Fork 0

Make TOCs a bit prettier

This commit is contained in:
prescientmoon 2024-11-08 08:52:29 +01:00
parent 17f49c2107
commit c11326b857
Signed by: prescientmoon
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:WFp/cO76nbarETAoQcQXuV+0h7XJsEsOCI0UsyPIy6U
5 changed files with 88 additions and 33 deletions

View file

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Let $`m`, $`p`, $`f` and $`l` denote the amount of MAX PURE, PURE, FAR and LOST
$$`m + \left\lfloor (2(m + p) + f) \frac{10'000'000}{2(m + p + f + l)} \right\rfloor`
While full recalls and max-PMs are certainly celebrated by players and the larger community alike, PMs are usually the sweet spot between accurate play and fun which many Arcaea players strive for. This is usually the case because the game hardly rewards (if acknowledge at all) plays that are better than a PM (this will become obvious when we discuss the game's rating system).
While full recalls and max-PMs are certainly celebrated by players and the larger community alike, PMs are usually the sweet spot between accurate play and fun which many Arcaea players strive for. This is often the case because the game hardly rewards (if acknowledges at all) plays that are better than a PM.
{title="Lagrange's extras: ζ-scoring" character="lagrange" id="ex-scoring"}
::: long-aside

View file

@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
This article contains a highly subjective tier list of most of the games I've played. You can click on the different tiers or games to be taken to the section of the article exploring my thoughts on said game. Everything in this article is spoiler-free, unless otherwise stated in a certain game's section. Enjoy!
::: toc
{ role="tier-list" }
``` =yaml
id: games-tier-list

View file

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ h6 {
display: inline-block;
text-decoration: none;
/* Note: I need to check whether this only aligns things better with the font I use */
translate: translateY(-2px);
transform: translateY(-2px);
@ -206,6 +206,46 @@ math[display="block"] {
/* }}} */
/* }}} */
/* {{{ Tables of contents */
.toc {
border-radius: 3px;
border: 1px solid black;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 1rem;
margin: 1.5rem 0;
summary span {
margin-left: 0.5rem;
nav {
margin-left: 1rem;
li {
padding: 0.25rem;
ol {
margin-bottom: 0;
ol ol {
position: relative;
&::before {
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: 0.5rem;
bottom: 0.5rem;
left: -1.25rem;
border-left: 1px solid white;
width: 2px;
background: #003f5233;
/* }}} */
/* {{{ Light theme */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: light) {

View file

@ -313,51 +313,63 @@ impl<'s> Writer<'s> {
// }}}
// {{{ Table of contents
// This component renders out a nice tree of all the headings in the article.
Container::Div { class: "toc" } => {
template!("templates/table-of-contents.html", out)?.feed_fully(
|label, out| {
if label == "content" {
// Sometimes we can have TOCs that look like this:
// # foo
// ## bar
// ### goo
// # help
// In this case, we need to close two different sublists when
// going from ### goo to # help. To achieve this, we use this
// vec as a stack of all the different levels we are yet to
// close out.
// Note that the list for the initial level is included in the
// template, as it would never get opened/closed out otherwise
// (there can be no level smaller than 1).
let mut level_stack = Vec::with_capacity(6);
for (i, heading) in self.metadata.toc.iter().enumerate() {
loop {
let level = level_stack.last().unwrap();
match heading.level.cmp(level) {
Ordering::Greater => {
writeln!(out, "<ol>")?;
Ordering::Equal => {
if i != 0 {
writeln!(out, "</li>")?;
Ordering::Less => {
writeln!(out, "</li></ol>")?;
// We exclude the article title from the table of contents.
if heading.level == 1 {
write!(out, r##"<li><a href="#{}">"##, heading.id)?;
for event in &heading.events {
self.render_event(event, out)?;
writeln!(out, "</a>")?;
// We only close the <a> here, as we might want to include a
// sublist inside the same <li> element.
write!(out, "</a>")?;
for _ in 0..level_stack.len() - 1 {
writeln!(out, "</li></ol>")?;
let next_level =
self.metadata.toc.get(i + 1).map_or(2, |h| h.level);
writeln!(out, "</li>")?;
match heading.level.cmp(&next_level) {
Ordering::Equal => {
write!(out, "</li>")?;
Ordering::Less => {
write!(out, "<ol>")?;
Ordering::Greater => {
while level_stack.last().unwrap() > &next_level {
write!(out, "</ol></li>")?;
} else {

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<summary>Toggle table of contents</summary>
<details class="toc">
<summary><span>Toggle table of contents</span></summary>
<nav role="doc-toc" aria-labelledby="toc-title">
<h2 id="toc-title">Table of Contents</h2>
<h3 id="toc-title">Table of Contents</h3>