local A = require("my.abbreviations")
local scrap = require("scrap")


vim.opt.conceallevel = 0

local abbreviations = {
  -- Other fancy symvols
  { "tmat", "^T" }, -- Tranpose of a matrix
  { "cmat", "^*" }, -- Conjugate of a matrix
  { "sneg", "^C" }, -- Set complement
  { "ortco", "^\\bot" }, -- Orthogonal complement
  { "sinter", "^\\circ" }, -- Interior of a set
  { "nuls", "\\varnothing" },

  -- Basic commands
  { "mangle", "\\measuredangle" },
  { "aangle", "\\angle" },
  { "sdiff", "\\setminus" },
  { "sst", "\\subset" },
  { "spt", "\\supset" },
  { "sseq", "\\subseteq" },
  { "speq", "\\supseteq" },
  { "nin", "\\not\\in" },
  { "iin", "\\in" },
  { "tto", "\\to" },
  { "land", "\\land" },
  { "lor", "\\lor" },
  { "ssin", "\\sin" },
  { "ccos", "\\cos" },
  { "ttan", "\\ttan" },
  { "ssec", "\\sec" },
  { "lln", "\\ln" },
  { "frl", "\\forall" },
  { "exs", "\\exists" },
  { "iinf", "\\infty" },
  { "ninf", "-\\infty" },
  { "nlnl", "\\pm" }, -- had this as npnp first but it was hard-ish to type
  { "ccup", "\\cup" },
  { "ccap", "\\cap" },
  { "nope", "\\bot" },
  { "yee", "\\top" },
  { "ccan", "\\cancel" },
  { "com", "\\circ" },
  { "mul", "\\cdot" },
  { "smul", "\\times" },
  { "card", "\\#" },
  { "div", "\\|" },
  { "ndiv", "\\not\\|\\:" },
  { "perp", "\\perp" },
  { "cdots", "\\cdots" }, -- center dots
  { "ldots", "\\ldots" }, -- low dots
  { "cldots", ",\\ldots," }, -- comma, low dots
  { "frac", "\\frac" }, -- fraction
  { "lim", "\\lim" }, -- Limit
  { "sup", "\\sup" }, -- supremum
  { "limsup", "\\lim\\sup" }, -- Limit of the supremum
  { "cal", "\\mathcal" }, -- Limit of the supremum

  -- Decorations
  { "hat", "\\hat" },
  { "bar", "\\bar" },

  -- Custom commands
  { "abs", "\\abs" }, -- custom abs command
  { "norm", "\\norm" }, -- custom norm command
  { "iprod", "\\iprod" }, -- custom inner product command
  { "diprod", "\\dprod" }, -- custom self inner product command
  { "prob", "\\prob" }, -- custom probability function
  { "dist", "\\dist" }, -- custom dist function
  { "oball", "\\ball" }, -- custom ball function
  { "diam", "\\diam" }, -- custom diam operator
  { "gen", "\\gen" }, -- custom command for group generated by element
  { "ord", "\\ordop" }, -- order of a group
  { "vsm", "\\vecspace" }, -- custom math vector space
  { "half", "\\half" }, -- 1/2 fraction

local abolishAbbreviations = {
  -- {{{ Special chars
  -- System for writing special characters which need to also be easly
  -- accessible as {sub/super}scripts.
  -- The reason epsilon and lambda are separated out from everything else in
  -- the pattern is because they are the only ones where `foo` doesn't expand
  -- to `\\foo` directly (so I saved some keystrokes by letting scrap.nvim
  -- repeat everything for me).
    options = A.no_capitalization,
  -- }}}
  -- {{{ Set symbols
  --   - nats => naturals
  --   - ints => integers
  --   - rats => rationals
  --   - irats => irationals
  --   - rrea => reals
  --   - comp => complex
  --   - ppri => primes
  --   - ffie => fields
    options = A.no_capitalization,
  -- }}}
  -- {{{ My own operator syntax:
  --   - Any operator can be prefixed with "a" to
  --     align in aligned mode
  --   - Any operator can be prefixed with cr to
  --     start a new line and align in aligned mode
  -- }}}
  -- {{{ General function calls:
  --   {function-name}{modifier?}{argument}{argument-modifier?}
  --   - function-name = f/g/h/P
  --   - modifier:
  --     - d => derivative
  --     - 2 => squared
  --     - 3 => cubed
  --     - i => inverse
  --   - argument = x/y/z/a/t/i/n/k
  --   - argument-modifier:
  --     - n => subscript n
  -- }}}
  -- {{{ Graph theory
  -- Graph theory function syntax:
  --   gt[function]{graph}{modifier}
  --   - function:
  --     - basic functions: e/E/v/G/L
  --     - k => connectivity
  --     - a => size of the biggest stable set
  --     - w => size of the biggest clique
  --     - d => biggest degree
  --     - c{target}{kind} => {target} {kind} chromatic number
  --       - target:
  --         - vertices by default
  --         - e => edges
  --       - kind:
  --         - normal by default
  --         - l => list
  --   - graph:
  --     - G by default
  --     - s/x/y/h => S/X/Y/H
  --   - modifier:
  --     - a => '
  --     - 1/2 => _k
    options = A.no_capitalization,
  -- }}}

local expanded = scrap.expand_many(abolishAbbreviations)

-- Last I checked this contained 1229 abbreviations
-- print(#abbreviations + #expanded)


vim.opt_local.list = false -- The lsp usese tabs for formatting