# This module provides personalised helpers for managing plugins # using lazy.nvim and a set of custom runtime primitives. { pkgs, lib, config, ... }: let inherit (lib) types; cfg = config.satellite.neovim; # {{{ Custom types myTypes = { oneOrMany = t: types.either t (types.listOf t); zeroOrMore = t: types.nullOr (myTypes.oneOrMany t); # {{{ Lua code luaCode = types.nullOr (types.oneOf [ types.str types.path myTypes.luaLiteral ]); luaLiteral = types.submodule { options.__luaEncoderTag = lib.mkOption { type = types.enum [ "lua" ]; }; options.value = lib.mkOption { type = types.str; }; }; luaValue = types.nullOr (types.oneOf [ types.str types.number types.bool (types.attrsOf myTypes.luaValue) (types.listOf myTypes.luaValue) ]); # }}} # {{{ Lazy key lazyKey = types.oneOf [ types.str (types.submodule { options.mapping = lib.mkOption { type = types.str; description = "The lhs of the neovim mapping"; }; options.action = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = types.nullOr (types.oneOf [ types.str myTypes.luaLiteral ]); description = "The rhs of the neovim mapping"; }; options.ft = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = myTypes.zeroOrMore types.str; description = "Filetypes on which this keybind should take effect"; }; options.mode = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = types.nullOr types.str; description = "The vim modes the mapping should take effect in"; }; options.desc = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = types.nullOr types.str; description = "Description for the current keymapping"; }; }) ]; # }}} # {{{ Tempest key tempestKey = types.submodule { options = { mapping = lib.mkOption { example = "a"; type = types.str; description = "The lhs of the neovim mapping"; }; action = lib.mkOption { example = ""; type = types.either types.str myTypes.luaLiteral; description = "The rhs of the neovim mapping"; }; bufnr = lib.mkOption { default = null; example = true; type = types.nullOr (types.oneOf [ types.bool types.integer myTypes.luaLiteral ]); description = '' The index of the buffer to apply local keymaps to. Can be set to `true` to refer to the current buffer ''; }; mode = lib.mkOption { default = null; example = "nov"; type = types.nullOr types.str; description = "The vim modes the mapping should take effect in"; }; silent = lib.mkOption { default = null; example = true; type = types.nullOr types.bool; description = "Whether the logs emitted by the keymap should be supressed"; }; expr = lib.mkOption { default = null; example = true; type = types.nullOr types.bool; description = "If set to `true`, the mapping is treated as an action factory"; }; desc = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = types.nullOr types.str; description = "Description for the current keymapping"; }; }; }; # }}} # {{{ Tempest autocmd tempestAutocmd = types.submodule { options = { event = lib.mkOption { example = "InsertEnter"; type = myTypes.oneOrMany types.str; description = "Events to bind autocmd to"; }; pattern = lib.mkOption { example = "Cargo.toml"; type = myTypes.oneOrMany types.str; description = "File name patterns to run autocmd on"; }; group = lib.mkOption { example = "CargoCmpSource"; type = types.str; description = "Name of the group to create and assign autocmd to"; }; callback = lib.mkOption { example.vim.opt.cmdheight = 1; type = types.oneOf [ myTypes.tempestConfiguration myTypes.luaCode ]; description = '' Code to run when the respctive event occurs. Will pass the event object as context, which might be used for things like assigning a buffer number to local keymaps automatically. ''; }; }; }; # }}} # {{{ Tempest configuration tempestConfiguration = types.submodule { options = { vim = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = myTypes.luaValue; example.opt.cmdheight = 0; description = "Values to assign to the `vim` lua global object"; }; keys = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = myTypes.zeroOrMore myTypes.tempestKey; description = '' Arbitrary key mappings to create. The