{ pkgs, ... }: { # TODO: use `delta` as a pager, as highlighted here # https://github.com/lilyinstarlight/foosteros/blob/main/config/base.nix#L163 programs.git = { enable = true; package = pkgs.gitFull; userName = "Matei Adriel"; userEmail = "git@moonythm.dev"; # {{{ Globally ignored files ignores = [ # Syncthing ".stfolder" ".stversions" # Direnv ".direnv" ".envrc" # Haskell # NOTE: THIS IS A BAD IDEA # I need to figure out a better way (this is simply here because # a project I contribute to doesn't gitignore this file, nor does # it have it commited). "hie.yaml" ]; # }}} # {{{ Aliases aliases = { # Print history nicely graph = "log --decorate --oneline --graph"; # Print last commit's hash hash = "log -1 --format='%H'"; # Count the number of commits count = "rev-list --count --all"; }; # }}} extraConfig = { github.user = "Mateiadrielrafael"; hub.protocol = "ssh"; core.editor = "nvim"; init.defaultBranch = "main"; rebase.autoStash = true; # {{{ Signing # Sign commits using ssh gpg.format = "ssh"; user.signingkey = "~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub"; # Sign everything by default commit.gpgsign = true; tag.gpgsign = true; # }}} }; }; # {{{ Github cli programs.gh = { enable = true; settings.git_protocol = "ssh"; }; # }}} }