{ config, pkgs, inputs, ... }: let workflowDir = "${config.xdg.userDirs.extraConfig.XDG_PROJECTS_DIR}/stellar-sanctum/smos"; in { sops.secrets.smos_password.sopsFile = ../secrets.yaml; # {{{ Smos config programs.smos = { inherit workflowDir; # We don't want to use the statically-linked binary, as it requires pulling-in ghc-musl. smosReleasePackages = inputs.smos.packages.${pkgs.system}.default; enable = true; notify.enable = true; sync = { enable = true; server-url = "api.smos.moonythm.dev"; username = "prescientmoon"; password-file = config.sops.secrets.smos_password.path; }; github = { enable = true; oauth-token-file = config.sops.secrets.smos_github_token.path; }; calendar.enable = true; }; # }}} # {{{ Storage & secrets satellite.persistence.at.data.apps.smos.directories = [ config.programs.smos.workflowDir ]; sops.secrets.smos_github_token = { sopsFile = ../secrets.yaml; path = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/smos/.github_token"; }; # }}} # {{{ Add desktop entry # Start smos with a custom class so our WM can move it to the correct workspace xdg.desktopEntries.smostui = { name = "Smos TUI"; type = "Application"; terminal = false; icon = ../../../../../common/icons/smos.svg; exec = builtins.toString ( pkgs.writeShellScript "smostui" '' foot -a Smos -D ${workflowDir} smos '' ); }; # }}} }