keymappings might automatically be buffer specific depending on the context. For instance, keymappings created inside autocmds will be local unless otherwise specified. ''; }; autocmds = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = myTypes.zeroOrMore myTypes.tempestAutocmd; description = "Arbitrary autocmds to create"; }; setup = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = types.nullOr (types.attrsOf myTypes.luaValue); example.lualine.opts.theme = "auto"; description = '' Key-pair mappings for options to pass to .setup functions imported from different modules ''; }; callback = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = types.nullOr myTypes.luaCode; description = "Arbitrary code to run after everything else has been configured"; }; }; }; # }}} # {{{ Lazy module lazyModule = lib.fix (lazyModule: types.submodule ({ name ? null, ... }: { options = { package = lib.mkOption { type = types.oneOf [ types.package types.str ]; description = "Package to configure the module around"; example = "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim"; }; name = lib.mkOption { default = name; type = types.nullOr types.str; description = "Custom name to use for the module"; example = "lualine"; }; main = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = types.nullOr types.str; description = "The name of the lua entrypoint for the plugin (usually auto-detected)"; example = "lualine"; }; version = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = types.nullOr types.str; description = "Pin the package to a certain version (useful for non-nix managed packages)"; }; tag = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = types.nullOr types.str; description = "Pin the package to a certain git tag (useful for non-nix managed packages)"; }; lazy = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = types.nullOr types.bool; description = "Specifies whether this module should be lazy-loaded"; }; dependencies.lua = lib.mkOption { default = [ ]; type = types.listOf (types.either types.str lazyModule); description = "Lazy.nvim module dependencies"; }; dependencies.nix = lib.mkOption { default = [ ]; type = types.listOf types.package; description = "Nix packages to give nvim access to"; }; cond = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = myTypes.luaCode; description = "Condition based on which to enable/disbale loading the package"; }; env.blacklist = lib.mkOption { default = [ ]; type = types.listOf (types.enum [ "firenvim" "vscode" "neovide" ]); description = "Environments to blacklist plugin on"; }; setup = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = types.nullOr (types.oneOf [ myTypes.tempestConfiguration myTypes.luaCode types.bool ]); description = '' Lua function (or module) to use for configuring the package. Used instead of the canonically named `config` because said name has a special meaning in nix ''; }; event = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = myTypes.zeroOrMore types.str; description = "Event on which the module should be lazy loaded"; }; ft = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = myTypes.zeroOrMore types.str; description = "Filetypes on which the module should be lazy loaded"; }; cmd = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = myTypes.zeroOrMore types.str; description = "Comands on which to load this plugin"; }; init = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = myTypes.luaCode; description = "Lua function (or module) to run right away (even if the package is not yet loaded)"; }; passthrough = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = myTypes.luaCode; description = "Attach additional things to the lazy module"; }; opts = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = myTypes.luaValue; description = "Custom data to pass to the plugin .setup function"; }; keys = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = myTypes.zeroOrMore myTypes.lazyKey; description = "Keybinds to lazy-load the module on"; }; }; })); # }}} }; # }}} # {{{ Lua encoders # We provide a custom set of helpers for generating lua code for nix.enable # # An encoder is a function from some nix value to a string containing lua code. # This object provides combinators for writing such encoders. luaEncoders = { # {{{ "Raw" helpers mkRawLuaObject = chunks: '' { ${lib.concatStringsSep "," (lib.filter (s: s != "") chunks)} } ''; # }}} # {{{ General helpers identity = given: given; # `const` is mostly useful together with `bind`. See the lua encoder for # lazy modules for example usage. const = code: _: code; # Conceptually, this is the monadic bind operation for encoders. # This implementation is isomoprhic to that of the reader monad in haskell. bind = encoder: given: encoder given given; # This is probably the most useful combinnator defined in this entire object. # Most of the combinators in the other categories are based on this. conditional = predicate: caseTrue: caseFalse: luaEncoders.bind (given: if predicate given then caseTrue else caseFalse); # This is simply left-composition of functions map = f: encoder: given: encoder (f given); # This is simply right-composition of functions postmap = f: encoder: given: f (encoder given); # This is mostly useful for debugging trace = message: luaEncoders.map (f: lib.traceSeq message (lib.traceVal f)); fail = mkMessage: v: builtins.throw (mkMessage v); # }}} # {{{ Base types string = given: ''"${lib.escape ["\"" "\\"] (toString given)}"''; bool = bool: if bool then "true" else "false"; number = toString; nil = _: "nil"; stringOr = luaEncoders.conditional lib.isString luaEncoders.string; boolOr = luaEncoders.conditional lib.isBool luaEncoders.bool; numberOr = luaEncoders.conditional (e: lib.isFloat e || lib.isInt e) luaEncoders.number; nullOr = luaEncoders.conditional (e: e == null) luaEncoders.nil; # We pipe a combinator which always fail through a bunch of # `(thing)or : encoder -> encoder` functions, building up a combinator which # can handle more and more kinds of values, until we eventually build up # something that should be able to handle everything we throw at it. anything = lib.pipe (luaEncoders.fail (v: "Cannot figure out how to encode value ${builtins.toJSON v}")) [ (luaEncoders.attrsetOfOr luaEncoders.anything) (luaEncoders.listOfOr luaEncoders.anything) luaEncoders.nullOr luaEncoders.boolOr luaEncoders.numberOr luaEncoders.stringOr luaEncoders.luaCodeOr # Lua code expressions have priority over attrsets ]; # }}} # {{{ Lua code # Tagged lua code can be combined with other combinators without worrying # about conflicts regarding how strings are interpreted. luaCodeOr = luaEncoders.conditional (e: lib.isAttrs e && (e.__luaEncoderTag or null) == "lua") (obj: obj.value); # This is the most rudimentary (and currently only) way of handling paths. luaImportOr = tag: luaEncoders.conditional lib.isPath (path: "dofile(${luaEncoders.string path}).${tag}"); # Accepts both tagged and untagged strings of lua code. luaString = luaEncoders.luaCodeOr luaEncoders.identity; # This simply combines the above combinators into one. luaCode = tag: luaEncoders.luaImportOr tag luaEncoders.luaString; # }}} # {{{ Lists listOf = encoder: list: luaEncoders.mkRawLuaObject (lib.lists.map encoder list); listOfOr = encoder: luaEncoders.conditional lib.isList (luaEncoders.listOf encoder); # Returns nil when given empty lists tryNonemptyList = encoder: luaEncoders.conditional (l: l == [ ]) luaEncoders.nil (luaEncoders.listOf encoder); oneOrMany = encoder: luaEncoders.listOfOr encoder encoder; # Can encode: # - zero values as nil # - one value as itself # - multiple values as a list zeroOrMany = encoder: luaEncoders.nullOr (luaEncoders.oneOrMany encoder); # Coerces non list values to lists of one element. oneOrManyAsList = encoder: luaEncoders.map (given: if lib.isList given then given else [ given ]) (luaEncoders.listOf encoder); # Coerces lists of one element to said element. listAsOneOrMany = encoder: luaEncoders.map (l: if lib.length l == 1 then lib.head l else l) (luaEncoders.oneOrMany