{ upkgs, pkgs, lib, config, inputs, ... }: let # Toggles for including tooling related to a given language packedTargets = { elm = false; latex = true; lua = true; nix = true; purescript = false; python = false; rust = false; typst = true; web = true; csharp = false; }; korora = inputs.korora.lib; nlib = import ../../../modules/common/korora-neovim.nix { inherit lib korora; } { tempestModule = "my.tempest"; }; mirosSnippetCache = "${config.xdg.cacheHome}/miros"; obsidianVault = "${config.xdg.userDirs.extraConfig.XDG_PROJECTS_DIR}/stellar-sanctum"; generated = with nlib; generateConfig { # {{{ Pre-plugin config pre = { # {{{ General options "0:general-options" = { vim.g = { # Disable filetype.vim do_filetype_lua = true; did_load_filetypes = false; # Set leader mapleader = " "; }; vim.opt = { # Basic options joinspaces = false; # No double spaces with join (mapped to qj in my config) list = false; # I don't want to show things like tabs cmdheight = 0; # Hide command line when it's not getting used spell = true; # Spell checker signcolumn = "yes"; # Keeps the sign column of a consistent width # tcqj are there by default, and "r" automatically continues comments on enter formatoptions = "tcqjr"; scrolloff = 4; # Starts scrolling 4 lines from the edge of the screen termguicolors = true; # True color support wrap = false; # Disable line wrap (by default) wildmode = [ "list" "longest" ]; # Command-line completion mode completeopt = [ "menu" "menuone" "noselect" ]; undofile = true; # persist undos!! # {{{ Line numbers number = true; # Show line numbers relativenumber = true; # Relative line numbers # }}} # {{{ Indents expandtab = true; # Use spaces for the tab char shiftwidth = 2; # Size of an indent tabstop = 2; # Size of tab character shiftround = true; # When using < or >, rounds to closest multiple of shiftwidth smartindent = true; # Insert indents automatically # }}} # {{{ Casing ignorecase = true; # Ignore case smartcase = true; # Do not ignore case with capitals # }}} # {{{ Splits splitbelow = true; # Put new windows below current splitright = true; # Put new windows right of current # }}} # {{{ Folding foldmethod = "marker"; # use {{{ }}} for folding foldcolumn = "0"; # show no column with folds on the left # }}} }; # {{{Disable pseudo-transparency; autocmds = { event = "FileType"; group = "WinblendSettings"; action.vim.opt.winblend = 0; }; # }}} # {{{ Starter page callback = # lua thunk '' local cwd = vim.loop.cwd() local header if cwd == ${encode obsidianVault} then header = ${encode (builtins.readFile ./headers/obsidian.txt)} else header = ${encode (builtins.readFile ./headers/main.txt)} end require("my.starter").setup({ header = header }) ''; # }}} }; # }}} # {{{ Misc keybinds "1:misc-keybinds" = { # {{{ Global keybinds keys = # {{{ Keybind helpers let dmap = mapping: action: desc: { inherit mapping desc; action = vim /diagnostic/${action}; }; in # }}} [ # {{{ Free up q and Q (nmap "<c-q>" "q" "Record macro") (nmap "<c-s-q>" "Q" "Repeat last recorded macro") (unmap "q") (unmap "Q") # }}} # {{{ Chords # Different chords get remapped to f-keys by my [my kaanta config](../../../hosts/nixos/common/optional/services/kanata.nix). # # Exit insert mode using *jk* (keymap "iv" "<f10>" "<esc>" "Exit insert mode") # Use global clipboard using *cp* (keymap "nv" "<f11>" ''"+'' "Use global clipboard") # Save using *ji* (nmap "<f12>" (thunk '' -- If we don't do this, the statusbar will flash for a second... vim.cmd([[silent! write]]) vim.opt.stl = vim.opt.stl '') "Save current file") # }}} # {{{ Newline without comments { mode = "i"; mapping = "<c-cr>"; action = _: vim /paste (args [ [ "" "" ] (-1) ]); desc = "Insert newline without continuing the current comment"; } { mode = "i"; mapping = "<c-s-cr>"; # This is a bit scuffed and might not work for all languages action = "<cmd>norm O<bs><bs><bs><cr>"; desc = "Insert newline above without continuing the current comment"; } # }}} # {{{ Diagnostics (dmap "J" "open_float" "Open current diagnostic") (dmap "<leader>D" "setloclist" "[D]iagnostic loclist") (nmap "qj" "J" "join lines") # }}} # {{{ Other misc