Data.Config (PhysicalLayout(..), buildConfig, buildPhysical)
import LayoutLens.Data.RawConfig (RawConfig(..))
import LayoutLens.Parser (parseConfig)
import Node.Encoding (Encoding(..))
import Node.FS.Aff (readTextFile)
@ -11,7 +13,5 @@ main = launchAff_ do
file <- readTextFile UTF8 "../keyboards/qmk/ferris-sweep/config.lens"
case parseConfig file of
Left err -> log err
Right result -> log
$ prettyPrintWith
defaultPrettyPrintOptions { maxDepth = Nothing }
$ debug result
Right result -> do
logPretty $ buildConfig result
@ -8,9 +8,25 @@ import Data.HashSet as HS
import Data.Int as Int
import Data.Number as Number
import Data.String.CodeUnits as String
import LayoutLens.Data.Config (LayerVisualPosition(..))
import LayoutLens.Data.RawConfig (RawAction(..), RawActionDisplay(..), RawActionEffect(..), RawChord(..), RawConfig(..), RawElement(..), RawKeySymbol(..), RawLayer(..), RawPhysical(..), RawPhysicalActionStep(..), RawPhysicalStep(..), RawSection(..), layerName, sectionElements)
import LayoutLens.Data.Vec2 (Radians(..), Vec2(..))
import LayoutLens.Data.CommonConfig
( Action(..)
, ActionDisplay(..)
, ActionEffect(..)
, Chord(..)
, ConfigElement(..)
, ConfigSection(..)
, Layer(..)
, LayerVisualPosition(..)
, layerName
, sectionElements
import LayoutLens.Data.RawConfig
( RawConfig(..)
, RawPhysical(..)
, RawPhysicalActionStep(..)
, RawPhysicalStep(..)
import LayoutLens.Data.Vec2 (Radians(..), RawScalePreservingTransform(..), Vec2(..))
import Safe.Coerce (coerce)
import StringParser (Parser, printParserError, runParser)
import StringParser as P
@ -67,7 +83,26 @@ name = ows *> P.try do
||| "Names cannot be keywords"
pure result
kws = [ "layergroup", "chordgroup" ]
kws =
[ "layergroup"
, "chordgroup"
, "columns"
, "section"
, "layer"
, "block"
, "end"
, "point"
, "place"
, "physical"
, "action"
displaySymbol :: Parser String
displaySymbol = do
result <- name
if result == "⚔️" then ""
else result
color :: Parser Color
color = do
@ -111,12 +146,12 @@ physical = do
place :: Parser RawPhysicalActionStep
place = flip P.withError "failed to parse 'place' command" do
string "place"
offset <- vec2
rotateBy /\ rotateAround <- P.option (Radians 0.0 /\ offset) do
position <- vec2
rotateBy /\ rotateAround <- P.option (Radians 0.0 /\ position) do
angle <- radians
around <- P.option offset vec2
around <- P.option position vec2
pure $ angle /\ around
pure $ Place { offset, rotateBy, rotateAround }
pure $ Place $ RawScalePreservingTransform { position, rotateBy, rotateAround }
point :: Parser RawPhysicalActionStep
point = do
@ -126,25 +161,21 @@ physical = do
let size = Vec2 1.0 1.0
let rotateBy = Radians 0.0
let rotateAround = position
point a b c d = Point
{ transform: RawScalePreservingTransform { position: a, rotateBy: b, rotateAround: c }
, size: d
case arguments of
[] -> pure $ Point { position, size, rotateBy, rotateAround }
[ angle ] -> pure $ Point { position, size, rotateAround, rotateBy: Radians angle }
[ sx, sy ] -> pure $ Point { position, rotateBy, rotateAround, size: Vec2 sx sy }
[ sx, sy, angle ] -> pure $ Point
{ position
, rotateAround
, size: Vec2 sx sy
, rotateBy: Radians angle
[ sx, sy, angle, rx, ry ] -> pure $ Point
{ position
, size: Vec2 sx sy
, rotateBy: Radians angle
, rotateAround: Vec2 rx ry
[] -> pure $ point position rotateBy rotateAround size
[ angle ] -> pure $ point position (Radians angle) rotateAround size
[ sx, sy ] -> pure $ point position rotateBy rotateAround (Vec2 sx sy)
[ sx, sy, angle ] -> pure $ point position (Radians angle) rotateAround (Vec2 sx sy)
[ sx, sy, angle, rx, ry ] -> pure $ point position (Radians angle) (Vec2 rx ry) (Vec2 sx sy)
_ -> "Too many arguments provided to point"
layer :: Parser (LayerVisualPosition /\ RawLayer)
layer :: Parser (LayerVisualPosition /\ Layer)
layer = do
string "layer"
layerName <- tok name
@ -159,59 +190,56 @@ layer = do
keys <- Array.fromFoldable
<$> P.many1Till
(rawKeySymbol <* ws)
(displaySymbol <* ws)
(string "end")
pure $ position /\ RawLayer { name: layerName, keys, textColor }
pure $ position /\ Layer { name: layerName, keys, textColor }
layergroup :: Parser RawElement
layergroup :: Parser ConfigElement
layergroup = do
string "layergroup" *> newline
layers <- manyLines layer
noDuplicates "Layer" $ (show <<< fst) <$> layers
pure $ RawLayerGroup $ coerce $ Array.foldMap
(\(name /\ value) -> HM.singleton name $ wrapInto @(First RawLayer) value)
pure $ LayerGroup $ coerce $ Array.foldMap
(\(name /\ value) -> HM.singleton name $ wrapInto @(First Layer) value)
chord :: Parser RawChord
chord :: Parser Chord
chord = do
from <- Array.fromFoldable <$> P.manyTill
(rawKeySymbol <* iws)
(name <* iws)
(P.string "=>")
to <- tok $ Array.fromFoldable <$> P.manyTill
(rawKeySymbol <* iws)