encoder); # }}} # {{{ Attrsets attrsetOf = encoder: object: luaEncoders.mkRawLuaObject (lib.mapAttrsToList (name: value: let result = encoder value; in lib.optionalString (result != "nil") "${name} = ${result}" ) object ); attrsetOfOr = of: luaEncoders.conditional lib.isAttrs (luaEncoders.attrsetOf of); # This is the most general combinator provided in this section. # # We accept: # - a `noNils` flag which will automatically remove any nil properties # - order of props that should be interpreted as list elements # - spec of props that should be interpreted as list elements # - record of props that should be interpreted as attribute props attrset = noNils: listOrder: spec: attrset: let shouldKeep = given: if noNils then given != "nil" else true; listChunks = lib.lists.map (attr: let result = spec.${attr} (attrset.${attr} or null); in lib.optionalString (shouldKeep result) result ) listOrder; objectChunks = lib.mapAttrsToList (attr: encoder: let result = encoder (attrset.${attr} or null); in lib.optionalString (!(lib.elem attr listOrder) && shouldKeep result) "${attr} = ${result}" ) spec; in luaEncoders.mkRawLuaObject (listChunks ++ objectChunks); # }}} }; e = luaEncoders; # }}} # {{{ Helpers # Format and write a lua file to disk writeLuaFile = path: name: text: let directory = "lua/${path}"; destination = "${directory}/${name}.lua"; unformatted = pkgs.writeText "raw-lua-${name}" text; in pkgs.runCommand "formatted-lua-${name}" { } '' mkdir -p $out/${directory} cp --no-preserve=mode ${unformatted} $out/${destination} ${lib.getExe pkgs.stylua} --config-path ${cfg.styluaConfig} $out/${destination} ''; # }}} in { # {{{ Option declaration options.satellite.neovim = { lazy = lib.mkOption { default = { }; description = "Record of plugins to install using lazy.nvim"; type = types.attrsOf myTypes.lazyModule; }; # {{{ Generated generated = { lazy = lib.mkOption { type = types.attrsOf (types.submodule { options = { raw = lib.mkOption { type = types.lines; description = "The lua script generated using the other options"; }; module = lib.mkOption { type = types.package; description = "The lua script generated using the other options"; }; }; }); description = "Attrset containing every module generated from the lazy configuration"; }; all = lib.mkOption { default = { }; type = types.package; description = "Derivation building all the given nix modules"; }; dependencies = lib.mkOption { default = [ ]; type = types.listOf types.package; description = "List of packages to give neovim access to"; }; }; # }}} # {{{ Lua generation lib lib = { # {{{ Basic lua generators lua = lib.mkOption { default = value: { inherit value; __luaEncoderTag = "lua"; }; type = types.functionTo myTypes.luaLiteral; description = "include some raw lua code inside module configuration"; }; import = lib.mkOption { default = path: tag: cfg.lib.lua "dofile(${e.string path}).${tag}"; type = types.functionTo (types.functionTo myTypes.luaLiteral); description = "import some identifier from some module"; }; # }}} # {{{ Encoders encode = lib.mkOption { default = luaEncoders.anything; type = types.functionTo types.str; description = "Encode a nix value to a lua string"; }; encodeTempestConfiguration = lib.mkOption { default = given: e.attrset true [ ] { vim = e.anything; callback = e.nullOr e.luaString; setup = e.nullOr (e.attrsetOf e.anything); keys = e.zeroOrMany (e.attrset true [ ] { mapping = e.string; action = e.luaCodeOr e.string; desc = e.nullOr e.string; expr = e.nullOr e.bool; mode = e.nullOr e.string; silent = e.nullOr e.bool; buffer = e.nullOr (e.luaCodeOr (e.boolOr e.number)); }); autocmds = e.zeroOrMany (e.attrset true [ ] { event = e.oneOrMany e.string; pattern = e.oneOrMany e.string; group = e.string; callback = e.conditional lib.isAttrs cfg.lib.encodeTempestConfiguration e.luaString; }); } given; type = types.functionTo types.str; description = "Generate a lua object for passing to my own lua runtime for configuration"; }; # }}} # {{{ Thunks # This version of `nlib.thunk` is required