{ inputs, pkgs, ... }: { programs.anyrun = { enable = true; config = { # {{{ Plugins plugins = with inputs.anyrun.packages.${pkgs.system}; [ applications dictionary rink stdin # symbols # Looks ugly atm # websearch # inputs.anyrun-nixos-options.packages.${pkgs.system}.default # Idk how to set this up :( ]; # }}} # {{{ Geometry x.fraction = 0.5; y.fraction = 0.25; width.fraction = 0.5; # }}} hidePluginInfo = true; closeOnClick = true; showResultsImmediately = true; maxEntries = 7; }; extraCss = null; }; # # See [the readme](https://github.com/n3oney/anyrun-nixos-options) for anyrun-nixos-options. # programs.anyrun.extraConfigFiles."nixos-options.ron".text = '' # Config( # options_path: "${config.system.build.manual.optionsJSON}/share/doc/nixos/options.json" # ) # ''; # home.packages = # let anyrunScript = name: plugin: pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "anyrun-${plugin}"; # in # [ (anyrunScript "launch" "applications") ]; }