attrs@{ lib, korora, ... }: let e = import ./korora-lua.nix attrs; k = korora; h = e.helpers; struct = name: props: verify: (k.struct name props).override { total = false; unknown = false; verify = h.mkVerify verify; }; lazyType = name: mkType: k.typedef' name (v: (mkType true).verify v); types = { # {{{ Helper types oneOrMany = type: k.union [ type (k.listOf type) ]; luaValue = k.any; strictLuaLiteral = (k.struct "lua literal" { value = k.string; __luaEncoderTag = k.enum "lua literal tag" [ "lua" ]; }).override { unknown = true; }; derivation = k.typedef "derivation" lib.isDerivation; path = k.typedef "path" lib.isPath; functionCheckedWith = arg: type: k.typedef' "${h.toPretty arg} -> ${}" ( f: if lib.isFunction f then type.verify (f arg) else "Expected function, but got ${h.toPretty f} instead" ); lazy = types.functionCheckedWith ""; luaEagerOrLazy = type: k.union [ type (types.lazy type) ]; luaLiteral = types.luaEagerOrLazy types.strictLuaLiteral; # }}} # {{{ Lazy key lazyKey = struct "lazy key" { mapping = k.string; action = k.union [ types.luaLiteral k.string ]; mode = k.string; desc = k.string; expr = k.bool; ft = types.oneOrMany k.string; } [ (h.propExists "mapping") ]; # }}} # {{{ Lazy module lazyModule = lazyType "actually lazy lazy module" ( _: struct "lazy module" { package = k.string; dir = k.union [ k.string types.derivation types.path ]; version = k.string; tag = k.string; name = k.string; main = k.string; lazy = k.bool; dependencies = struct "lazy dependencies" { lua = k.listOf ( k.union [ k.string types.lazyModule ] ); nix = k.listOf types.derivation; } [ ]; enabled = k.bool; cond = types.oneOrMany types.luaLiteral; init = types.luaEagerOrLazy ( k.union [ types.strictLuaLiteral types.strictTempestConfig ] ); config = k.union [ k.bool (types.luaEagerOrLazy ( k.union [ types.strictLuaLiteral types.strictTempestConfig ] )) ]; event = types.oneOrMany k.string; cmd = types.oneOrMany k.string; ft = types.oneOrMany k.string; keys = types.oneOrMany ( k.union [ k.string types.lazyKey ] ); passthrough = types.luaValue; opts = types.luaValue; } [ (h.propOnlyOne [ "dir" "package" ]) (h.propImplies "tag" "package") (h.propImplies "version" "package") ] ); # }}} # {{{ Tempest key tempestKey = struct "tempest key" { mapping = k.string; action = types.luaValue; mode = k.string; desc = k.string; expr = k.bool; silent = k.bool; ft = types.oneOrMany k.string; buffer = k.union [ k.bool k.number types.luaLiteral ]; } [ (h.propExists "mapping") (h.propExists "action") ]; # }}} # {{{ Tempest autocmd tempestAutocmd = struct "tempest autocommand" { event = types.oneOrMany k.string; pattern = types.oneOrMany k.string; group = k.string; action = k.union [ types.tempestConfig types.luaLiteral ]; } [ (h.propExists "event") (h.propExists "group") (h.propExists "action") ]; # }}} # {{{ Tempest config strictTempestConfig = struct "tempest config" { vim = types.luaValue; callback = k.union [ types.luaLiteral types.tempestConfig ]; setup = k.attrsOf types.luaValue; keys = types.luaEagerOrLazy (types.oneOrMany types.tempestKey); autocmds = types.luaEagerOrLazy (types.oneOrMany types.tempestAutocmd); mkContext = types.luaValue; cond = types.oneOrMany types.luaValue; } [ ]; tempestConfig = lazyType "lazy tempest config" (_: types.strictTempestConfig); # }}} # {{{ Neovim env neovimEnv = k.enum "neovim env" [ "neovide" "firenvim" "vscode" ]; # }}} # {{{ Neovim config neovimConfig = struct "neovim configuration" { pre = k.attrsOf types.tempestConfig; lazy = k.attrsOf types.lazyModule; post = k.attrsOf types.tempestConfig; } [ ]; # }}} }; mkLib = { tempestModule }: assert h.hasType k.string tempestModule; rec { inherit (e) encode; inherit (h) lua; # {{{ Common generation helpers importFrom = path: tag: assert lib.isPath path; assert h.hasType k.string tag; lua "dofile(${encode (toString path)}).${tag}"; foldedList = value: assert h.hasType k.attrs value; { inherit value; __luaEncoderTag = "foldedList"; }; thunk = code: _: lua code; return = code: lua "return ${encode code}"; vim = lua "vim"; print = lua "print"; require = lua "require"; tempest = lua "D.tempest"; do = actions: lua (lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.forEach actions encode)); args = values: lua (lib.concatStringsSep ", " (lib.forEach values encode)); none = lua ""; tempestConfigure = given: context: lua '' D.tempest.configure( ${encode given}, ${context} ) ''; tempestBufnr = given: lua '' function(_, bufnr) return D.tempest.configure( ${encode given}, { bufnr = bufnr} ) end ''; keymap = mode: mapping: action: desc: { inherit mode mapping action desc ; }; nmap = mapping: action: desc: { inherit mapping action desc; }; unmap = mapping: { inherit mapping; action = "<nop>"; }; blacklist = given: assert h.hasType (types.oneOrMany types.neovimEnv) given; # lua lua '' D.tempest.blacklist(${encode given}) ''; whitelist = given: assert h.hasType (types.oneOrMany types.neovimEnv) given; # lua lua '' D.tempest.whitelist(${encode given}) ''; # :p => expands path # :h => returns the head of the path notmp = lua ''vim.fn.expand("%:p:h") ~= "/tmp"''; # }}} # {{{ Main config generation entrypoint generateConfig = rawConfig: assert h.hasType types.neovimConfig rawConfig; let config = { lazy = { }; pre = { }; post = { }; } // rawConfig; collectNixDeps = lazyModule: if lazyModule ? dependencies then let nix = lazyModule.dependencies.nix or [ ]; other = lib.pipe (lazyModule.dependencies.lua or [ ]) [ ( collectNixDeps) lib.lists.flatten ]; in nix ++ other else [ ]; dependencies = lib.pipe config.lazy [ (lib.mapAttrsToList (_: collectNixDeps)) lib.lists.flatten ]; processedLazyModules = lib.mapAttrs ( name: module: { inherit name; } // module // { dependencies = (module.dependencies or { }).lua or null; } ) config.lazy; luaConfig = '' local M = {} local D = { tempest = require(${encode tempestModule}), } -- {{{ Pre-plugin config M.pre = ${encode (foldedList config.pre)} -- }}} -- {{{ Lazy modules M.lazy = ${encode (foldedList processedLazyModules)} D.tempest.prepareLazySpec(M.lazy) -- }}} -- {{{ Post-plugin config = ${encode (foldedList} -- }}} return M ''; in { inherit dependencies; lua = luaConfig; }; # }}} }; in mkLib