in ceratain cases because # of issues with `types.oneOf [types.submodule ..., types.submodule]` not # working as intended atm. thunkString = lib.mkOption { default = given: /* lua */ '' function() ${e.luaString given} end ''; type = types.functionTo types.str; description = "Wrap a lua expression into a lua function as a string"; }; thunk = lib.mkOption { default = given: cfg.lib.lua (cfg.lib.thunkString given); type = types.functionTo myTypes.luaLiteral; description = "Wrap a lua expression into a lua function"; }; contextThunk = lib.mkOption { default = given: cfg.lib.lua /* lua */ '' function(context) ${e.luaString given} end ''; type = types.functionTo myTypes.luaLiteral; description = "Wrap a lua expression into a lua function taking an argument named `context`"; }; # }}} # {{{ Language server on attach languageServerOnAttach = lib.mkOption { default = given: cfg.lib.lua /* lua */ '' function(client, bufnr) require(${e.string cfg.runtime.tempest}).configure(${cfg.lib.encodeTempestConfiguration given}, { client = client; bufnr = bufnr; }) require(${e.string cfg.runtime.languageServerOnAttach}).on_attach(client, bufnr) end ''; type = types.functionTo myTypes.luaCode; description = "Attach a language server and run some additional code"; }; # }}} }; # }}} # {{{ Neovim runtime module paths runtime = { env = lib.mkOption { type = types.str; example = "my.helpers.env"; description = "Module to import env flags from"; }; tempest = lib.mkOption { type = types.str; example = "my.runtime.tempest"; description = "Module to import the tempest runtime from"; }; languageServerOnAttach = lib.mkOption { type = types.str; example = "my.runtime.lspconfig"; description = "Module to import langauge server .on_attach function from"; }; }; # }}} styluaConfig = lib.mkOption { type = types.path; description = "Config to use for formatting lua modules"; }; }; # }}} # {{{ Config generation # {{{ Lazy module generation config.satellite.neovim.generated.lazy = let # {{{ Lazy key encoder lazyKeyEncoder = e.stringOr (e.attrset true [ "mapping" "action" ] { mapping = e.string; action = e.nullOr (e.luaCodeOr e.string); mode = e.nullOr (e.map lib.strings.stringToCharacters (e.listAsOneOrMany e.string)); desc = e.nullOr e.string; ft = e.zeroOrMany e.string; }); # }}} # {{{ Lazy spec encoder lazyObjectEncoder = e.bind (opts: e.attrset true [ "package" ] { package = e.string; name = e.nullOr e.string; main = e.nullOr e.string; tag = e.nullOr e.string; version = e.nullOr e.string; dependencies = e.map (d: d.lua) (e.tryNonemptyList (e.stringOr lazyObjectEncoder)); lazy = e.nullOr e.bool; cond = if opts.env.blacklist != [ ] then assert lib.asserts.assertMsg (opts.cond == null) "env.blacklist overrides plugin condition"; e.const /* lua */ '' require(${e.string cfg.runtime.env}).blacklist(${e.listOf e.string opts.env.blacklist}) '' else e.nullOr (e.luaCode "cond"); config = _: let wrap = given: /* lua */'' function(lazy, opts) require(${e.string cfg.runtime.tempest}).configure(${given}, { lazy = lazy; opts = opts; }) end ''; in e.conditional lib.isAttrs (e.postmap wrap cfg.lib.encodeTempestConfiguration) (e.nullOr (e.boolOr (e.luaCode "config"))) opts.setup; init = e.nullOr (e.luaCode "init"); event = e.zeroOrMany e.string; cmd = e.zeroOrMany e.string; ft = e.zeroOrMany e.string; keys = e.nullOr (e.oneOrManyAsList lazyKeyEncoder); passthrough = e.anything; opts = e.anything; }); # }}} makeLazyScript = opts: '' -- ❄️ This file was generated using nix ^~^ return ${lazyObjectEncoder opts} ''; in lib.attrsets.mapAttrs (name: opts: rec { raw = makeLazyScript opts; module = writeLuaFile "nix/plugins" name raw; }) cfg.lazy; config.satellite.neovim.generated.all = pkgs.symlinkJoin { name = "lazy-nvim-modules"; paths = lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (_: m: m.module) cfg.generated.lazy; }; # }}} config.satellite.neovim.generated.dependencies = lib.pipe cfg.lazy [ (lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (_: m: m.dependencies.nix)) lib.lists.flatten ]; # }}} }