local M = {} function M.setup() require("lazy").setup("my.plugins", { defaults = { lazy = true }, install = { -- install missing plugins on startup. This doesn't increase startup time. missing = true, -- try to load one of these colorschemes when starting an installation during startup colorscheme = { "rose-pine", "catpuccin" }, }, change_detection = { enabled = false, notify = false, }, dev = { -- Fallback to git when local plugin doesn't exist fallback = true, -- Directory where I store my local plugin projects path = "~/Projects", patterns = { "Mateiadrielrafael" }, }, performance = { rtp = { paths = { -- Extra runtime path specified by nix os.getenv("NVIM_EXTRA_RUNTIME") or "", }, disabled_plugins = { "gzip", "matchit", "matchparen", "netrwPlugin", "tarPlugin", "tohtml", "tutor", "zipPlugin", }, }, }, }) end vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>L", "<cmd>Lazy<cr>", { desc = "[L]azy ui" }) return M