keybinds (nmap "<Leader>a" "<C-^>" "[A]lternate file") (unmap "<C-^>") (nmap "Q" ":wqa<cr>" "Save all files and [q]uit") (nmap "<leader>rw" ":%s/<C-r><C-w>/" "[R]eplace [w]ord in file") (nmap "<leader>sw" (require "my.helpers.wrap" /toggle) "toggle word [w]rap") (nmap "<leader>ss" ( # lua thunk "vim.opt.spell = not vim.o.spell" ) "toggle [s]pell checker") (nmap "<leader>yp" "<cmd>!curl --data-binary @% https://paste.rs | wl-copy<cr>" "[y]ank [p]aste.rs link to clipboard" ) # }}} ]; # }}} # {{{ Autocmds autocmds = [ # {{{ Exit certain buffers with qq { event = "FileType"; pattern = [ "help" ]; group = "BasicBufferQuitting"; action.keys = nmap "qq" "<cmd>close<cr>" "[q]uit current buffer"; } # }}} # {{{ Enable wrap movemenets by default in certain filetypes { event = "FileType"; pattern = [ "markdown" "typst" "tex" ]; group = "EnableWrapMovement"; action = require "my.helpers.wrap" /enable; } # }}} ]; # }}} }; # }}} # {{{ Manage cmdheight "2:manage-cmdheight".autocmds = [ { event = "CmdlineEnter"; group = "SetCmdheightCmdlineEnter"; action.vim.opt.cmdheight = 1; } { event = "CmdlineLeave"; group = "SetCmdheightCmdlineLeave"; action.vim.opt.cmdheight = 0; } ]; # }}} # {{{ Lsp settings "3:lsp-settings" = { # {{{ Change lsp on-hover borders vim.lsp.handlers."textDocument/hover" = vim /lsp/with (args [ (vim /lsp/handlers/hover) { border = "single"; } ]); vim.lsp.handlers."textDocument/signatureHelp" = vim /lsp/with (args [ (vim /lsp/handlers/signature_help) { border = "single"; } ]); # }}} # {{{ Create on-attach keybinds autocmds = { event = "LspAttach"; group = "UserLspConfig"; action = { mkContext = event: { bufnr = lua event /buf; client = vim /lsp/get_client_by_id (lua event /data/client_id); }; keys = [ ]; }; }; # }}} }; # }}} # {{{ Neovide config "4:configure-neovide" = { cond = whitelist "neovide"; vim.g = { neovide_transparency = tempest /theme/transparency/applications/value; neovide_cursor_animation_length = 4.0e-2; neovide_cursor_animate_in_insert_mode = false; }; }; # }}} # {{{ Language specific overrides "5:language-specific-settings" = { autocmds = [ # {{{ Nix { event = "FileType"; group = "UserNixSettings"; pattern = "nix"; action = { vim.opt.commentstring = "# %s"; keys = { mapping = "<leader>lg"; action = _: let cmd = _: vim /cmd ":%!${lib.getExe pkgs.update-nix-fetchgit}"; in tempest /withSavedCursor cmd; desc = "Update all fetchgit calls"; }; }; } # }}} # {{{ Purescript { event = "FileType"; group = "UserPurescriptSettings"; pattern = "purs"; action.vim.opt = { expandtab = true; # Use spaces for the tab char commentstring = "-- %s"; }; } # }}} ]; }; # }}} }; # }}} # {{{ Plugins lazy = { # {{{ libraries # {{{ plenary plenary = { package = "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim"; # Autoload when running tests cmd = [ "PlenaryBustedDirectory" "PlenaryBustedFile" ]; }; # }}} # {{{ nui nui.package = "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim"; # }}} # {{{ web-devicons web-devicons.package = "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons"; # }}} # {{{ scrap scrap = { package = "prescientmoon/scrap.nvim"; event = "InsertEnter"; }; # }}} # }}} # {{{ ui # {{{ mini.statusline mini-statusline = { package = "echasnovski/mini.statusline"; name = "mini.statusline"; dependencies.lua = [ "web-devicons" ]; lazy = false; opts.content.inactive = _: require "mini.statusline" /combine_groups [ { hl = "MiniStatuslineFilename"; strings = [ (vim /fn/expand "%:t") ]; } ]; opts.content.active = # lua thunk '' local st = require("mini.statusline"); local mode, mode_hl = st.section_mode({ trunc_width = 120 }) local git = st.section_git({ trunc_width = 75 }) local diagnostics = st.section_diagnostics({ trunc_width = 75 }) return st.combine_groups({ { hl = mode_hl, strings = { mode } }, { hl = "MiniStatuslineDevinfo", strings = { git } }, { hl = "MiniStatuslineFilename", strings = { vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.fn.expand("%:p"), ":~:.") } }, "%=", -- End left alignment { hl = "MiniStatuslineFilename", strings = { diagnostics } }, { hl = "MiniStatuslineDevinfo", strings = { vim.bo.filetype } }, }) ''; }; # }}} # {{{ mini.files mini-files = { package = "echasnovski/mini.files"; name = "mini.files"; dependencies.lua = [ "web-devicons" ]; keys = { mapping = "<c-s-f>"; desc = "[S]earch [F]iles"; action = # lua thunk '' local files = require("mini.files") if not files.close() then files.open(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0)) files.reveal_cwd() end ''; }; opts.windows.preview = false; opts.mappings.go_in_plus = "l"; }; # }}} # {{{ quicker.nvim quicker-nvim = { package = "stevearc/quicker.nvim"; name = "quicker.nvim"; dependencies.lua = [ "web-devicons" ]; event = "FileType qf"; opts = { }; }; # }}} # {{{ harpoon harpoon = { package = "ThePrimeagen/harpoon"; event = "VeryLazy"; keys = let goto = key: index: { desc = "Goto harpoon file ${toString index}"; mapping = "<c-s>${key}"; action = _: require "harpoon.ui" /nav_file (toString index); }; in [ { desc = "Add file to [h]arpoon"; mapping = "<leader>H"; action = _: require "harpoon.mark" /add_file none; } { desc = "Toggle harpoon quickmenu"; mapping = "<c-a>"; action = _: require "harpoon.ui" /toggle_quick_menu none; } (goto "q" 1) (goto "w" 2) (goto "e" 3) (goto "r" 4) (goto "a" 5) (goto "s" 6) (goto "d" 7) (goto "f" 8) (goto "z" 9) ]; }; # }}} # {{{ telescope telescope = { package = "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim"; version = "0.1.x"; event = "VeryLazy"; # {{{ Dependencies dependencies = { nix = [ pkgs.ripgrep ]; lua = [ "plenary" { # We want a prebuilt version of this plugin dir = pkgs.vimPlugins.telescope-fzf-native-nvim; name = "telescope-fzf-native"; } ]; }; # }}} # {{{ Keymaps keys = let nmap = mapping: action: desc: { inherit mapping desc; action = "<cmd>Telescope ${action} theme=ivy<cr>"; }; findFilesByExtension = mapping: extension: tag: nmap "<leader>f${mapping}" "find_files find_command=rg,--files,--glob=**/*.${extension}" "Find ${tag} files"; in [ (nmap "<c-p>" "find_files" "File finder [p]alette") (nmap "<leader>d" "diagnostics root_dir=true" "[D]iagnostics") (nmap "<c-f>" "live_grep" "[F]ind in project") (nmap "<c-t>" "builtin" "[T]elescope pickers") # {{{ Files by extension (findFilesByExtension "tx" "tex" "[t]ex") (findFilesByExtension "ts" "ts" "[t]ypescript") (findFilesByExtension "ty" "typ" "[t]ypst") (findFilesByExtension "l" "lua" "[l]ua") (findFilesByExtension "n" "nix" "[n]ua") (findFilesByExtension "p" "purs" "[p]urescript") (findFilesByExtension "h" "hs" "[h]askell") (findFilesByExtension "e" "elm" "[e]lm") (findFilesByExtension "r" "rs" "[r]ust") # }}} ]; # }}} # {{{ Disable folds in telescope windows config.autocmds = { event = "FileType"; pattern = "TelescopeResults"; group = "TelescopeResultsDisableFolds"; action.vim.opt.foldenable = false; }; # }}} # {{{ Load fzf extension config.callback = _: require "telescope" /load_extension "fzf"; # }}} # {{{ Options opts.defaults.mappings.i."<C-h>" = "which_key"; opts.extensions.fzf = { fuzzy = true; override_generic_sorter = true; override_file_sorter = true; }; # }}} }; # }}} # {{{ dressing dressing = { package = "stevearc/dressing.nvim"; event = "VeryLazy"; opts = { select.backend = [ "nui" "builtin" "telescope" ]; input.insert_only = false; }; }; # }}} # }}} # {{{ visual # The line between `ui` and `visual` is a bit rought. I currenlty mostly judge # it by vibe. # {{{ indent-blankline indent-blankline = { package = "lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim"; main = "ibl"; event = "VeryLazy"; config = true; # {{{ Keybinds keys = let # {{{ List of fold-related keybinds foldKeybinds = [ "zo" "zO" "zc" "zC" "za" "zA" "zv" "zx" "zX" "zm" "zM" "zr" "zR" ]; in # }}} [ (nmap "<leader>si" "<cmd>IBLToggle<cr>" "Toggle blankline indentation") ] ++ (lib.forEach foldKeybinds ( from: nmap from "${from}<cmd>IBLToggle<cr><cmd>IBLToggle<cr>" "Overriden ${from} (fold-related thing)" )); # }}}} }; # }}} # {{{ live-command # Live command preview for commands like :norm live-command = { package = "smjonas/live-command.nvim"; version = "remote"; # https://github.com/smjonas/live-command.nvim/pull/29 main = "live-command"; event = "CmdlineEnter"; opts.commands.Norm.cmd = "norm"; opts.commands.G.cmd = "g"; keys = keymap "v" "N" ":Norm " "Map lines in [n]ormal mode"; }; # }}} # {{{ fidget fidget = { package = "j-hui/fidget.nvim"; tag = "legacy"; event = "BufReadPre"; config = true; }; # }}} # {{{ treesitter treesitter = { # REASON: more grammars dir = pkgs.symlinkJoin { name = "treesitter-with-parsers"; paths = [ upkgs.vimPlugins.nvim-treesitter.withAllGrammars upkgs.vimPlugins.nvim-treesitter.withAllGrammars.dependencies ]; }; # package = "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter"; main = "nvim-treesitter.configs"; dependencies.nix = [ pkgs.tree-sitter ]; event = "VeryLazy"; #{{{ Highlighting opts.highlight = { enable = true; disable = [ "kotlin" ]; # This one seemed a bit broken additional_vim_regex_highlighting = false; }; #}}} opts.indent.enable = true; }; # }}} # }}} # {{{ editing # {{{ text navigation # {{{ flash flash = { package = "folke/flash.nvim"; keys = let nmap = mode: mapping: action: desc: { inherit mapping desc mode; action = _: require "flash" /${action} none; }; in [ (nmap "nxo" "s" "jump" "Flash") (nmap "nxo" "S" "treesitter" "Flash Treesitter") (nmap "o" "r" "remote" "Remote Flash") (nmap "ox" "R" "treesitter_search" "Treesitter Search") (nmap "c" "<C-S>" "toggle" "Toggle Flash Search") ]; # Disable stuff like f/t/F/T opts.modes.char.enabled = false; }; # }}} # {{{ ftft (quickscope but written in lua) ftft = { package = "gukz/ftFT.nvim"; keys = [ "f" "F" "t" "T" ]; config = true; }; # }}} # }}} # {{{ clipboard-image clipboard-image = { package = "postfen/clipboard-image.nvim"; cmd = "PasteImg"; keys = { mapping = "<leader>p"; action = "<cmd>PasteImg<cr>"; desc = "[P]aste image from clipboard"; }; opts.default.img_name = importFrom ./plugins/clipboard-image.lua "img_name"; opts.tex = { img_dir = [ "%:p:h" "img" ]; affix = "\\includegraphics[width=\\textwidth]{%s}"; }; opts.typst = { img_dir = [ "%:p:h" "img" ]; affix = ''#image("%s", width: 100)''; }; }; # }}} # {{{ lastplace lastplace = { package = "ethanholz/nvim-lastplace"; event = "BufReadPre"; opts.lastplace_ignore_buftype = [ "quickfix" "nofile" "help" ]; }; # }}} # {{{ undotree undotree = { package = "mbbill/undotree"; cmd = "UndotreeToggle"; keys = nmap "<leader>u" "<cmd>UndoTreeToggle<cr>" "[U]ndo tree"; }; # }}} # {{{ mini.ai mini-ai = { package = "echasnovski/mini.ai"; name = "mini.ai"; event = "VeryLazy"; opts = _: # lazy, as we import mini.ai inside let balanced = from: [ "%b${from}" "^.().*().$" ]; in { custom_textobjects = { b = balanced "()"; B = balanced "{}"; r = balanced "[]"; v = [ "⟨.-⟩" "^⟨().*()⟩$" ]; q = balanced "\"\""; Q = balanced "``"; a = balanced "''"; A = require "mini.ai" /gen_spec/argument none; }; }; }; # }}} # {{{ mini.comment mini-comment = { package = "echasnovski/mini.comment"; name = "mini.comment"; config = true; keys = [ { mapping = "gc"; mode = "nxv"; } "gcc" ]; }; # }}} # {{{ mini.surround mini-surround = { package = "echasnovski/mini.surround"; name = "mini.surround"; keys = lib.flatten [ # ^ doing the whole `flatten` thing to lie to my formatter { mapping = "<tab>s"; mode = "nv"; } [ "<tab>d" "<tab>f" "<tab>F" "<tab>h" "<tab>r" ] ]; # {{{ Keybinds opts.mappings = { add = "<tab>s"; # Add surrounding in Normal and Visul modes delete = "<tab>d"; # Delete surrounding find = "<tab>f"; # Find surrounding (to the right) find_left = "<tab>F"; # Find surrounding (to the left) highlight = "<tab>h"; # Highlight surrounding replace = "<tab>r"; # Replace surrounding update_n_lines = ""; # Update `n_lines` }; # }}} # {{{ Custom surroundings opts.custom_surroundings = let mk = balanced: input: left: right: { input = [ input (if balanced then "^.%s*().-()%s*.$" else "^.().*().$") ]; output = { inherit left right; }; }; in { b = mk true "%b()" "(" ")"; B = mk true "%b{}" "{" "}"; r = mk true "%b[]" "[" "]"; v = mk true "%b⟨⟩" "⟨" "⟩"; q = mk false "\".-\"" "\"" "\""; Q = mk false "`.-`" "`" "`"; a = mk false "'.