for thmenv <- @⟨theorem,lemma,exercise,definition,corollary,example⟩ for thmprefix <- @⟨@thmenv:thm,lem,exe,def,cor,exa⟩ block auto start string begin name environment snip \begin{$1} $0 \end{$1} block auto !math start for env <- @⟨enumerate,itemize,align*⟩ string @⟨@env:olist,ulist,dm⟩ name @⟨@env:ordered list,unordered list,display math⟩ snip \begin{@env} $0 \end{@env} string proof snip \begin{proof}$?1⟨[Proof of @^⟨$1⟩]⟩ $0 \end{proof} string ciff name cases for ⟺ snip \begin{enumerate} \item[$\implies$]$1, \item[$\impliedby$]$2, \end{enumerate} $0 string item snip \item$|1⟨,[$1] $0⟩ block text string ref snip \ref{$1}$0 string r@thmprefix snip \ref{@thmprefix:$1}$0 string pref snip (\ref{$1})$0 string pr@thmprefix snip (\ref{@thmprefix:$1})$0 string quote snip ``$1''$0 string forcecr snip {\ \\\\} pattern ([Ll]et) name definition snip @1 \$$1 = $2\$ block auto string im name inline math snip \$$1\$$0 block math for shorthand <- @⟨sum,prod⟩ for symbol <- @⟨@shorthand:sigma,pi⟩ for operation <- @⟨@shorthand:sum,product⟩ string b@shorthand name @symbol @operation desc Write out a @operation using big @symbol notation snip \\@symbol{$|1⟨$1 = $2,$1⟩}^$|2⟨{$2},\infty$2⟩ $0 for matkind <- @⟨matrix,determinant⟩ for matenv <- @⟨@matkind:bmatrix,vmatrix⟩ for shorthand <- @⟨@matkind:mat,det⟩ string 2@shorthand name 2x2 @matkind snip \begin{@matenv} $1 & $2 \\\\ $3 & $4 \end{@matenv} string 3@shorthand name 3x3 @matkind snip \begin{@matenv} $1 & $2 & $3 \\\\ $4 & $5 & $6 \\\\ $7 & $8 & $9 \end{@matenv} for operator <- @⟨eq,neq,defas,leq,geq,lt,gt,iip,iib⟩ for symbol <- @⟨@operator:=,\neq,\coloneq,\leq,\geq,<,>,\implies,\impliedby⟩ block auto abbr @operator @symbol string a@operator name align at @operator snip &@symbol $0 block auto start string al@operator name aligned @operator snip \\\\ $1 &@symbol $2 $0 string cr@operator name start with @operator snip \\\\&@symbol $0 block start string eqsystem name system of equations snip \left\{ \begin{array}{rl} $0 \end{array} \right\} block end for suffix <- @⟨add,sub,rmul,pow,inv⟩ string ex@suffix snip && \lrb{\square @⟨@suffix: + $1, - $1, \cdot $1, ^{$1}, ^{-1}, ⟩}$0 for prefix <- @⟨neg,mul,ln⟩ string ex@prefix snip && \lrb{@⟨@prefix:-,$1,\ln⟩ \square}$0 string exdiv snip && \lrb{\frac \square {$1}}$0 string exint snip && \lrb{\int\square \dif $1}$0 string exdint snip && \lrb{\int_{$1}^{$2}\square \dif $3}$0 for kind <- @⟨texpl,extrin,exbound,exdef⟩ string @kind snip && \lrb{\text{@⟨@kind: $1, triangle inequality on $$1$, $$1$ is bounded, definition of $$1$, ⟩}}$0 block auto for constkind <- @⟨default,shortened⟩ for constant <- @⟨@constkind: @⟨star,delta,Delta,pi,tau,psi,phi,rho,sigma,alpha,beta,theta,gamma,omega,Omega,half,ordop,land,lor⟩, @⟨lam,eps,iinf⟩ ⟩ for expansion <- @⟨@constkind: @constant, @⟨@constant:lambda,epsilon,ifty⟩ ⟩ for operator <- @⟨,e,s⟩ string @operator@constant snip @⟨@operator:,^,_⟩\\@expansion abbr niinf -\ifty abbr eniinf ^{-\ifty} abbr sniinf _{-\ifty} abbr frl \forall abbr exs \exists abbr nin \not\in abbr ccup \cup abbr ccap \cap abbr nope \bot abbr yee \top abbr nlnl \pm abbr vsm \vecspace abbr oball \ball for noperator <- @⟨ordop,land,lor⟩ string @noperator snip \\@noperator for operator <- @⟨overline,hat,bar,abs,norm,prob,diprod,sin,cos,sqrt,ln,lrb,zmod,gen,diam,prob⟩ string @operator snip \\@operator$|1⟨{$1}, $0⟩ for bioperator <- @⟨iprod,frac,binom,dist⟩ string @bioperator snip \\@bioperator$|1⟨ $1,{$1}⟩$|2⟨ $2,{$2}⟩ $0 string set desc Create a set by escaping the brackets snip \{$1\} pattern (.*)e@⟨t(%a),(%d)⟩ name auto exponent snip @0^@1 $0 pattern (.*)so(%a) name auto subscript snip @0_@1 $0 pattern (\?[%a]+)(%d) name auto digt subscript snip @0_@1 $0 string ss name subscript snip _{$1} $0 string ee name exponent snip ^{$1} $0 pattern (%a)(.)pp name auto parenthesis snip @0(@1) $0 pattern (%a)d(.)p name auto parenthesis snip @0'(@1) $0 for limtarget <- @⟨anything,zero,infinity,negative infinity⟩ for prefix <- @⟨@limtarget:,z,i,n⟩ for limtargetsymbol <- @⟨@limtarget:$2,0,\infty,-\infty⟩ string @prefix⋄lim name limit to @limtarget snip \lim_{$1 \to @limtargetsymbol} $0 string dint name definite integral snip \int_{$|1⟨$1,-\infty$1⟩}^$|2⟨{$2},\infty$2⟩ $3 \dif $0 string iint name indefinite integral snip \int $1 \dif $0