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This commit is contained in:
prescientmoon 2024-11-02 21:15:19 +01:00
parent b313808b9c
commit f7559c02e1
Signed by: prescientmoon
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:WFp/cO76nbarETAoQcQXuV+0h7XJsEsOCI0UsyPIy6U
5 changed files with 105 additions and 48 deletions

View file

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ created_at = "2024-11-02T05:13:44+01:00"
# Why I love arcaea
_Tuesday, October 10, 2024_
## What is arcaea
- explain the base mechanics

View file

@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ This article contains a highly subjective tier list of most of the games I've pl
{ role="tier-list" }
``` =yaml
id: games-tier-list
- name: Beyond
id: beyond
- alt: Arcaea
id: arcaea
image: arcaea.png
@ -19,6 +21,42 @@ This article contains a highly subjective tier list of most of the games I've pl
- alt: Noita
id: noita
image: noita.png
- name: Masterpiece
id: masterpiece
- alt: Tunic
id: tunic
image: tunic.ico
- alt: Ultrakill
id: ultrakill
image: ultrakill.png
- alt: The Talos Principle
id: talos
image: thetalosprinciple.jpg
- name: Amazing
id: amazing
- alt: Celeste
id: celeste
image: celeste.png
- alt: "Rain World: Downpour"
id: downpour
image: downpour.jpg
- alt: Hollow Knight
id: hollow-knight
image: hollow-knight.png
- alt: Slay the Spire
id: slay-the-spire
image: slaythespire.png
- alt: Hade
id: hades
image: hades.ico
- alt: Portal 2
id: portal2
image: portal2.png
- alt: Baba is you
id: baba
image: babaisyou.png
``` =html
@ -141,4 +179,4 @@ Ultrakill is a game all about doing cool shit. There's so many instances where y
After each level, the game rates you on three axes: kills, time, and style. Improving until you can chain together stylish combos in order to P-rank (i.e. perfect) a hard level is super fun. Ultrakill has some of my favourite boss fights in all of gaming, all to the tune of a soundtrack that goes incredibly hard.
The game has some technical issues (it often forgets the resolution you configure in the settings after alt-tabbing around, but this seems to be an issue a lot of Unity games have, so I'll add it to the ever-growing list of justicications for me hating engines). The community seems to be a bit predisposed to spoiling people on gameplay elements, so if you want to go in blind, I recommend staying away from any kind of content related to the game.
The game has some technical issues (it often forgets the resolution you configure in the settings after alt-tabbing around, but this seems to be an issue a lot of Unity games have, so I'll add it to the ever-growing list of justicications for me hating engines). The community seems to be a bit predisposed to spoiling people on gameplay elements, so if you want to go in blind, I recommend staying away from any kind of content related to the game.^

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
body {
font: 100%/1.6 sans-serif;
max-width: 70ch;
max-width: 43em;
margin: auto;
padding: 1em;
@ -25,10 +25,16 @@ h6 {
a {
display: inline-block;
text-decoration: none;
/* Note: I need to check whether this only aligns things better with the font I use */
transform: translateY(-2px);
.article-content {
max-width: 40em;
margin: auto;
/* {{{ Asides*/
.aside {
margin: 1.5rem 0;
@ -95,7 +101,7 @@ img.aside-icon {
/* }}}*/
/* {{{ Tier lists*/
.tier-list {
background: #444;
@ -194,3 +200,4 @@ img.aside-icon {
/* }}}*/
/* }}}*/

