Fork 0

Port more abbreviations to miros

This commit is contained in:
prescientmoon 2024-10-13 08:00:44 +02:00
parent 35bc79265c
commit 3c99db8650
Signed by: prescientmoon
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:WFp/cO76nbarETAoQcQXuV+0h7XJsEsOCI0UsyPIy6U
8 changed files with 107 additions and 197 deletions

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@ -491,18 +491,18 @@
"locked": {
"dir": "pkgs/firefox-addons",
"lastModified": 1723521794,
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"lastModified": 1728792245,
"narHash": "sha256-u3DIFQ26jtO9kgxSXMVYYdjSF8VArR0jA0N7ns1wWoo=",
"ref": "refs/heads/master",
"rev": "abafaabfa893ac432bae898a8652bc4a83c49d27",
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"rev": "8064396aa8c2491dcecbedf9c71140936f032056",
"revCount": 3842,
"type": "git",
"url": "https://gitlab.com/rycee/nur-expressions?dir=pkgs/firefox-addons"
"url": "https://gitlab.com/rycee/nur-expressions"
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"dir": "pkgs/firefox-addons",
"type": "git",
"url": "https://gitlab.com/rycee/nur-expressions?dir=pkgs/firefox-addons"
"url": "https://gitlab.com/rycee/nur-expressions"
"flake-compat": {
@ -1274,11 +1274,11 @@
"purifix": "purifix"
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1728771451,
"narHash": "sha256-WazYd0cPY7FqDanOfyMf9qiciSj2wEL8NJ1sV8LV4Rs=",
"lastModified": 1728796450,
"narHash": "sha256-16AGyN4HddZXQFaxYZjPVYxSd4b2pKJ7wUwiNgHHXQs=",
"owner": "prescientmoon",
"repo": "miros",
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View file

@ -1,95 +1 @@
local A = require("my.abbreviations")
local scrap = require("scrap")
vim.opt.conceallevel = 0
local abbreviations = {
-- Other fancy symvols
{ "tmat", "^T" }, -- Transpose of a matrix
{ "cmat", "^*" }, -- Conjugate of a matrix
{ "sneg", "^C" }, -- Set complement
{ "ortco", "^\\bot" }, -- Orthogonal complement
{ "sinter", "^\\circ" }, -- Interior of a set
{ "nuls", "\\varnothing" },
-- Basic commands
{ "mangle", "\\measuredangle" },
{ "aangle", "\\angle" },
{ "sdiff", "\\setminus" },
{ "sst", "\\subset" },
{ "spt", "\\supset" },
{ "sseq", "\\subseteq" },
{ "speq", "\\supseteq" },
{ "ccan", "\\cancel" },
{ "com", "\\circ" },
{ "mul", "\\cdot" },
{ "smul", "\\times" },
{ "card", "\\#" },
{ "div", "\\|" },
{ "ndiv", "\\not\\|\\:" },
{ "perp", "\\perp" },
{ "cdots", "\\cdots" }, -- center dots
{ "ldots", "\\ldots" }, -- low dots
{ "cldots", ",\\ldots," }, -- comma, low dots
{ "frac", "\\frac" }, -- fraction
{ "lim", "\\lim" }, -- Limit
{ "sup", "\\sup" }, -- supremum
{ "limsup", "\\lim\\sup" }, -- Limit of the supremum
{ "cal", "\\mathcal" }, -- Limit of the supremum
local abolishAbbreviations = {
-- {{{ Set symbols
-- - nats => naturals
-- - ints => integers
-- - rats => rationals
-- - irats => irationals
-- - rrea => reals
-- - comp => complex
-- - ppri => primes
-- - ffie => fields
options = A.no_capitalization,
-- }}}
-- {{{ Graph theory
-- Graph theory function syntax:
-- gt[function]{graph}{modifier}
-- - function:
-- - basic functions: e/E/v/G/L
-- - k => connectivity
-- - a => size of the biggest stable set
-- - w => size of the biggest clique
-- - d => biggest degree
-- - c{target}{kind} => {target} {kind} chromatic number
-- - target:
-- - vertices by default
-- - e => edges
-- - kind:
-- - normal by default
-- - l => list
-- - graph:
-- - G by default
-- - s/x/y/h => S/X/Y/H
-- - modifier:
-- - a => '
-- - 1/2 => _k
options = A.no_capitalization,
-- }}}
local expanded = scrap.expand_many(abolishAbbreviations)
-- Last I checked this contained 1229 abbreviations
-- print(#abbreviations + #expanded)

