  "Begin": {
    "prefix": "begin",
    "description": "Begin anything",
    "body": [
  "Set": {
    "prefix": "set",
    "description": "Set I guess",
    "body": "\\{$1\\\\}$0"
  "Absolute value": {
    "prefix": "abs",
    "description": "Absolute values",
    "body": "\\abs{$1}$0"
  "Norm": {
    "prefix": "norm",
    "description": "Norm of a vector",
    "body": "\\norm{$1}$0"
  "Inner product": {
    "prefix": "iprod",
    "description": "Inner product of two vectors",
    "body": "\\iprod{$1}{$2}$0"
  "Lemma": {
    "prefix": "lemma",
    "description": "Create a lemma",
    "body": [
  "Example*": {
    "prefix": "example*",
    "description": "Create an example*",
    "body": [
  "Example": {
    "prefix": "example",
    "description": "Create an example",
    "body": [
  "Theorem": {
    "prefix": "theorem",
    "description": "Create a theorem",
    "body": [
  "Exercise": {
    "prefix": "exercise",
    "description": "Create a exercise",
    "body": [
  "Definition": {
    "prefix": "definition",
    "description": "Create a definition",
    "body": [
  "Display math": {
    "prefix": "dm",
    "description": "Display math section",
    "body": [
  "Subscript": {
    "prefix": "ss",
    "description": "Subscript",
    "body": "_{$1}$0"
  "Exponent": {
    "prefix": "ee",
    "description": "Exponent",
    "body": "^{$1}$0"
  "Nth derivative": {
    "prefix": "dd",
    "description": "Nth derivative",
    "body": "^{($1)}$0"
  "Overline": {
    "prefix": "ol",
    "description": "Overline",
    "body": "\\overline{$1}$0"
  "Z Mod": {
    "prefix": "zmod",
    "description": "The set of Z/nZ",
    "body": "\\mathbb{Z}/$1\\mathbb{Z}$0"
  "Section": {
    "prefix": "section",
    "description": "Add section",
    "body": [
  "Subsection": {
    "prefix": "subsection",
    "description": "Add subsection",
    "body": [
  "Subsubsection": {
    "prefix": "subsubsection",
    "description": "Add subsubsection",
    "body": [
  "Chapter": {
    "prefix": "chapter",
    "description": "Add chapter",
    "body": [
  "Proof": {
    "prefix": "proof",
    "description": "Create proof",
    "body": [
  "Itemize": {
    "prefix": "item",
    "body": [
      "\t\\item $0",
    "description": "Itemize env"
  "Enumerate": {
    "prefix": "enum",
    "body": [
      "\t\\item $0",
    "description": "Enumerate env"
  "Reference definition": {
    "prefix": "rdef",
    "description": "Reference a definition",
    "body": "\\ref{def:$1}$0"
  "Reference lemma": {
    "prefix": "rlemma",
    "description": "Reference a lemma",
    "body": "\\ref{lem:$1}$0"
  "Reference theorem": {
    "prefix": "rtheorem",
    "description": "Reference a theorem",
    "body": "\\ref{thm:$1}$0"
  "Sigma sum": {
    "prefix": "bsum",
    "description": "Create a sum using sigma notation",
    "body": "\\sum_{$1 = $2}^{$3}$0"
  "Pi product": {
    "prefix": "bproduct",
    "description": "Create a produt using pi notation",
    "body": "\\prod_{$1 = $2}^{$3}$0"
  "Fraction": {
    "prefix": "frac",
    "description": "Create a fraction",
    "body": "\\frac{$1}{$2}$0"
  "Choose": {
    "prefix": "binom",
    "description": "Create a (n choose k) thingy",
    "body": "\\binom{$1}{$2}$0"
  "Limit": {
    "prefix": "lim",
    "description": "Create a limit",
    "body": "\\lim _{$1 \\to $2}$0"
  "Limit to infinity": {
    "prefix": "ilim",
    "description": "Create a limit as a variable goes to infinity",
    "body": "\\lim _{$1 \\to \\infty}$0"
  "Limit to negative infinity": {
    "prefix": "nlim",
    "description": "Create a limit as a variable goes to negative infinity",
    "body": "\\lim _{$1 \\to -\\infty}$0"
  "Limit to zero": {
    "prefix": "zlim",
    "description": "Create a limit as a variable goes to 0",
    "body": "\\lim _{$1 \\to 0}$0"
  "Sqrt": {
    "prefix": "sqrt",
    "description": "Create a sqrt",
    "body": "\\sqrt[$1]{$2}$0"
  "Sin": {
    "prefix": "sin",
    "description": "Create a sin call",
    "body": "\\sin($1)$0"
  "Cos": {
    "prefix": "cos",
    "description": "Create a cos call",
    "body": "\\cos($1)$0"
  "Ln": {
    "prefix": "ln",
    "description": "Create a ln call",
    "body": "\\ln($1)$0"
  "Aligned": {
    "prefix": "aligned",
    "description": "Create an aligned environment",
    "body": [
  "Let": {
    "prefix": "let",
    "description": "Let something equal something else",
    "body": "Let $$1 = $2$. $0"
  "Force newline": {
    "prefix": "cr",
    "description": "Force newline in math mode",
    "body": "{\\ \\\\\\\\}"
  "Aligned display math": {
    "prefix": "maligned",
    "description": "Create an aligned display math environment",
    "body": [
  "System of equations": {
    "prefix": "eqsystem",
    "description": "Create a system of equations",
    "body": [
  "Aligned equation": {
    "prefix": "aleq",
    "description": "Aligned equation",
    "body": [
      "\\\\\\ $1 &= $2",
  "2x2 matrices": {
    "prefix": "mat22",
    "description": "Create a 2x2 matrix",
    "body": [
      "   ${1:1} & ${2:0}",
      "\\\\\\ ${3:0} & ${4:1}",
  "3x3 matrices": {
    "prefix": "mat33",
    "description": "Create a 3x3 matrix",
    "body": [
      "   ${1:1} & ${2:0} & ${3:0}",
      "\\\\\\ ${4:0} & ${5:1} & ${6:0}",
      "\\\\\\ ${7:0} & ${8:0} & ${9:1}",
  "3x3 determinants": {
    "prefix": "det33",
    "description": "Create a 3x3 determinant",
    "body": [
      "   $1 & $2 & $3",
      "\\\\\\ $4 & $5 & $6",
      "\\\\\\ $7 & $8 & $9",
  "2x2 determinants": {
    "prefix": "det22",
    "description": "Create a 2x2 determinant",
    "body": [
      "   $1 & $2",
      "\\\\\\ $3 & $4",
  "Definite integral": {
    "prefix": "dintegral",
    "description": "Definite integral",
    "body": "\\int_{$1}^{$2} $3 d${4:x}$0"
  "Indefinite integral": {
    "prefix": "integral",
    "description": "Integral",
    "body": "\\int $1 d${2:x}$0"
  "Iff cases": {
    "prefix": "ciff",
    "description": "Prove an equivalence in both directions",
    "body": [
  "quote": {
    "prefix": "quote",
    "description": "Quote a bunch of text",
    "body": "``$1''$0"