View file

@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ impl<'s> Writer<'s> {
if matches!(ty, LinkType::Email) {
write_attr(dst, &mut out)?;
write_attr_contents(dst, &mut out)?;
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ impl<'s> Writer<'s> {
.try_for_each(|part| write_attr(part, &mut out))?;
.try_for_each(|part| write_attr_contents(part, &mut out))?;
renderer.next(&mut out)?;
} else if label == "title" {
let title = attrs.get_value("title").ok_or_else(|| {
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ impl<'s> Writer<'s> {
.try_for_each(|part| write_attr(part, &mut out))?;
.try_for_each(|part| write_attr_contents(part, &mut out))?;
renderer.next(&mut out)?;
} else {
@ -253,28 +253,29 @@ impl<'s> Writer<'s> {
Container::LinkDefinition { .. } => return Ok(()),
let mut write_attribs = true;
let mut write_attr_contentsibs = true;
if matches!(
Container::Div {
class: "aside" | "long-aside" | "char-aside"
) {
write_attribs = false;
write_attr_contentsibs = false;
if write_attribs {
if write_attr_contentsibs {
// {{{ Write attributes
let mut id_written = false;
let mut class_written = false;
if write_attribs {
if write_attr_contentsibs {
for (a, v) in attrs.unique_pairs() {
let is_class = a == "class";
let is_id = a == "id";
if (!is_id || !id_written) && (!is_class || !class_written) {
write!(out, r#" {}=""#, a)?;
v.parts().try_for_each(|part| write_attr(part, &mut out))?;
.try_for_each(|part| write_attr_contents(part, &mut out))?;
id_written |= is_id;
@ -284,33 +285,32 @@ impl<'s> Writer<'s> {
// }}}
// {{{ Write default ids/classes
if let Container::Heading {
has_section: false,
match c {
Container::Heading { id, .. } if !id_written => {
write_attr("id", id, &mut out)?;
| Container::Section { id } = &c
if !id_written {
out.write_str(r#" id=""#)?;
write_attr(id, &mut out)?;
Container::Section { id, .. } => {
write_attr("aria-labeledby", id, &mut out)?;
Container::Div { class } if !class.is_empty() && !class_written => {
out.write_str(r#" class=""#)?;
write_class(c, false, &mut out)?;
// TODO: do I not want this to add onto the provided class?
} else if (matches!(c, Container::Div { class } if !class.is_empty())
|| matches!(
Container::Math { .. }
| Container::List {
kind: ListKind::Task(..),
} | Container::TaskListItem { .. }
)) && !class_written
| Container::TaskListItem { .. }
if !class_written =>
out.write_str(r#" class=""#)?;
write_class(c, false, &mut out)?;
_ => {}
// }}}
match c {
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ impl<'s> Writer<'s> {
} else {
out.write_str(r#"><code class="language-"#)?;
write_attr(language, &mut out)?;
write_attr_contents(language, &mut out)?;
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ impl<'s> Writer<'s> {
match &c {
Container::Heading { id, .. } => {
out.write_str(r##"<a href="#"##)?;
write_attr(id, &mut out)?;
write_attr_contents(id, &mut out)?;
out.write_str(r#"">◇</a> "#)?;
Container::Image(..) => {
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ impl<'s> Writer<'s> {
Container::Image(src, ..) => {
if !src.is_empty() {
out.write_str(r#"" src=""#)?;
write_attr(src, &mut out)?;
write_attr_contents(src, &mut out)?;
@ -483,13 +483,18 @@ impl<'s> Writer<'s> {
if wc < 400 {
write!(&mut out, "{}", wc)?;
} else if wc < 1000 {
write!(&mut out, "{}", wc / 10 * 10)?;
} else if wc < 2000 {
write!(&mut out, "{}", wc / 100 * 100)?;
} else {
write!(&mut out, "{} thousand", wc / 1000)?;
} else if label == "reading_duration" {
let minutes = meta.word_count / 200;
if minutes < 10 {
if minutes == 0 {
let seconds = meta.word_count * 60 / 200;
write!(&mut out, "very short {seconds} second")?;
} else if minutes < 10 {
write!(&mut out, "short {minutes} minute")?;
} else if minutes < 20 {
write!(&mut out, "somewhat short {minutes} minute")?;
@ -533,7 +538,7 @@ impl<'s> Writer<'s> {
// }}}
// {{{ Raw string
Event::Str(s) => match self.states.last() {
Some(State::TextOnly) => write_attr(s, &mut out)?,
Some(State::TextOnly) => write_attr_contents(s, &mut out)?,
Some(State::Raw) => out.write_str(s)?,
Some(State::Math(display)) => {
let config = pulldown_latex::RenderConfig {
@ -590,7 +595,8 @@ impl<'s> Writer<'s> {
for (a, v) in attrs.unique_pairs() {
write!(out, r#" {}=""#, a)?;
v.parts().try_for_each(|part| write_attr(part, &mut out))?;
.try_for_each(|part| write_attr_contents(part, &mut out))?;
@ -683,10 +689,18 @@ fn write_text(s: &str, out: impl std::fmt::Write) -> std::fmt::Result {
fn write_attr(s: &str, out: impl std::fmt::Write) -> std::fmt::Result {
fn write_attr_contents(s: &str, out: impl std::fmt::Write) -> std::fmt::Result {
write_escape(s, true, out)
fn write_attr(attr: &str, content: &str, mut out: impl std::fmt::Write) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(&mut out, r#" {attr}=""#)?;
write_attr_contents(content, &mut out)?;
fn write_escape(
mut s: &str,
escape_quotes: bool,
@ -721,8 +735,8 @@ fn write_datetime<T: TimeZone>(
let datetime = datetime.to_utc();
&mut out,
"<time datetime={}>{}</time>",
r#"<time datetime="{}">{}</time>"#,
datetime.format("%a, %d %b %Y")

View file

@ -17,5 +17,5 @@
<hr />
<section class="article-content">{{content}}</section>