{ pkgs, outputs, config, lib, ... }: { sops.secrets.adrielus_password = { sopsFile = ../secrets.yaml; neededForUsers = true; }; users = { # Configure users through nix only mutableUsers = false; # Create an user named adrielus users.adrielus = { # Adds me to some default groups, and creates the home dir isNormalUser = true; # Picked up by our persistence module homeMode = "755"; # Add user to the following groups extraGroups = [ "wheel" # Access to sudo "lp" # Printers "audio" # Audio devices "video" # Webcam and the like "network" # wpa_supplicant "syncthing" # syncthing! ]; hashedPasswordFile = config.sops.secrets.adrielus_password.path; shell = pkgs.fish; openssh.authorizedKeys.keyFiles = (import ./common.nix).authorizedKeys { inherit outputs lib; }; }; }; }