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Better telescope setup

This commit is contained in:
Matei Adriel 2022-09-25 22:03:11 +02:00
parent 8e89a53a31
commit 7ada064c93
9 changed files with 123 additions and 124 deletions

View file

@ -81,6 +81,7 @@
sft (tap-macro lsft (layer-toggle shiftedQwerty)) ;; make this work differently based on the next key pressed
j (tap-macro 7 lsft)
;; spc (spc) ;; (tap-hold-next-release 130 spc lsft)
tab (tap-hold-next 150 tab rctl)
;; more "special" stuff
@ -102,7 +103,7 @@
(deflayer qwerty
esc f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 del
grv 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = bspc
tab q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \
@tab q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \
@mth a s d f g h j k l ; ' ret
@sft z x c v b n m , . / rsft
@mov lsgt lmet lalt spc ralt rctl

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
local arpeggio = require("my.plugins.arpeggio")
local A = require("my.abbreviations")
print("Initializing nix keybinds...")
@ -11,3 +12,14 @@ arpeggio.chordSilent("n", "vb", ":VimuxRunCommand \"clear && spago build\"<CR>",
{ settings = "b" })
vim.opt.expandtab = true -- Use spaces for the tab char
local abbreviations = {
{ "land", "/\\" },
{ "lor", "\\/" },
{ "tto", "->" },
{ "iip", "=>" },
{ "frl", "forall" },
{ "ott", "<-" } -- opposite of tto

View file

@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ local abbreviations = {
{ "eps", "\\epsilon" },
{ "delta", "\\delta" },
{ "pi", "\\pi" },
{ "psi", "\\psi" },
{ "psi", "\\psi" },
{ "alpha", "\\alpha" },
{ "beta", "\\beta" },
{ "gamma", "\\gamma" },
{ "nuls", "\\varnothing" },
-- Exponents
@ -23,6 +28,7 @@ local abbreviations = {
{ "e4", "^{4}" },
{ "en", "^{n}" },
{ "etn", "^{-}" },
{ "ett", "^{t}" },
{ "etp", "^{+}" },
-- Subscripts
@ -60,6 +66,9 @@ local abbreviations = {
{ "iff", "\\iff" },
{ "land", "\\land" },
{ "lor", "\\lor" },
{ "ssin", "\\sin" },
{ "ccos", "\\cos" },
{ "lln", "\\ln" },
{ "frl", "\\forall" },
{ "exs", "\\exists" },
{ "iinf", "\\infty" },
@ -69,6 +78,7 @@ local abbreviations = {
{ "ccap", "\\cap" },
{ "nope", "\\bot" },
{ "yee", "\\top" },
{ "ccan", "\\cancel" },
{ "mul", "\\cdot" },
{ "smul", "\\times" },
{ "texpl", "&& \\text{}" },

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ function M.setup()
tex = {
img_dir = { "%:p:h", "img" },
affix = "\\includegraphics[]{%s}",
affix = "\\includegraphics[width=\\textwidth]{%s}",