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@ -1,2 +1 @@

View file

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
local A = require("my.abbreviations")
local scrap = require("scrap")
local M = {}
local function nocap(d)
d.options = A.no_capitalization
return d
M.words = {
-- {{{ Linear algebra
{ "rref", "reduced row echalon form" },
{ "eg{va,ve,p}{,s}", "eigen{value,vector,pair}{}" },
{ "mx{,s}", "matri{x,ces}" },
{ "dete{,s}", "determinant{}" },
{ "ort{n,g}", "orto{normal,gonal}" },
{ "l{in,de}", "linearly {independent,dependent}" },
{ "lcon{,s}", "linear combination{}" },
{ "vst{,s}", "vector space{}" }, -- text vector space
nocap({ "rizz", "Riesz vector" }), -- 💀
-- }}}
-- {{{ Differential equations
-- Note: we must add the space inside the {} in order for capitalization to work!
"{{scalar,ordinary,linear} ,}differential equation{}",
-- }}}
-- {{{ Graph theory
{ "vx{,s}", "vert{ex,ices}" },
{ "edg{,s}", "edge{}" },
-- }}}
function M.setup()
return M

View file

@ -1,23 +1,36 @@
block !word
for s <- @⟨,s⟩
block auto !word
block capitalize
abbr bcla by contradiction let's assume
abbr wlg without loss of generality
abbr tits that is to say,
abbr wpbd we will prove the statement in both directions.
abbr itf it then follows
for b <- @⟨b,B⟩
for w <- @⟨w,W⟩
for t <- @⟨w,W⟩
for who <- @⟨which,this⟩
for what <- @⟨means,implies⟩
abbr @⟨@who:ww,tt⟩@⟨@what:m,i⟩ @who @what
abbr stam statement
abbr cox counterexample
abbr lcon linear combination
abbr vst vector space
abbr @b⋄cla @b⋄y contradiction let's assume
abbr @w⋄lg @w⋄ithout loss of generality
abbr @t⋄its @t⋄hat is to say,
abbr @w⋄pbd @w⋄e will prove the statement in both directions.
abbr stam@s statement@s
abbr cex@s counterexample@s
for who <- @⟨which, this⟩
for what <- @⟨means, implies⟩
abbr @who@what @⟨@who:which,this⟩@⟨@what:means,implies⟩
abbr vx vertex
abbr mx matrix
abbr vertexs vertices
abbr matrixs matrices
for kind <- @⟨parts,substitution⟩
abbr ib@⟨@kind:p,s⟩ integration by @kind
for kind <- @⟨independent,dependent⟩
abbr l@⟨@kind:ind,de⟩ linearly @kind
for kind <- @⟨value,vector,pair⟩
abbr eg@⟨@kind:va,ve,p⟩ eigen@kind
for kind <- @⟨orthogonal,orthonormal⟩
abbr @⟨@kind:ortg,ortn⟩ @kind
for kind <- @⟨scalar,ordinary,linear,⟩
abbr @⟨@kind:s,o,l,⟩deq @kind differential equation

