local M = { -- keybinds where you only hit the head once "anuvyklack/hydra.nvim", dependencies = { "mrjones2014/smart-splits.nvim", -- the name says it all }, keys = { "<C-S-w>" }, } -- {{{ Helpers local function identity(x) return x end local function len(x) return #x end local function box(value, w, h) return { value = value, width = w, height = h } end local function min(l, r) if l < r then return l else return r end end local function max(l, r) return -min(-l, -r) end local function zip_with(l, r, f, default) local output = {} for i = 1, max(#l, #r), 1 do output[i] = f(l[i] or default, r[i] or default) end return output end local function flatten_list(list) local output = {} for i = 1, #list, 1 do for j = 1, #list[i], 1 do table.insert(output, list[i][j]) end end return output end local function map_list(list, f) local output = {} for i = 1, #list, 1 do output[i] = f(list[i]) end return output end local function l_repeat(v, times) if times == 0 then return {} end local o = {} for i = 1, times, 1 do o[i] = v end return o end local function s_repeat(text, times) local o = "" for _ = 1, times, 1 do o = o .. text end return o end local function string_split(text, sep) ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: redefined-local local sep, fields = sep or ":", {} local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep) text:gsub(pattern, function(c) fields[#fields + 1] = c end) return fields end local function table_max(list, f, default) if #list == 0 then return default end ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: redefined-local local f = f or identity local c_max = list[1] for i = 1, #list, 1 do if f(list[i]) >= f(c_max) then c_max = list[i] end end return c_max end local function string_value(t) if type(t) == "string" then return t end return t.value end local function lines(text) return string_split(string_value(text), "\n") end local function unlines(text) return table.concat(text, "\n") end local function map_lines(text, f) return unlines(map_list(lines(text), f)) end local function string_width(t) if type(t) == "string" then return #table_max(lines(t), len, "") end return t.width end local function string_height(t) if type(t) == "string" then return #lines(t) end return t.height end local function half_down(num) return math.floor(num / 2) end local function half_up(num) return math.ceil(num / 2) end -- }}} -- {{{ Hint helpers local H = {} function H.highlight(t) return box("_" .. t .. "_", string_width(t), 1) end function H.spacing(amount) return s_repeat(" ", amount) end function H.spacing_for(text) return H.spacing(string_width(text)) end function H.spacing_largest(values) return H.spacing_for(table_max(values)) end H.nojustify = { justify = "nojustify" } function H.pad_left(text, length) local spaces = length - string_width(text) return box( map_lines(text, function(line) return H.spacing(spaces) .. line end), length, string_height(text) ) end function H.pad_right(text, length) local spaces = length - string_width(text) return box( map_lines(text, function(line) return line .. H.spacing(spaces) end), length, string_height(text) ) end function H.pad_around(text, length) local spaces = length - string_width(text) return box( map_lines(text, function(line) return H.spacing(half_up(spaces)) .. line .. H.spacing(half_down(spaces)) end), length, string_height(text) ) end function H.pad(text, length, justify) if justify == "nojustify" then return text elseif justify == "center" then return H.pad_around(text, length) elseif justify == "right" then return H.pad_left(text, length) elseif justify == "left" then return H.pad_right(text, length) end error("No justify provided") end function H.directional(h, j, k, l, spacing_amount) ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: redefined-local local spacing_amount = spacing_amount or 1 return H.concat_many_w({ H.highlight(k), H.concat_many_h({ H.highlight(h), H.spacing(spacing_amount), H.highlight(l), }), H.highlight(j), }) end function H.add_title(title, body) local width = max(string_width(title), string_width(body)) return H.concat_many_w({ title, s_repeat("-", width), body, }) end function H.concat_h(left, right, spacing_amount) ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: redefined-local local spacing_amount = spacing_amount or 0 return box( unlines(zip_with(lines(left), lines(right), function(l, r) return l .. H.spacing(spacing_amount) .. r end, "")), string_width(left) + string_width(right) + spacing_amount, max(string_height(left), string_height(right)) ) end function H.concat_w(above, below, opts) ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: redefined-local local opts = opts or {} local spacing_amount = opts.spacing_amount or 0 local justify = opts.justify or "center" local width = max(string_width(above), string_width(below)) return box( unlines(flatten_list({ { H.pad(above, width, justify).value }, l_repeat(H.spacing(width), spacing_amount), { H.pad(below, width, justify).value }, })), width, spacing_amount + string_height(above) + string_height(below) ) end function H.concat_many_h(list, spacing_amount) local result = list[1] for i = 2, #list, 1 do result = H.concat_h(result, list[i], spacing_amount) end return result end function H.concat_many_w(list, opts) local result = list[1] for i = 2, #list, 1 do result = H.concat_w(result, list[i], opts) end return result end function H.pad_lengths_right(list) local max_length = table_max(list, string_width) return map_list(list, function(t) return H.concat_h(t, H.spacing(max_length - string_width(t))) end) end M.hint = H -- }}} local window_hint_old = [[ ^^^^^^ Move ^^^^^^ ^^ Size ^^ ^^ Split ^^^^^^-------------^^^^^^ ^^-----------^^ ^^--------------- ^ ^ _k_ ^ ^ ^ ^ _K_ ^ ^ ^ _<C-k>_ ^ _s_: horizontally _h_ ^ ^ _l_ _H_ ^ ^ _L_ _<C-h>_ _<C-l>_ _v_: vertically ^ ^ _j_ ^ ^ ^ ^ _J_ ^ ^ ^ _<C-j>_ ^ _q_: close ^^^focus^^^ ^^^window^^^ ^_=_: equalize^ _o_: close remaining ]] local window_hint = H.concat_many_h({ H.add_title( "Move", H.concat_h( H.concat_w(H.directional("h", "j", "k", "l", 3), "focus"), H.concat_w( H.directional("H", "J", "K", "L", 3), "window", { justify = "left" } ), 2 ) ), H.add_title( "Size", H.concat_w( H.directional("<C-h>", "<C-j>", "<C-k>", "<C-l>"), H.concat_many_h({ H.highlight("="), ": equalize", }) ) ), H.add_title( "Split", H.concat_many_w({ H.concat_h(H.highlight("s"), ": horizontally"), H.concat_h(H.highlight("v"), ": vertical"), H.concat_h(H.highlight("q"), ": close"), H.concat_h(H.highlight("o"), ": close remaining"), }, { justify = "left" }) ), }, 3).value function M.config() local Hydra = require("hydra") local pcmd = require("hydra.keymap-util").pcmd local splits = require("smart-splits") -- {{{ Windows local resize = function(direction) return function() splits["resize_" .. direction](2) end end Hydra({ name = "Windows", hint = window_hint, config = { invoke_on_body = true, hint = { border = "single", offset = -1, -- vertical offset (larger => higher up) }, }, mode = "n", body = "<C-S-w>", heads = { { "h", "<C-w>h" }, { "j", "<C-w>j" }, { "k", "<C-w>k" }, { "l", "<C-w>l" }, { "H", "<C-w>H" }, { "J", "<C-w>J" }, { "K", "<C-w>K" }, { "L", "<C-w>L" }, { "<C-h>", resize("left") }, { "<C-j>", resize("down") }, { "<C-k>", resize("up") }, { "<C-l>", resize("right") }, { "=", "<C-w>=", { desc = "equalize" } }, { "s", pcmd("split", "E36") }, { "v", pcmd("vsplit", "E36") }, { "o", "<C-w>o", { exit = true, desc = "remain only" } }, { "q", pcmd("close", "E444"), { desc = "close window" } }, }, }) -- }}} end return M