Fork 0

More snippets for purescript and stuff

This commit is contained in:
Matei Adriel 2022-08-08 17:25:54 +03:00
parent 4b3c896343
commit 2497c51550
5 changed files with 108 additions and 63 deletions

View file

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ function M.setup()
-- Create chords
if arpeggio ~= nil then
arpeggio.chord("n", "vs", "<C-w>v") -- Create vertical split
arpeggio.chord("n", "vs", "<C-w>v") -- Create vertical split
arpeggio.chord("n", "ji", ":w<cr>") -- Saving
arpeggio.chord("i", "jk", "<Esc>") -- Remap Esc to jk

View file

@ -4,85 +4,86 @@ local arpeggio = require("my.plugins.arpeggio")
local M = {}
local bindings = {
builtin = {
-- Open files with control + P
find_files = "<c-P>",
builtin = {
-- Open files with control + P
find_files = "<c-P>",
-- Search through files with control + F
live_grep = "<c-F>",
-- Search through files with control + F
live_grep = "<c-F>",
-- See diagnostics with space + d
diagnostics = "<Leader>d",
-- See diagnostics with space + d
diagnostics = "<Leader>d",
lsp_document_symbols = { chord = 1, key = "lds" },
-- Open a list with all the pickers
builtin = "<Leader>t",
-- Open a list with all the pickers
builtin = "<Leader>t",
-- List function, var names etc
treesitter = "<Leader>s",
-- List function, var names etc
treesitter = "<Leader>s",
-- Git stuff
git_commits = "<Leader>gj",
git_branches = "<Leader>gk"
["extensions.file_browser.file_browser"] = {chord = 1, key = "jp"},
extensions = {
unicode = {
picker = {mode = "i", kind = "dropdown", key = "ui", chord = 1}
-- Git stuff
git_commits = "<Leader>gj",
git_branches = "<Leader>gk"
["extensions.file_browser.file_browser"] = { chord = 1, key = "jp" },
extensions = {
unicode = {
picker = { mode = "i", kind = "dropdown", key = "ui", chord = 1 }
local function setupKeybinds(obj, path)
if path == nil then path = "" end
for name, keybinds in pairs(obj) do
if (type(keybinds) == "table") and keybinds.key == nil then
-- This means we found a table of keybinds, so we go deeper
setupKeybinds(keybinds, path .. "." .. name)
local config = keybinds
local pickerArgument = ""
local key = config
local mode = "n"
local bind = mapSilent
if path == nil then path = "" end
for name, keybinds in pairs(obj) do
if (type(keybinds) == "table") and keybinds.key == nil then
-- This means we found a table of keybinds, so we go deeper
setupKeybinds(keybinds, path .. "." .. name)
local config = keybinds
local pickerArgument = ""
local key = config
local mode = "n"
local bind = mapSilent
if type(config) == "table" then
key = config.key
if config.mode ~= nil then mode = config.mode end
if config.kind ~= nil then
pickerArgument = "require('telescope.themes').get_" ..
config.kind .. "({})"
if config.chord then
-- Useful for insert mode bindings
bind = arpeggio.chordSilent
-- Maps the keybind to the action
bind(mode, key,
"<cmd>lua require('telescope" .. path .. "')." .. name .. "(" ..
pickerArgument .. ")<CR>")
if type(config) == "table" then
key = config.key
if config.mode ~= nil then mode = config.mode end
if config.kind ~= nil then
pickerArgument = "require('telescope.themes').get_" ..
config.kind .. "({})"
if config.chord then
-- Useful for insert mode bindings
bind = arpeggio.chordSilent
-- Maps the keybind to the action
bind(mode, key,
"<cmd>lua require('telescope" .. path .. "')." .. name .. "(" ..
pickerArgument .. ")<CR>")
function M.setup()
local settings = {
defaults = {mappings = {i = {["<C-h>"] = "which_key"}}},
pickers = {find_files = {hidden = true}},
extensions = {
file_browser = {
mappings = {
-- Comment so this does not get collapsed
local settings = {
defaults = { mappings = { i = { ["<C-h>"] = "which_key" } } },
pickers = { find_files = { hidden = true } },
extensions = {
file_browser = {
mappings = {
-- Comment so this does not get collapsed
require("telescope").load_extension "file_browser"
require("telescope").load_extension "file_browser"
return M

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"Derive newtype instance": {
"prefix": "nderive",
"prefix": "gnderive",
"description": "Use newtype deriving on any typeclass",
"body": "derive newtype instance $0 $3 $2"
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"Generic": {
"prefix": "generic",
"prefix": "dgeneric",
"description": "Generate the generic instance for a type",
"body": "derive instance Generic $1 _"
@ -52,8 +52,26 @@
"Functor": {
"prefix": "functor",
"prefix": "dfunctor",
"description": "Derive a Functor instance",
"body": "derive instance Functor $1$0"
"Eq": {
"prefix": "deq",
"description": "Derive an Eq instance",
"body": "derive instance Eq $1$0"
"Ord": {
"prefix": "dord",
"description": "Derive an Ord instance",
"body": "derive instance Ord $1$0"
"Eq & Ord": {
"prefix": "deqord",
"description": "Derive an Eq and an Ord instance",
"body": [
"derive instance Eq $1",
"derive instance Ord $1$0"

View file

@ -33,5 +33,20 @@
"prefix": "impavar",
"description": "import AVar module",
"body": "import Effect.Aff.AVar as AV"
"Object": {
"prefix": "impobject",
"description": "import Foreign.Object module",
"body": "import Foreign.Object as Object"
"STObject": {
"prefix": "impstobject",
"description": "import STObject module",
"body": "import Foreign.Object.ST as STObject"
"Ref": {
"prefix": "impref",
"description": "import Effect.Ref module",
"body": "import Effect.Ref as Ref"

View file

@ -60,5 +60,15 @@
"-- | $0",
"-- | ```"
"Section": {
"prefix": "section",
"description": "Delimit a section using 10 dashes",
"body" : "---------- $0"
"Typeclass instances": {
"prefix": "sinstances",
"description": "Delimit a section which declares typeclass instances",
"body" : ["---------- Typeclass instances", "$0"]