View file

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
block text
import common/math-phrases
for thmenv <- @⟨theorem,lemma,exercise,definition,corollary,example⟩
for thmprefix <- @⟨@thmenv:thm,lem,exe,def,cor,exa⟩
@ -164,51 +167,75 @@ block math
block auto
for constkind <- @⟨default,shortened⟩
for constant <- @⟨@constkind:
for expansion <- @⟨@constkind:
block word
for constkind <- @⟨default,shortened⟩
for constant <- @⟨@constkind:
for expansion <- @⟨@constkind:
for operator <- @⟨,e,s⟩
string @operator@constant
snip @⟨@operator:,^,_⟩\\@expansion
for operator <- @⟨,e,s⟩
string @operator@constant
snip @⟨@operator:,^,_⟩\\@expansion
abbr niinf -\ifty
abbr eniinf ^{-\ifty}
abbr sniinf _{-\ifty}
abbr niinf -\ifty
abbr eniinf ^{-\ifty}
abbr sniinf _{-\ifty}
abbr frl \forall
abbr exs \exists
abbr iin \in
abbr nin \not\in
abbr ccup \cup
abbr ccap \cap
abbr nope \bot
abbr yee \top
abbr frl \forall
abbr exs \exists
abbr nlnl \pm
abbr vsm \vecspace
abbr oball \ball
abbr card \#
abbr ccap \cap
abbr ccup \cup
abbr iin \in
abbr nin \not\in
abbr nuls \varnothing
abbr ortco ^\bot
abbr sdiff \setminus
abbr sinter ^\circ
abbr smul \times
abbr speq \supseteq
abbr spt \supset
abbr sseq \subseteq
abbr sst \subset
for noperator <- @⟨ordop,land,lor,equiv,pmod⟩
abbr @noperator \\@noperator
abbr nope \bot
abbr yee \top
for operator <- @⟨overline,hat,bar,abs,norm,prob,diprod,sin,cos,sqrt,ln,lrb,zmod,gen,diam,prob⟩
string @operator
snip \\@operator$|1⟨{$1}, $0⟩
abbr ccan \cancel
abbr com \circ
abbr limsup \lim\sup
abbr mangle \measuredangle
abbr mul \cdot
abbr nlnl \pm
abbr oball \ball
abbr vsm \vecspace
for bioperator <- @⟨iprod,frac,binom,dist⟩
string @bioperator
snip \\@bioperator$|1⟨ $1,{$1}⟩$|2⟨ $2,{$2}⟩ $0
abbr bb \mathbb
abbr cal \mathcal
string set
desc Create a set by escaping the brackets
snip \{$1\}
for set <- @⟨N,Z,Q,I,R,C,P,F⟩
abbr @⟨@set:nats,ints,rats,irats,rrea,comp,ppri,ffie⟩ \mathbb @set
for noperator <- @⟨ordop,land,lor,equiv,pmod,ldots,cdots,perp,lim,angle,sup⟩
abbr @noperator \\@noperator
for operator <- @⟨overline,hat,bar,abs,norm,prob,diprod,sin,cos,sqrt,ln,lrb,zmod,gen,diam,prob⟩
string @operator
snip \\@operator$|1⟨{$1}, $0⟩
for bioperator <- @⟨iprod,frac,binom,dist⟩
string @bioperator
snip \\@bioperator$|1⟨ $1,{$1}⟩$|2⟨ $2,{$2}⟩ $0
string set
desc Create a set by escaping the brackets
snip \{$1\}
pattern (.*)e@⟨t(%a),(%d)⟩
name auto exponent
@ -246,6 +273,7 @@ block math
abbr .inv ^{-1}
abbr .neg _-
abbr .pos _+
abbr .t ^T
for limtarget <- @⟨anything,zero,infinity,negative infinity⟩
for prefix <- @⟨@limtarget:,z,i,n⟩

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import common/math-phrases
block auto start
for thmenv <- @⟨lemma,theorem,corollary,definition⟩
string @thmenv

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
comments = [
save_player_pos = true;
automatic_instance_redirect = true;