(displaySymbol <* iws)
(P.lookAhead color)
fill <- color
fontSizeModifier <- P.option 1.0 $ tok number
pure $ RawChord { from, to, fill, fontSizeModifier }
pure $ Chord { from, to, fill, fontSizeModifier }
chordgroup :: Parser RawElement
chordgroup :: Parser ConfigElement
chordgroup = do
string "chordgroup" *> newline
c <- RawChordGroup <$> manyLines chord
c <- ChordGroup <$> manyLines chord
pure c
type NamedRawAction = String /\ RawAction
type NamedAction = String /\ Action
rawKeySymbol :: Parser RawKeySymbol
rawKeySymbol = RawKeySymbol <$> name
action :: Parser NamedRawAction
action :: Parser NamedAction
action = do
string "action"
actionName <- tok name
display <- tok $ oneOf
[ DisplayLayerColor <$ string "🌈"
, DisplaySymbol <$> rawKeySymbol
, DisplaySymbol <$> displaySymbol
effect <- tok $ oneOf
[ string "switch" *> (LayerSwitch <$> tok name)
, string "sticky-switch" *> (StickyLayerSwitch <$> tok name)
pure $ actionName /\ RawAction { display, effect }
pure $ actionName /\ Action { display, effect }
section :: Parser (Array NamedRawAction /\ RawSection)
section :: Parser (Array NamedAction /\ ConfigSection)
section = do
string "section" *> newline
actions /\ columnCounts /\ elements <- map fold $ manyLines $ oneOf
@ -225,7 +253,7 @@ section = do
[ single ] -> pure single
_ -> $ "Column count defined multiple times " <> show columnCounts
pure $ actions /\ RawSection { columns, elements }
pure $ actions /\ ConfigSection { columns, elements }
parseColumns :: Parser Int
parseColumns = P.string "columns" *> tok nat
@ -244,8 +272,8 @@ config = do
<#> snd
>>= sectionElements
>>= case _ of
RawLayerGroup layers -> layerName <$> HM.values layers
RawChordGroup _ -> []
LayerGroup layers -> layerName <$> HM.values layers
ChordGroup _ -> []
# noDuplicates "Layer"
pure $ RawConfig
@ -21,8 +21,15 @@ module LayoutLens.Prelude
, module Safe.Coerce
, module Data.Newtype
, module Data.Semigroup.First
, module Data.Number
, module Data.Semigroup.Generic
, module Data.Monoid.Generic
, module Data.String
, module Data.List
, wrapInto
, unimplemented
, logPretty
, unlines
) where
import Prelude
@ -38,9 +45,15 @@ import Data.HashMap (HashMap)
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import Data.Hashable (class Hashable)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromJust, fromMaybe, fromMaybe', isJust, isNothing, maybe, maybe', optional)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, wrap)
import Data.Monoid.Generic (genericMempty)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, wrap, unwrap)
import Data.Number (cos, sin, tan, pi)
import Data.Semigroup.First (First(..))
import Data.Semigroup.Generic (genericAppend)
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.String (joinWith, split)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..), curry, fst, snd, swap, uncurry)
import Data.List (List(..))
import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), T10, T11, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, Tuple1, Tuple10, Tuple2, Tuple3, Tuple4, Tuple5, Tuple6, Tuple7, Tuple8, Tuple9, curry1, curry10, curry2, curry3, curry4, curry5, curry6, curry7, curry8, curry9, get1, get10, get2, get3, get4, get5, get6, get7, get8, get9, over1, over10, over2, over3, over4, over5, over6, over7, over8, over9, tuple1, tuple10, tuple2, tuple3, tuple4, tuple5, tuple6, tuple7, tuple8, tuple9, uncurry1, uncurry10, uncurry2, uncurry3, uncurry4, uncurry5, uncurry6, uncurry7, uncurry8, uncurry9, (/\))
import Effect (Effect, forE, foreachE, untilE, whileE)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, BracketConditions, Canceler(..), Error, Fiber, Milliseconds(..), ParAff, apathize, attempt, bracket, cancelWith, catchError, delay, effectCanceler, error, fiberCanceler, finally, forkAff, generalBracket, invincible, joinFiber, killFiber, launchAff, launchAff_, launchSuspendedAff, makeAff, message, never, nonCanceler, parallel, runAff, runAff_, runSuspendedAff, sequential, supervise, suspendAff, throwError, try)
@ -49,10 +62,18 @@ import Effect.Class.Console (clear, group, groupCollapsed, groupEnd, grouped, in
import Effect.Exception.Unsafe (unsafeThrow)
import Prim.TypeError (class Warn, Text)
import Safe.Coerce (class Coercible, coerce)
import Data.Semigroup.First (First(..))
unimplemented :: forall a. Warn (Text "unimplemenet") => a
unimplemented = unsafeThrow "unimplemented"
wrapInto :: forall a @t. Newtype t a => a -> t
wrapInto = wrap
logPretty :: forall m @a. Debug a => MonadEffect m => a -> m Unit
logPretty a = log
$ prettyPrintWith
defaultPrettyPrintOptions { maxDepth = Nothing }
$ debug a
unlines :: Array String -> String
unlines = joinWith "\n"
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