View file

@ -1,83 +1,46 @@
local mapSilent = require("my.keymaps").mapSilent
local arpeggio = require("my.plugins.arpeggio")
local M = {}
local bindings = {
builtin = {
-- Open files with control + P
find_files = "<c-P>",
local function find_files_by_extension(extension)
return "find_files find_command=rg,--files,--glob=**/*." .. extension
-- Search through files with control + F
live_grep = "<c-F>",
-- See diagnostics with space + d
diagnostics = "<Leader>d",
lsp_document_symbols = { chord = 1, key = "lds" },
-- Open a list with all the pickers
builtin = "<Leader>t",
-- List function, var names etc
treesitter = "<Leader>s",
-- Git stuff
git_commits = "<Leader>gj",
git_branches = "<Leader>gk"
["extensions.file_browser.file_browser"] = { chord = 1, key = "jp" },
extensions = {
unicode = {
picker = { mode = "i", kind = "dropdown", key = "ui", chord = 1 }
local keybinds = {
{ "<C-P>", "find_files" },
{ "<Leader>ft", find_files_by_extension("tex") },
{ "<Leader>fl", find_files_by_extension("lua") },
{ "<C-F>", "live_grep" },
{ "<Leader>t", "builtin" },
local function setupKeybinds(obj, path)
if path == nil then path = "" end
for name, keybinds in pairs(obj) do
if (type(keybinds) == "table") and keybinds.key == nil then
-- This means we found a table of keybinds, so we go deeper
setupKeybinds(keybinds, path .. "." .. name)
local config = keybinds
local pickerArgument = ""
local key = config
local mode = "n"
local bind = mapSilent
local chords = {
{ "jp", "file_browser" }
if type(config) == "table" then
key = config.key
if config.mode ~= nil then mode = config.mode end
if config.kind ~= nil then
pickerArgument = "require('telescope.themes').get_" ..
config.kind .. "({})"
if config.chord then
-- Useful for insert mode bindings
bind = arpeggio.chordSilent
local function mkAction(action)
return ":Telescope " .. action .. "<cr>"
-- Maps the keybind to the action
bind(mode, key,
"<cmd>lua require('telescope" .. path .. "')." .. name .. "(" ..
pickerArgument .. ")<CR>")
local function setupKeybinds()
for _, mapping in pairs(keybinds) do
vim.keymap.set("n", mapping[1], mkAction(mapping[2]))
for _, mapping in pairs(chords) do
arpeggio.chord("n", mapping[1], mkAction(mapping[2]))
function M.setup()
local settings = {
defaults = { mappings = { i = { ["<C-h>"] = "which_key" } } },
pickers = { find_files = { hidden = true } },
extensions = {
file_browser = {
mappings = {
-- Comment so this does not get collapsed
path = "%:p:h"

View file

@ -19,6 +19,16 @@
"description": "Create a lemma",
"body": ["\\begin{lemma}[$1] \\label{lem:$1}", "\t$0", "\\end{lemma}"]
"Example*": {
"prefix": "example*",
"description": "Create an example*",
"body": ["\\begin{example*}", "\t$0", "\\end{example*}"]
"Example": {
"prefix": "example",
"description": "Create an example",
"body": ["\\begin{example}[$1] \\label{exp:$1}", "\t$0", "\\end{example}"]
"Theorem": {
"prefix": "theorem",
"description": "Create a theorem",
@ -53,6 +63,11 @@
"description": "Exponent",
"body": "^{$1}$0"
"Nth derivative": {
"prefix": "dd",
"description": "Nth derivative",
"body": "^{($1)}$0"
"Section": {
"prefix": "section",
"description": "Add section",
@ -81,7 +96,12 @@
"Itemize": {
"prefix": "item",
"body": ["\\\\begin{itemize}", "\t\\item $0", "\\\\end{itemize}"],
"description": "Itemize"
"description": "Itemize env"
"Enumerate": {
"prefix": "enum",
"body": ["\\\\begin{enumerate}", "\t\\item $0", "\\\\end{enumerate}"],
"description": "Enumerate env"
"Reference definition": {
"prefix": "rdef",
@ -98,11 +118,26 @@
"description": "Reference a theorem",
"body": "\\ref{thm:$1}$0"
"Sigma sum": {
"prefix": "bsum",
"description": "Create a sum using sigma notation",
"body": "\\sum_{$1 = $2}^{$3}$0"
"Pi product": {
"prefix": "bproduct",
"description": "Create a produt using pi notation",
"body": "\\product_{$1 = $2}^{$3}$0"
"Fraction": {
"prefix": "frac",
"description": "Create a fraction",
"body": "\\frac{$1}{$2}$0"
"Choose": {
"prefix": "binom",
"description": "Create a (n choose k) thingy",
"body": "\\binom{$1}{$2}$0"
"Limit": {
"prefix": "lim",
"description": "Create a limit",
@ -123,6 +158,21 @@
"description": "Create a sqrt",
"body": "\\sqrt[$1]{$2}$0"
"Sin": {
"prefix": "sin",
"description": "Create a sin call",
"body": "\\sin($1)$0"
"Cos": {
"prefix": "cos",
"description": "Create a cos call",
"body": "\\cos($1)$0"
"Ln": {
"prefix": "ln",
"description": "Create a ln call",
"body": "\\ln($1)$0"
"Real numbers": {
"prefix": "reals",
"description": "",
@ -171,7 +221,7 @@
"Force newline": {
"prefix": "cr",
"description": "Force newline in math mode",
"body": "{\\ \\\\}"
"body": "{\\ \\\\\\\\}"
"Aligned display math": {
"prefix": "maligned",