-'" "'" "'"; }; # }}} }; # }}} # {{{ mini.operators mini-operators = { package = "echasnovski/mini.operators"; name = "mini.operators"; config = true; keys = let operator = key: [ { mapping = "g${key}"; mode = "nv"; } "g${key}${key}" ]; in lib.flatten [ (operator "=") (operator "m") (operator "x") (operator "r") (operator "s") ]; }; # }}} # {{{ mini.pairs mini-pairs = { package = "echasnovski/mini.pairs"; name = "mini.pairs"; # We could specify all the generated bindings, but I don't think it's worth it event = [ "InsertEnter" "CmdlineEnter" ]; }; # }}} # {{{ luasnip # snippeting engine luasnip = { package = "L3MON4D3/LuaSnip"; version = "v2"; config = _: do [ (require "luasnip" /config/setup { enable_autosnippets = true; update_events = [ "TextChanged" "TextChangedI" ]; }) (require "luasnip.loaders.from_lua" /lazy_load { fs_event_providers.libuv = true; }) ]; # {{{ Keybinds keys = [ { mode = "i"; expr = true; mapping = "<tab>"; action = # lua thunk '' local luasnip = require("luasnip") if not luasnip.jumpable(1) then return "<tab>" end vim.schedule(function() luasnip.jump(1) end) return "<ignore>" ''; desc = "Jump to next snippet tabstop"; } { mode = "i"; mapping = "<s-tab>"; action = _: require "luasnip" /jump (-1); desc = "Jump to previous snippet tabstop"; } { mode = "is"; mapping = "<c-a>"; action = "<Plug>luasnip-prev-choice"; desc = "Previous snippet node choice"; } { mode = "is"; mapping = "<c-f>"; action = "<Plug>luasnip-next-choice"; desc = "Next snippet node choice"; } ]; # }}} }; # }}} # {{{ miros # snippeting generation language miros = with inputs.miros.packages.${pkgs.system}; { dir = miros-nvim; dependencies.nix = [ miros ]; ft = "miros"; keys = { mapping = "<leader>rm"; action = "<cmd>!miros generate" + " -i ${config.satellite.dev.path "home/features/neovim/snippets"}" + " -o ${mirosSnippetCache}/luasnippets" + " luasnip -r my.luasnip <cr>"; desc = "[R]erun [m]iros"; }; }; # }}} # }}} # {{{ ide # {{{ lspconfig lspconfig = { # {{{ Nix dependencies dependencies.nix = with lib.lists; with packedTargets; ( optionals web [ pkgs.nodePackages.typescript pkgs.nodePackages_latest.vscode-langservers-extracted pkgs.nodePackages.typescript-language-server ] ++ optionals lua [ pkgs.lua-language-server pkgs.lua ] ++ optionals nix [ upkgs.nixd ] ++ optionals latex [ pkgs.texlab pkgs.texlive.combined.scheme-full ] ++ optionals elm [ pkgs.elmPackages.elm pkgs.elmPackages.elm-format pkgs.elmPackages.elm-language-server ] ++ optionals purescript [ pkgs.purescript-language-server pkgs.nodePackages.purs-tidy ] ++ optionals csharp [ pkgs.csharp-ls ] ); # }}} dependencies.lua = [ "neoconf" "neodev" ]; package = "neovim/nvim-lspconfig"; event = "VeryLazy"; keys = nmap "<leader>li" "<cmd>LspInfo<cr>" "[L]sp [i]nfo"; config = _: importFrom ./plugins/lspconfig.lua "config" { # We handle formatting using null-ls and prettierd ts_ls.on_attach = client: '' ${client}.server_capabilities.documentFormattingProvider = false ''; purescriptls.settings.purescript = { censorWarnings = [ "UnusedName" "ShadowedName" "UserDefinedWarning" ]; formatter = "purs-tidy"; }; lua_ls.settings.Lua = { format.enable = true; # Do not send telemetry data containing a randomized but unique identifier telemetry.enable = false; }; texlab.settings.texlab = { build = { args = [ # Here by default: "-pdf" "-interaction=nonstopmode" "-synctex=1" "%f" # Required for syntax highlighting inside the generated pdf apparently "-shell-escape" ]; executable = "latexmk"; forwardSearchAfter = true; onSave = true; }; chktex = { onOpenAndSave = true; onEdit = true; }; }; nixd.offset_encoding = "utf-8"; nixd.settings.nixd = let satellite = "${config.xdg.userDirs.extraConfig.XDG_PROJECTS_DIR}/satellite"; hostname = "tethys"; # not sure how to get this dynamically in HM in { formatting.command = [ ]; diagnostic.suppress = [ "sema-escaping-with" "sema-extra-with" ]; nixpkgs.expr = ''import (builtins.getFlake "${satellite}").inputs.nixpkgs { }''; options = { nixos.expr = ''(builtins.getFlake "${satellite}").nixosConfigurations.${hostname}.options''; home-manager.expr = ''(builtins.getFlake "${satellite}").homeConfigurations."