{ lib, korora, ... }: let k = korora; # {{{ Helpers helpers = rec { removeEmptyLines = str: lib.pipe str [ (lib.splitString "\n") (lib.lists.filter (line: lib.any (c: c != " ") (lib.stringToCharacters line))) (lib.concatStringsSep "\n") ]; # {{{ Verification helpers toPretty = lib.generators.toPretty { indent = " "; }; withError = cond: err: if cond then null else err; hasProp = obj: p: obj ? ${p}; propExists = p: obj: helpers.withError (helpers.hasProp obj p) "Expected property ${p}"; propXor = a: b: obj: helpers.withError ((hasProp obj a) != (hasProp obj b)) "Expected only one of the properties ${a} and ${b} in object ${toPretty obj}"; propOnlyOne = props: obj: helpers.withError (1 == lib.count (hasProp obj) props) "Expected exactly one property from the list ${toPretty props} in object ${toPretty obj}"; propImplies = a: b: obj: helpers.withError ((hasProp obj a) -> (hasProp obj b)) "Property ${a} should imply property ${b} in object ${toPretty obj}"; mkVerify = checks: obj: assert lib.all lib.isFunction checks; let results = lib.lists.map (c: c obj) checks; errors = lib.lists.filter (v: v != null) results; in assert lib.all lib.isString errors; if errors == [ ] then null else let prettyErrors = lib.lists.map (s: "\n- ${s}") errors; in "Multiple errors occured: ${lib.concatStrings prettyErrors}"; # }}} # {{{ Custom types intersection = l: r: k.typedef' "${l.name} ∧ ${r.name}" (helpers.mkVerify [ l r ]); # dependentAttrsOf = # name: mkType: # let # typeError = name: v: "Expected type '${name}' but value '${toPretty v}' is of type '${typeOf v}'"; # addErrorContext = context: error: if error == null then null else "${context}: ${error}"; # # withErrorContext = addErrorContext "in ${name} value"; # in # k.typedef' name # (v: # if ! lib.isAttrs v then # typeError name v # else # withErrorContext # (mkVerify # (lib.mapAttrsToList (k: _: mkType k) v) # v)); # }}} # {{{ Encoding helpers mkRawLuaObject = chunks: '' { ${lib.concatStringsSep "," (lib.filter (s: s != "") chunks)} } ''; encodeString = given: ''"${lib.escape ["\"" "\\"] (toString given)}"''; mkAttrName = s: let # These list *are* incomplete forbiddenChars = lib.stringToCharacters "<>[]{}()'\".,:;\\/*_"; keywords = [ "if" "then" "else" "do" "for" "local" "" ]; in if lib.any (c: lib.hasInfix c s) forbiddenChars || lib.elem s keywords then "[${helpers.encodeString s}]" else s; # }}} }; # }}} # {{{ This function takes a nix value and encodes it to a lua string. isLuaLiteral = given: lib.isAttrs given && given.__luaEncoderTag or null == "lua"; encodeWithDepth = depth: given: let recurse = encodeWithDepth depth; in if lib.isString given || lib.isDerivation given || lib.isPath given then helpers.encodeString given else if lib.isInt given || lib.isFloat given then toString given else if lib.isBool given then if given then "true" else "false" else if given == null then "nil" else if lib.isList given then helpers.mkRawLuaObject (lib.lists.map recurse given) else if lib.isAttrs given && given.__luaEncoderTag or null == "foldedList" then let makeFold = name: value: '' -- {{{ ${name} ${recurse value}, -- }}}''; folds = lib.mapAttrsToList makeFold given.value; in '' { ${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" folds} }'' else if isLuaLiteral given then given.value else if lib.isAttrs given then helpers.mkRawLuaObject (lib.mapAttrsToList (name: value: let result = recurse value; in lib.optionalString (result != "nil") "${helpers.mkAttrName name} = ${result}" ) given) else if lib.isFunction given then let argNames = [ "context" "inner_context" "local_context" ]; secretArg = if depth >= builtins.length argNames then "arg_${depth}" else builtins.elemAt argNames depth; body = given secretArg; encoded = encodeWithDepth (depth + 1) body; encodedBody = if isLuaLiteral body then encoded else "return ${encoded}"; in if lib.hasInfix secretArg encoded then '' function(${secretArg}) ${encodedBody} end'' else '' function() ${encodedBody} end'' else builtins.throw "Cannot encode value ${helpers.toPretty given}"; # }}} encode = encodeWithDepth 0; in { inherit encode helpers; }