179 lines
4.9 KiB
179 lines
4.9 KiB
![]() |
local A = require("my.abbreviations")
local scrap = require("scrap")
vim.opt.conceallevel = 0
vim.opt.wrap = true
-- vim.opt.foldcolumn = "1"
vim.opt.foldexpr = "nvim_treesitter#foldexpr()"
vim.opt.foldmethod = "expr"
-- vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>lg", function()
-- if not pcall(function()
-- local a = tonumber(vim.fn.input("A: "))
-- local b = tonumber(vim.fn.input("B: "))
-- local g, x, y = require("my.helpers.math.mod").gcd(a, b)
-- vim.fn.input("Result: " .. g .. " " .. x .. " " .. y)
-- end) then vim.fn.input("No results exist") end
-- end, { buffer = true, desc = "Gcd calculator" })
-- vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>li", function()
-- if not pcall(function()
-- local class = tonumber(vim.fn.input("Mod class: "))
-- local num = tonumber(vim.fn.input("Number: "))
-- vim.fn.input("Result: " .. require("my.helpers.math.mod").modinverse(num, class))
-- end) then vim.fn.input("No results exist") end
-- end, { buffer = true, desc = "Mod inverse calculator" })
local abbreviations = {
-- Greek chars
{ "eps", "\\epsilon" },
{ "delta", "\\delta" },
{ "Delta", "\\Delta" },
{ "pi", "\\pi" },
{ "psi", "\\psi" },
{ "alpha", "\\alpha" },
{ "beta", "\\beta" },
{ "theta", "\\theta" },
{ "gamma", "\\gamma" },
{ "lam", "\\lambda" },
{ "nuls", "\\varnothing" }, -- Other fancy symvols
{ "tmat", "^T" }, -- Tranpose of a matrix
{ "cmat", "^*" }, -- Conjugate of a matrix
{ "ortco", "^{\\bot}" }, -- Orthogonal complement
{ "sinter", "^{\\circ}" }, -- Interior of a set
-- Basic commands
{ "mangle", "\\measuredangle" },
{ "aangle", "\\angle" },
{ "sdiff", "\\setminus" },
{ "sst", "\\subset" },
{ "sseq", "\\subseteq" },
{ "nin", "\\not\\in" },
{ "iin", "\\in" },
{ "tto", "\\to" },
{ "iip", "\\implies" },
{ "iff", "\\iff" },
{ "land", "\\land" },
{ "lor", "\\lor" },
{ "ssin", "\\sin" },
{ "ccos", "\\cos" },
{ "ttan", "\\ttan" },
{ "ssec", "\\sec" },
{ "lln", "\\ln" },
{ "frl", "\\forall" },
{ "exs", "\\exists" },
{ "iinf", "\\infty" },
{ "ninf", "-\\infty" },
{ "nlnl", "\\pm" }, -- had this as npnp first but it was hard-ish to type
{ "ccup", "\\cup" },
{ "ccap", "\\cap" },
{ "nope", "\\bot" },
{ "yee", "\\top" },
{ "ccan", "\\cancel" },
{ "comp", "\\circ" },
{ "mul", "\\cdot" },
{ "smul", "\\times" },
{ "card", "\\#" },
{ "div", "\\|" },
{ "ndiv", "\\not\\|\\:" },
-- words
{ "rref", "reduced row echalon form" }
---@type ExpansionOptions
local no_capitalization = { capitalized = false }
-- Todo: convert exponents and subscripts
-- to use this more concise notation.
---@type ExpansionInput[]
local abolishAbbreviations = {
-- General phrases
{ "thrf", "therefore" },
{ "bcla", "by contradiction let's assume" },
{ "wlg", "without loss of generality" },
{ "stam{,s}", "statement{}" },
-- Calculus
{ "ib{p,s}", "integration by {parts,substitution}" },
-- Linear algebra
{ "eg{va,ve,p}{,s}", "eigen{value,vector,pair}{}" },
{ "mx{,s}", "matri{x,ces}" },
{ "dete{,s}", "determinant{}" },
{ "ort{n,g}", "orto{normal,gonal}" },
{ "l{in,de}", "linearly {independent,dependent}" },
-- My own operator syntax:
-- - Any operator can be prefixed with "a" to
-- align in aligned mode
-- - Any operator can be prefixed with cr to
-- start a new line and align in aligned mode
options = no_capitalization
-- Exponents and subscripts:
-- {operation}{argument}
-- - operation = e (exponent) | s (subscript)
-- - argument = t{special} | {basic}
-- - basic = 0-9|n|i|t|k
-- - special =
-- - "p" => +
-- - "m" => -
-- - "i" => -1
options = no_capitalization
-- Set symbols
-- - nats => naturals
-- - ints => integers
-- - rats => rationals
-- - irats => irationals
-- - rrea => reals
-- - comp => complex
-- - ppri => primes
-- - ffie => fields
options = no_capitalization
-- Function calls:
-- {function-name}{modifier?}{argument}{argument-modifier?}
-- - function-name = f/g/h/P
-- - modifier:
-- - d => derivative
-- - 2 => squared
-- - 3 => cubed
-- - i => inverse
-- - argument = x/y/z/a/t/i/n/k
-- - argument-modifier:
-- - n => subscript n
{ "{f,g,h,P}{d,2,3,i,}{x,y,z,a,t,i,n,k}{n,}", "{}{',^2,^3,^\\{-1\\},}({}{_n,})" },
local expanded = scrap.expand_many(abolishAbbreviations)
-- print("Expanded")
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>lc", "<cmd>VimtexCompile<cr>",
{ desc = "Compile current buffer using vimtex", buffer = true })