# This setups a SSH server. { outputs, config, lib, ... }: let # Record containing all the hosts hosts = outputs.nixosConfigurations; # Name of the current hostname hostname = config.networking.hostName; # Function from hostname to relative path to public ssh key pubKey = host: ../../${host}/keys/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub; in { services.openssh = { enable = true; settings = { PermitRootLogin = lib.mkDefault "no"; # Forbid root login through SSH. PasswordAuthentication = lib.mkDefault false; # Use keys only. }; # Automatically remove stale sockets extraConfig = '' StreamLocalBindUnlink yes ''; # Generate ssh key hostKeys = let mkKey = type: path: extra: { inherit type path; } // extra; in [ (mkKey "ed25519" "/persist/state/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key" { }) (mkKey "rsa" "/persist/state/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key" { bits = 4096; }) ]; }; # SSH on slow connections programs.mosh.enable = true; # Add each host in this repo to the knownHosts list programs.ssh = { knownHosts = lib.pipe hosts [ # attrsetof host -> attrsetof { ... } (builtins.mapAttrs # string -> host -> { ... } ( name: _: { publicKeyFile = pubKey name; extraHostNames = lib.optional (name == hostname) "localhost"; } ) ) # attrsetof { ... } -> attrsetof { ... } (lib.attrsets.filterAttrs # string -> { ... } -> bool (_: { publicKeyFile, ... }: builtins.pathExists publicKeyFile) ) ]; }; # By default, this will ban failed ssh attempts services.fail2ban.enable = true; # Makes it easy to copy host keys at install time without messing up permissions systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ "d /persist/state/etc/ssh" ]; }