{ "Definition": { "prefix": "definition", "description": "Basic purescript definition", "body": [ "$1 :: $2", "$1 = $3" ] }, "SProxy": { "prefix": "sproxy", "description": "Generate a proxy constant", "body": [ "_$1 :: Proxy \"$1\"", "_$1 = Proxy" ] }, "Proxy": { "prefix": "proxy", "description": "Generate a proxy constant", "body": [ "_$1 :: Proxy $1", "_$1 = Proxy" ] }, "Prop": { "prefix": "prop", "description": "Prop lens", "body": [ "_$1 :: Lens' $2 $3", "_$1 = prop (Proxy :: _ \"$1\")" ] }, "Variant constructor": { "prefix": "inj", "description": "Generate a constructor for a variant an inline sproxy", "body": [ "$1 :: forall r a. a -> Variant ( $1 :: a | r)", "$1 = inj (SProxy :: SProxy \"$1\")" ] }, "Full variant constructor": { "prefix": "injf", "description": "Generate a constructor for a variant with an external sproxy definition", "body": [ "$1 :: forall r a. a -> Variant ( $1 :: a | r)", "$1 = inj _$1", "", "_$1 :: Proxy \"$1\"", "_$1 = Proxy" ] }, "Example code": { "prefix": "ex", "description": "Provide example usage for some piece of code", "body" : [ "-- |", "-- | Ex:", "-- | ```purs", "-- | $0", "-- | ```" ] }, "Section": { "prefix": "section", "description": "Delimit a section using 10 dashes", "body" : "---------- $0" }, "Typeclass instances": { "prefix": "sinstances", "description": "Delimit a section which declares typeclass instances", "body" : ["---------- Typeclass instances", "$0"] } }