{ config, pkgs, ... }:
  themeMap = pkgs.callPackage (import ./themes.nix) { };

  # REASON: newer discord versions don't work with the one in nixpkgs
  discocss = pkgs.discocss.overrideAttrs (old: rec {
    version = "unstable-2023-09-02";
    src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "bddvlpr";
      repo = "discocss";
      rev = "37f1520bc90822b35e60baa9036df7a05f43fab8";
      sha256 = "1559mxmc0ppl4jxvdzszphysp1j31k2hm93qv7yz87xn9j0z2m04";
  programs.discord = {
    enable = true;
    disableUpdateCheck = true;
    enableDevtools = true;

  home.packages = [ discocss ];
  xdg.configFile."discocss/custom.css".source = config.satellite.theming.get themeMap;

  # {{{ Storage
  # Clean cache older than 10 days
  systemd.user.tmpfiles.rules = [
    "d ${config.xdg.configHome}/discord/Cache/Cache_Data - - - 10d"

  satellite.persistence.at.state.apps.discord.directories = [
    "${config.xdg.configHome}/discord" # Why tf does discord store it's state here 💀
  # }}}