default: @just --list minify-sitemap: xmllint --noblanks dist/sitemap.xml --output dist/sitemap.xml serve-dev: http-server dist # {{{ Building build: cargo run build-dev: MOONYTHM_DRAFTS=1 cargo run update-modification-dates: MOONYTHM_UPDATE_LAST_MODIFIED=1 cargo run git add last_modified.toml git commit -m "Update \`last_modified.toml\`" # }}} # {{{ Linting lint: lint-vnu lint-css lint-htmltest lint-htmlvalidate lint-htmltest: htmltest -c tooling/htmltest.yml dist lint-htmlvalidate: #!/usr/bin/env bash shopt -s globstar shopt -s extglob npx --prefix tooling \ html-validate -c tooling/htmlvalidate.json dist/**/*.html lint-vnu: #!/usr/bin/env bash shopt -s globstar shopt -s extglob output=$( vnu --also-check-svg --no-langdetect \ --stdout --exit-zero-always \ dist/**/*.{html,svg} 2>&1 \ | grep -v "Trailing slash on void elements" ) if [ -n "$output" ]; then echo "$output" exit 1 else echo "VNU checks passed succesfully" exit 0 fi lint-css: npx --prefix tooling stylelint dist/**/*.css \ --config ./tooling/stylelintrc.json \ --rd --rdd # All disables must come with an explanation and must be necessary # }}}