-- TODO: operator for wrapping motion with fold local M = {} -- {{{ Helpers ---Performs a basic move operation ---Moves a keybind to a different set of keys. ---Useful for moving built in keybinds out of the way. ---@param from string ---@param to string ---@param opts table|nil function M.move(from, to, opts) vim.keymap.set("n", to, from, opts) vim.keymap.set("n", from, "<Nop>") end ---Create a textobject defined by some delimiters ---@param from string ---@param to string ---@param name string ---@param opts table|nil function M.delimitedTextobject(from, to, name, opts) opts = opts or {} if opts.desc == nil then opts.desc = name end vim.keymap.set({ "v", "o" }, "i" .. from, "i" .. to, opts) vim.keymap.set({ "v", "o" }, "a" .. from, "a" .. to, opts) end ---Helper to create a normal mode mapping and give it some description. ---@param from string ---@param to string|function ---@param desc string ---@param silent boolean|nil ---@param isLocal boolean|nil function M.nmap(from, to, desc, silent, isLocal) if silent == nil then silent = true end if isLocal == nil then isLocal = false end vim.keymap.set( "n", from, to, { desc = desc, silent = silent, buffer = isLocal } ) end -- }}} function M.setup() -- {{{ Text objects M.delimitedTextobject("q", '"', "[q]uotes") M.delimitedTextobject("a", "'", "[a]postrophes") M.delimitedTextobject("r", "[", "squa[r]e brackets") -- }}} end return M