- ircgay command for catgirl - fish keybinds for launching $EDITOR - uptimes script - fix neovide launch flags
58 lines
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58 lines
1.1 KiB
{ pkgs, inputs, ... }: {
imports = [
# Enable bash
programs.bash.enable = true;
# Install clis
home.packages = with pkgs; [
# {{{ System information
acpi # Battery stats
neofetch # Display system information
tokei # Useless but fun line of code counter (sloc alternative)
bottom # System monitor
# }}}
# {{{ Storage
ncdu # TUI disk usage
du-dust # Similar to du and ncdu in purpose.
# }}}
# {{{ Alternatives to usual commands
ripgrep # Better grep
fd # Better find
sd # Better sed
httpie # Better curl
# }}}
# {{{ Misc
ranger # Terminal file explorer
bc # Calculator
ouch # Unified compression / decompression tool
mkpasswd # Hash passwords
jq # Json maniuplation
# }}}
# Set up common aliases
home.shellAliases = {
# {{{ Storage
# -h = humans readable units
df = "df -h";
du = "du -h";
# short for `du here`
# -d = depth
duh = "du -hd 1";
# }}}