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{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
# {{{ Lua encoders
# We provide a custom set of helpers for generating lua code for nix.enable
# An encoder is a function from some nix value to a string containing lua code.
# This object provides combinators for writing such encoders.
luaEncoders = {
# {{{ "Raw" helpers
mkRawLuaObject = chunks:
${lib.concatStringsSep "," (lib.filter (s: s != "") chunks)}
# }}}
# {{{ General helpers
identity = given: given;
# `const` is mostly useful together with `bind`. See the lua encoder for
# lazy modules for example usage.
const = code: _: code;
# Conceptually, this is the monadic bind operation for encoders.
# This implementation is isomoprhic to that of the reader monad in haskell.
bind = encoder: given: encoder given given;
# This is probably the most useful combinnator defined in this entire object.
# Most of the combinators in the other categories are based on this.
conditional = predicate: caseTrue: caseFalse:
luaEncoders.bind (given: if predicate given then caseTrue else caseFalse);
# This is simply left-composition of functions
map = f: encoder: given: encoder (f given);
# This is simply right-composition of functions
postmap = f: encoder: given: f (encoder given);
filter = f: encoder: luaEncoders.conditional f encoder luaEncoders.nil;
# This is mostly useful for debugging
trace = message: luaEncoders.map (f: lib.traceSeq message (lib.traceVal f));
fail = mkMessage: v: builtins.throw (mkMessage v);
# }}}
# {{{ Base types
string = given: ''"${lib.escape ["\"" "\\"] (toString given)}"'';
bool = bool: if bool then "true" else "false";
number = toString;
nil = _: "nil";
stringOr = luaEncoders.conditional lib.isString luaEncoders.string;
boolOr = luaEncoders.conditional lib.isBool luaEncoders.bool;
numberOr = luaEncoders.conditional (e: lib.isFloat e || lib.isInt e) luaEncoders.number;
nullOr = luaEncoders.conditional (e: e == null) luaEncoders.nil;
# We pipe a combinator which always fail through a bunch of
# `(thing)or : encoder -> encoder` functions, building up a combinator which
# can handle more and more kinds of values, until we eventually build up
# something that should be able to handle everything we throw at it.
anything = lib.pipe (luaEncoders.fail (v: "Cannot figure out how to encode value ${builtins.toJSON v}")) [
(luaEncoders.attrsetOfOr luaEncoders.anything)
(luaEncoders.listOfOr luaEncoders.anything)
luaEncoders.luaCodeOr # Lua code expressions have priority over attrsets
# }}}
# {{{ Lua code
# Tagged lua code can be combined with other combinators without worrying
# about conflicts regarding how strings are interpreted.
luaCodeOr =
luaEncoders.conditional (e: lib.isAttrs e && (e.__luaEncoderTag or null) == "lua")
(obj: obj.value);
# This is the most rudimentary (and currently only) way of handling paths.
luaImportOr = tag:
luaEncoders.conditional lib.isPath
(path: "dofile(${luaEncoders.string path}).${tag}");
# Accepts both tagged and untagged strings of lua code.
luaString = luaEncoders.luaCodeOr luaEncoders.identity;
# This simply combines the above combinators into one.
luaCode = tag: luaEncoders.luaImportOr tag luaEncoders.luaString;
# }}}
# {{{ Operators
conjunction = left: right: given:
l = left given;
r = right given;
if l == "nil" then r
else if r == "nil" then l
else "${l} and ${r}";
# }}}
# {{{ Lists
listOf = encoder: list:
luaEncoders.mkRawLuaObject (lib.lists.map encoder list);
listOfOr = encoder:
(luaEncoders.listOf encoder);
# Returns nil when given empty lists
tryNonemptyList = encoder:
(l: l != [ ])
(luaEncoders.listOf encoder);
oneOrMany = encoder: luaEncoders.listOfOr encoder encoder;
# Can encode:
# - zero values as nil
# - one value as itself
# - multiple values as a list
zeroOrMany = encoder: luaEncoders.nullOr (luaEncoders.oneOrMany encoder);
# Coerces non list values to lists of one element.
oneOrManyAsList = encoder: luaEncoders.map
(given: if lib.isList given then given else [ given ])
(luaEncoders.listOf encoder);
# Coerces lists of one element to said element.
listAsOneOrMany = encoder:
(l: if lib.length l == 1 then lib.head l else l)
(luaEncoders.oneOrMany encoder);
# }}}
# {{{ Attrsets
attrName = s:
let forbiddenChars = lib.stringToCharacters "<>'\".,;"; # This list *is* incomplete
if lib.any (c: lib.hasInfix c s) forbiddenChars then
"[${luaEncoders.string s}]"
else s;
attrsetOf = encoder: object:
luaEncoders.mkRawLuaObject (lib.mapAttrsToList
(name: value:
let result = encoder value;
lib.optionalString (result != "nil")
"${luaEncoders.attrName name} = ${result}"
attrsetOfOr = of: luaEncoders.conditional lib.isAttrs (luaEncoders.attrsetOf of);
# This is the most general combinator provided in this section.
# We accept:
# - a `noNils` flag which will automatically remove any nil properties
# - order of props that should be interpreted as list elements
# - spec of props that should be interpreted as list elements
# - record of props that should be interpreted as attribute props
attrset = noNils: listOrder: spec: attrset:
shouldKeep = given:
if noNils then
given != "nil"
listChunks = lib.lists.map
let result = spec.${attr} (attrset.${attr} or null);
lib.optionalString (shouldKeep result) result
objectChunks = lib.mapAttrsToList
(attr: encoder:
let result = encoder (attrset.${attr} or null);
lib.optionalString (!(lib.elem attr listOrder) && shouldKeep result)
"${luaEncoders.attrName attr} = ${result}"
luaEncoders.mkRawLuaObject (listChunks ++ objectChunks);
# }}}
# }}}
options.satellite.lib.lua = {
encoders = lib.mkOption {
# I am too lazy to make this typecheck
type = lib.types.anything;
description = "Combinators used to encode nix values as lua values";
writeFile = lib.mkOption {
type = with lib.types; functionTo (functionTo (functionTo path));
description = "Format and write a lua file to disk";
options.satellite.lua.styluaConfig = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.path;
description = "Config to use for formatting lua modules";
config.satellite.lib.lua = {
encoders = luaEncoders;
writeFile = path: name: text:
destination = "${path}/${name}.lua";
unformatted = pkgs.writeText "raw-lua-${name}" ''
-- This file was generated using nix ^~^
pkgs.runCommand "formatted-lua-${name}" { } ''
mkdir -p $out/${path}
cp --no-preserve=mode ${unformatted} $out/${destination}
${lib.getExe pkgs.stylua} --config-path ${config.satellite.lua.styluaConfig} $out/${destination}