-- {{{ Import stuff & create config object local wezterm = require("wezterm") local colorscheme = require("nix.colorscheme") -- injected by nix! -- This table will hold the configuration. local config = {} -- In newer versions of wezterm, use the config_builder which will -- help provide clearer error messages if wezterm.config_builder then config = wezterm.config_builder() end -- }}} local font_size = 20.0 -- {{{ Theming local themeMap = { ["Gruvbox light, soft"] = "Gruvbox light, soft (base16)", ["Gruvbox dark, soft"] = "Gruvbox dark, soft (base16)", } config.color_scheme = themeMap[colorscheme.name] config.colors = {} -- config.colors = wezterm.color.load_base16_scheme(colorscheme.source) -- {{{ Window frame config.window_frame = { font = wezterm.font({ family = colorscheme.fonts.sansSerif }), font_size = font_size - 3, active_titlebar_bg = "none", inactive_titlebar_bg = "none", } config.window_padding = { left = "1cell", right = "1cell", top = "0.4cell", bottom = "0.4cell", } -- }}} -- {{{ Tab bar colors config.colors.tab_bar = { background = "none", active_tab = { bg_color = colorscheme.transparency.terminal.base00, fg_color = colorscheme.base05, }, inactive_tab = { bg_color = "none", fg_color = colorscheme.base05, }, inactive_tab_hover = { bg_color = colorscheme.base00, fg_color = colorscheme.base05, }, new_tab = { bg_color = colorscheme.base02, fg_color = colorscheme.base05, }, new_tab_hover = { bg_color = colorscheme.base02, fg_color = colorscheme.base05, italic = true, }, -- The color of the inactive tab bar edge/divider inactive_tab_edge = "none", } -- }}} -- {{{ Other visual things config.window_background_opacity = colorscheme.transparency.terminal.value -- }}} -- }}} -- {{{ Main config options config.automatically_reload_config = true config.warn_about_missing_glyphs = false config.check_for_updates = false -- {{{ Fonts config.adjust_window_size_when_changing_font_size = false -- Makes it work with fixed window sizes. config.font_size = font_size config.font = wezterm.font(colorscheme.fonts.monospace) -- }}} -- {{{ Tab bar config.tab_bar_at_bottom = false config.use_fancy_tab_bar = true config.hide_tab_bar_if_only_one_tab = true config.show_tab_index_in_tab_bar = false config.show_new_tab_button_in_tab_bar = false -- }}} -- {{{ Keycodes config.disable_default_key_bindings = false -- config.enable_kitty_keyboard = true -- Let's apps recognise more distinct keys config.enable_csi_u_key_encoding = true -- For some reason I need this for all keybinds to work inside neovim. -- }}} -- }}} -- {{{ Keybinds local function unmap(key, mods) return { key = key, mods = mods, action = wezterm.action.DisableDefaultAssignment, } end local function bind_if(cond, key, mods, action) local function callback(win, pane) if cond(pane) then win:perform_action(action, pane) else win:perform_action( wezterm.action.SendKey({ key = key, mods = mods }), pane ) end end return { key = key, mods = mods, action = wezterm.action_callback(callback) } end -- {{{ Detect nvim processes local function is_inside_vim(pane) local tty = pane:get_tty_name() if tty == nil then return false end local success, _, _ = wezterm.run_child_process({ "sh", "-c", "ps -o state= -o comm= -t" .. wezterm.shell_quote_arg(tty) .. " | " .. "grep -iqE '^[^TXZ ]+ +(\\S+\\/)?g?(view|l?n?vim?x?)(diff)?$'", }) return success end local function is_outside_vim(pane) return not is_inside_vim(pane) end -- }}} config.keys = { -- {{{ Disable certain default keybinds unmap("f", "CTRL|SHIFT"), unmap("w", "CTRL|SHIFT"), unmap("Enter", "ALT"), -- }}} -- {{{ Nvim nevigation keybinds bind_if( is_outside_vim, "h", "CTRL", wezterm.action.ActivatePaneDirection("Left") ), bind_if( is_outside_vim, "j", "CTRL", wezterm.action.ActivatePaneDirection("Down") ), bind_if( is_outside_vim, "k", "CTRL", wezterm.action.ActivatePaneDirection("Up") ), bind_if( is_outside_vim, "l", "CTRL", wezterm.action.ActivatePaneDirection("Right") ), -- }}} } -- }}} config.enable_wayland = false -- and finally, return the configuration to wezterm return config