View file

@ -2,34 +2,22 @@
"Definition": {
"prefix": "definition",
"description": "Basic purescript definition",
"body": [
"$1 :: $2",
"$1 = $3"
"body": ["$1 :: $2", "$1 = $3"]
"SProxy": {
"prefix": "sproxy",
"description": "Generate a proxy constant",
"body": [
"_$1 :: Proxy \"$1\"",
"_$1 = Proxy"
"body": ["_$1 :: Proxy \"$1\"", "_$1 = Proxy"]
"Proxy": {
"prefix": "proxy",
"description": "Generate a proxy constant",
"body": [
"_$1 :: Proxy $1",
"_$1 = Proxy"
"body": ["_$1 :: Proxy $1", "_$1 = Proxy"]
"Prop": {
"prefix": "prop",
"description": "Prop lens",
"body": [
"_$1 :: Lens' $2 $3",
"_$1 = prop (Proxy :: _ \"$1\")"
"body": ["_$1 :: Lens' $2 $3", "_$1 = prop (Proxy :: _ \"$1\")"]
"Variant constructor": {
"prefix": "inj",
@ -53,22 +41,21 @@
"Example code": {
"prefix": "ex",
"description": "Provide example usage for some piece of code",
"body" : [
"-- |",
"-- | Ex:",
"-- | ```purs",
"-- | $0",
"-- | ```"
"body": ["-- |", "-- | Ex:", "-- | ```purs", "-- | $0", "-- | ```"]
"Section": {
"prefix": "section",
"description": "Delimit a section using 10 dashes",
"body" : "---------- $0"
"body": "---------- $0"
"Typeclass instances": {
"prefix": "sinstances",
"description": "Delimit a section which declares typeclass instances",
"body" : ["---------- Typeclass instances", "$0"]
"body": ["---------- Typeclass instances", "$0"]
"If": {
"prefix": "if",
"description": "If then else expression",
"body": ["if $1", "\tthen $2", "\telse $3"]

View file

@ -88,6 +88,9 @@ main =
("M-g", spawn myBrowser),
("M-d", spawn "Discord"),
("M-v", spawn "alacritty -e vimclip"),
("M-s", spawn "spectacle -rcb"),
("M-S-s", spawn "spectacle -mcb"),
("M-C-s", spawn "spectacle -ucb"),
("M-c", kill)

View file

@ -7,33 +7,6 @@
sha256 = "13p3i0b8azkmhafyv8hc4hav1pmgqg52xzvk2a3gp3ppqqx9bwpc";
arpeggio = fetchFromGitHub {
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rev = "01c8fc1a72ef58e490ee0490c65ee313b1b6e843";
sha256 = "0405yp1273kzsr3g5j6mj2dfs73qvw716474phkdr67md8ln12dy";
agda-nvim = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "Isti115";
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sha256 = "0k9g0bqm1a4ivl4cs6f780nnjnc8svc1kqif4l4ahsfzasnj7dbk";
idris2-nvim = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "ShinKage";
repo = "idris2-nvim";
rev = "fdc47ba6f0e9d15c2754ee98b6455acad0fa7c95";
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telescope-file-browser-nvim = fetchFromGitHub {
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rev = "ee355b83e00475e11dec82e3ea166f846a392018";
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fishPlugins = {
z = fetchFromGitHub {
@ -47,8 +20,8 @@
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sha256 = "060yydkxmvmlzq2236pjqfmpgvm3g1085c5yzilq0nl1dvmz3wnh";
harleen = fetchFromGitHub {
@ -91,14 +64,14 @@
easy-purescript-nix = fetchFromGitHub {
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repo = "easy-purescript-nix";
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githubNvimTheme = fetchFromGitHub {
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repo = "github-nvim-theme";
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