${config.home.username}@${hostname}".options''; }; }; tinymist.settings.exportPdf = "onSave"; tinymist.offset_encoding = "utf-8"; cssls = { }; jsonls = { }; dhall_lsp_server = { }; elmls = { }; csharp_ls = { }; ols = { }; # Odin }; }; # }}} # {{{ conform conform = { dependencies.lua = [ "lspconfig" ]; dependencies.nix = with lib.lists; with packedTargets; ( [ pkgs.codespell ] ++ optional lua pkgs.stylua ++ optional python pkgs.ruff ++ optionals web [ pkgs.nodePackages_latest.prettier pkgs.nodePackages_latest.prettier_d_slim ] ++ optionals nix [ pkgs.nixfmt-rfc-style ] ); package = "stevearc/conform.nvim"; event = "VeryLazy"; opts.format_on_save.lsp_fallback = true; opts.formatters_by_ft = let prettier = [ [ "prettierd" "prettier" ] ]; in { "*" = [ # "codespell" # this one causes issues sometimes "trim_whitespace" ]; lua = [ "stylua" ]; python = [ "ruff_format" ]; javascript = prettier; typescript = prettier; javascriptreact = prettier; typescriptreact = prettier; html = prettier; nix = [ "nixfmt" ]; css = prettier; markdown = prettier; }; }; # }}} # {{{ neodev neodev = { package = "folke/neodev.nvim"; config = true; }; # }}} # {{{ neoconf neoconf = { package = "folke/neoconf.nvim"; cmd = "Neoconf"; # Provide autocomplete for every language server opts.plugins.jsonls.configure_servers_only = false; opts.import = { vscode = true; # local .vscode/settings.json coc = false; # global/local coc-settings.json nlsp = false; # global/local nlsp-settings.nvim json settings }; }; # }}} # {{{ null-ls null-ls = { package = "jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim"; dependencies.lua = [ "lspconfig" ]; dependencies.nix = lib.lists.optional packedTargets.python pkgs.ruff; event = "VeryLazy"; opts = _: { sources = [ (require "null-ls" /builtins/diagnostics/ruff) ]; }; }; # }}} # {{{ cmp cmp = { package = "hrsh7th/nvim-cmp"; dependencies.lua = [ # {{{ Completion sources "hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp" "hrsh7th/cmp-buffer" "hrsh7th/cmp-emoji" "hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline" "hrsh7th/cmp-path" "saadparwaiz1/cmp_luasnip" # }}} "onsails/lspkind.nvim" # show icons in lsp completion menus "luasnip" ]; event = [ "InsertEnter" "CmdlineEnter" ]; config = importFrom ./plugins/cmp.lua "config"; }; # }}} # {{{ neotest neotest = { package = "nvim-neotest/neotest"; dependencies.lua = [ # {{{ Adapters "mrcjkb/neotest-haskell" # }}} "plenary" "treesitter" "nvim-neotest/nvim-nio" ]; config = _: { setup.neotest = { status.virtual_text = true; output.open_on_run = true; adapters = [ (require "rustaceanvim.neotest") (require "neotest-haskell" { build_tools = [ "stack" ]; frameworks = [ "hspec" ]; }) ]; }; }; # {{{ Keybinds keys = let nmap = key: arg: desc: nlib.nmap "<leader>t${key}" (thunk "require('neotest').run.${arg}") desc; in [ (nmap "c" "run()" "Run [c]urrent [t]est") (nmap "f" "run(vim.fn.expand('%'))" "Run [t]ests in [f]ile") (nmap "s" "stop()" "Run [c]urrent [t]est") ]; # }}} }; # }}} # {{{ dap dap = { package = "rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui"; dependencies.lua = [ "mfussenegger/nvim-dap" "nvim-neotest/nvim-nio" ]; }; # }}} # }}} # {{{ language support # {{{ haskell support haskell-tools = { package = "mrcjkb/haskell-tools.nvim"; dependencies.lua = [ "plenary" ]; version = "^2"; ft = [ "haskell" "lhaskell" "cabal" "cabalproject" ]; config.vim.g.haskell_tools = { hls.settings.haskell = { formattingProvider = "fourmolu"; # This seems to work better with custom preludes # See this issue https://github.com/fourmolu/fourmolu/issues/357 plugin.fourmolu.config.external = true; }; # I think this wasn't showing certain docs as I expected (?) tools.hover.enable = false; }; }; # }}} # {{{ rust support # {{{ rustacean rustacean = { package = "mrcjkb/rustaceanvim"; dependencies.nix = lib.lists.optionals packedTargets.rust [ pkgs.rust-analyzer pkgs.rustfmt # Recommended by rustacean.nvim as providing a better experience # than raw lldb pkgs.vscode-extensions.vadimcn.vscode-lldb.adapter ]; lazy = false; # This plugin is already lazy config.autocmds = { group = "RustaceanSettings"; event = "FileType"; pattern = "rs"; action.keys = { mapping = "<leader>lc"; action = "<cmd>RustLsp openCargo<cr>"; desc = "Open [c]argo.toml"; }; }; }; # }}} # {{{ crates crates = { package = "saecki/crates.nvim"; dependencies.lua = [ "plenary" ]; event = "BufReadPost Cargo.toml"; # {{{ Set up null_ls source opts.null_ls = { enabled = true; name = "crates"; }; # }}} config.autocmds = [ # {{{ Load cmp source on insert { event = "InsertEnter"; group = "CargoCmpSource"; pattern = "Cargo.toml"; action = _: require "cmp" /setup/buffer { sources = [ { name = "crates"; } ]; }; } # }}} # {{{ Load keybinds on attach { event = "BufReadPost"; group = "CargoKeybinds"; pattern = "Cargo.toml"; # # {{{ Register which-key info # action.callback = contextThunk /* lua */ '' # require("which-key").register({ # ["<leader>lc"] = { # name = "[l]ocal [c]rates", # bufnr = context.bufnr # }, # }) # ''; # }}} action.keys = _: let # {{{ Keymap helpers nmap = mapping: action: desc: { inherit mapping desc; action = require "crates" /${action}; }; keyroot = "<leader>lc"; in # }}} # {{{ Keybinds [ (nmap "${keyroot}t" "toggle" "[c]rates [t]oggle") (nmap "${keyroot}r" "reload" "[c]rates [r]efresh") (nmap "${keyroot}H" "open_homepage" "[c]rate [H]omephage") (nmap "${keyroot}R" "open_repository" "[c]rate [R]epository") (nmap "${keyroot}D" "open_documentation" "[c]rate [D]ocumentation") (nmap "${keyroot}C" "open_crates_io" "[c]rate [C]rates.io") (nmap "${keyroot}v" "show_versions_popup" "[c]rate [v]ersions") (nmap "${keyroot}f" "show_features_popup" "[c]rate [f]eatures") (nmap "${keyroot}d" "show_dependencies_popup" "[c]rate [d]eps") (nmap "K" "show_popup" "[c]rate popup") ]; # }}} } # }}} ]; }; # }}} # }}} # {{{ lean support lean = { package = "Julian/lean.nvim"; name = "lean"; dependencies.lua = [ "plenary" "lspconfig" ]; ft = "lean"; opts = { abbreviations = { builtin = true; cmp = true; }; lsp.capabilites = importFrom ./plugins/lspconfig.lua "capabilities"; lsp3 = false; # We don't want the lean 3 language server! mappings = true; }; }; # }}} # {{{ idris support idris = { package = "ShinKage/idris2-nvim"; name = "idris"; dependencies.lua = [ "nui" "lspconfig" ]; ft = [ "idris2" "lidris2" "ipkg" ]; opts = { client.hover.use_split = true; serve.on_attach = tempestBufnr { # {{{ Keymaps keys = let keymap = mapping: action: desc: { inherit desc; mapping = "<leader>i${mapping}"; action = require "idris2.code_action" /${action}; }; in [ (keymap "C" "make_case" "Make [c]ase") (keymap "L" "make_lemma" "Make [l]emma") (keymap "c" "add_clause" "Add [c]lause") (keymap "e" "expr_search" "[E]xpression search") (keymap "d" "generate_def" "Generate [d]efinition") (keymap "s" "case_split" "Case [s]plit") (keymap "h" "refine_hole" "Refine [h]ole") ]; # }}} }; }; }; # }}} # {{{ github actions github-actions = { package = "yasuhiroki/github-actions-yaml.vim"; ft = [ "yml" "yaml" ]; }; # }}} # {{{ typst support typst = { package = "kaarmu/typst.vim"; dependencies.nix = lib.lists.optionals packedTargets.typst [ upkgs.typst upkgs.tinymist upkgs.typstfmt ]; ft = "typst"; }; # }}} # {{{ purescript support purescript = { package = "purescript-contrib/purescript-vim"; ft = "purescript"; }; # }}} # {{{ hyprland support hyprland = { package = "theRealCarneiro/hyprland-vim-syntax"; ft = "hypr"; init.autocmds = { event = "BufRead"; group = "DetectHyprlandConfig"; pattern = "hyprland.conf"; action.vim.opt.ft = "hypr"; }; }; # }}} # {{{ typescript support # Required for yarn PNP to work rzip = { package = "lbrayner/vim-rzip"; event = "VeryLazy"; }; # }}} # {{{ djot support djot = let djot = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "jgm"; repo = "djot"; rev = "2fec440ab7a75a06a1e18c29a00de64ec7c94b9d"; sha256 = "1xy2x1qbmv1kjxdpj2pjm03d9l7qrl0wx96gn5m0lkfxkg766i7z"; }; in { dir = "${djot}/editors/vim"; ft = "djot"; config.autocmds = { event = "FileType"; group = "UserDjotSettings"; pattern = "djot"; action.vim.opt.commentstring = ''{\% %s \%}''; }; }; # }}} # }}} # {{{ external # These plugins integrate neovim with external services # {{{ wakatime wakatime = { package = "wakatime/vim-wakatime"; dependencies.nix = [ pkgs.wakatime ]; event = "VeryLazy"; }; # }}} # {{{ discord rich presence discord-rich-presence = { enabled = false; package = "andweeb/presence.nvim"; main = "presence"; event = "VeryLazy"; config = true; }; # }}} # {{{ gitlinker # generate permalinks for code gitlinker = rec { package = "ruifm/gitlinker.nvim"; dependencies.lua = [ "plenary" ]; opts.mappings = "<leader>yg"; keys = { mapping = opts.mappings; desc = "[y]ank [g]it permalink"; }; }; # }}} # {{{ obsidian obsidian = let dateFormat = "%Y-%m-%d"; in { package = "epwalsh/obsidian.nvim"; dependencies.lua = [ "plenary" ]; event = "VeryLazy"; cond = lua "vim.loop.cwd() == ${encode obsidianVault}"; config.keys = let nmap = mapping: action: desc: { inherit mapping desc; action = "<cmd>Obsidian${action}<cr>"; }; in [ (nmap "<C-O>" "QuickSwitch<cr>" "[o]pen note") (nmap "<leader>ot" "Today" "[t]oday's note") (nmap "<leader>oy" "Yesterday" "[y]esterday's note") (nmap "<leader>oi" "Template" "[i]nstantiate template") (nmap "<leader>on" "Template New note.md" "new [n]ote template") (nmap "<leader>od" "Template New note.md" "new [d]ream template") ]; opts = { dir = obsidianVault; notes_subdir = "chaos"; daily_notes = { folder = "daily"; date_format = dateFormat; template = "New daily note.md"; }; templates = { subdir = "templates"; date_format = dateFormat; time_format = "%H:%M"; }; completion = { nvim_cmp = true; min_chars = 2; }; new_notes_location = "current_dir"; mappings = { }; disable_frontmatter = true; }; }; # }}} # {{{ navigator navigator = { package = "numToStr/Navigator.nvim"; cond = blacklist [ "neovide" ]; config = true; keys = [ (nmap "<c-h>" "<cmd>NavigatorLeft<cr>" "Navigate left") (nmap "<c-j>" "<cmd>NavigatorDown<cr>" "Navigate down") (nmap "<c-k>" "<cmd>NavigatorUp<cr>" "Navigate up") (nmap "<c-l>" "<cmd>NavigatorRight<cr>" "Navigate right") ]; }; # }}} # }}} }; # }}} }; # {{{ extraRuntime # Experimental nix module generation generatedConfig = config.satellite.lib.lua.writeFile "lua/nix" "init" generated.lua; extraRuntime = lib.concatStringsSep "," [ generatedConfig mirosSnippetCache "${pkgs.vimPlugins.lazy-nvim}" ]; # }}} # {{{ Client wrapper # Wraps a neovim client, providing the dependencies # and setting some flags: wrapClient = { base, name, binName ? name, extraArgs ? "", wrapFlags ? lib.id, }: let startupScript = config.satellite.lib.lua.writeFile "." "startup" # lua '' vim.g.nix_extra_runtime = ${nlib.encode extraRuntime} vim.g.nix_projects_dir = ${nlib.encode config.xdg.userDirs.extraConfig.XDG_PROJECTS_DIR} vim.g.nix_theme = ${config.satellite.colorscheme.lua} -- Provide hints as to what app we are running in -- (Useful because neovide does not provide the info itself right away) vim.g.nix_neovim_app = ${nlib.encode name} ''; extraFlags = lib.escapeShellArg (wrapFlags ''--cmd "lua dofile('${startupScript}/startup.lua')"''); in pkgs.symlinkJoin { inherit (base) name meta; paths = [ base ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ]; postBuild = '' wrapProgram $out/bin/${binName} \ --prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath generated.dependencies} \ --add-flags ${extraFlags} \ ${extraArgs} ''; }; # }}} # {{{ Clients neovim = wrapClient { base = if config.satellite.toggles.neovim-nightly.enable then inputs.neovim-nightly-overlay.packages.${pkgs.system}.default else upkgs.neovim; name = "nvim"; }; neovide = wrapClient { base = pkgs.neovide; name = "neovide"; extraArgs = "--set NEOVIDE_MULTIGRID true"; wrapFlags = flags: "-- ${flags}"; }; in # }}} { satellite.lua.styluaConfig = ../../../stylua.toml; imports = [ ../desktop/wakatime ]; # {{{ Basic config # We want other modules to know that we are using neovim! satellite.toggles.neovim.enable = true; # Link files in the appropriate places xdg.configFile.nvim.source = config.satellite.dev.path "home/features/neovim/config"; home.sessionVariables.EDITOR = "nvim"; home.file.".nvim_nix_runtime".source = generatedConfig; # Install packages home.packages = [ neovim pkgs.vimclip neovide ]; # }}} # {{{ Persistence satellite.persistence.at.state.apps.neovim.directories = [ ".local/state/nvim" "${config.xdg.dataHome}/nvim" ]; satellite.persistence.at.cache.apps.neovim.directories = [ "${config.xdg.cacheHome}/nvim" mirosSnippetCache ]; # }}} }