- add more unicode vim abbreviations - add more things to the red layer in kanata
160 lines
4 KiB
160 lines
4 KiB
local A = require("my.abbreviations")
local scrap = require("scrap")
local M = {}
-- {{{ Unicode
M.unicode = {
-- {{{ Logic
{ "frl", "∀" }, -- [f]o[r]al[l]
{ "exs", "∃" }, -- [e][x]ist[s]
{ "land", "∧" }, -- [l]ogical [and]
{ "Land", "⋀" }, -- arbitrary [l]ogical [and]
{ "lor", "∨" }, -- [l]ogical [or]
{ "Lor", "⋁" }, -- [l]ogical [or]
{ "bot", "⊥" }, -- false
{ "top", "⊤" }, -- true
{ "iip", "⟹" }, -- [i]t [i]m[p]lies
{ "iib", "⟸" }, -- [i]t's [i]mplied [b]y
{ "iff", "⟺" }, -- [if] and only i[f]
{ "lneg", "¬" }, -- [l]ogical [neg]ation
-- }}}
-- {{{ Set theory
{ "nolla", "∅" },
{ "carprod", "×" }, -- cartesian product
{ "sect", "∩" }, -- set intersection
{ "Sect", "⋂" }, -- arbitrary set intersection
{ "dsect", "⊓" }, -- disjoint set intersection (whatever that means lol)
{ "union", "∪" }, -- set union
{ "Union", "⋃" }, -- arbitrary set union
{ "dnion", "⊔" }, -- disjoint set union
-- {{{ Inclusions
{ "sst", "⊂" }, -- [s]ub[s]et
{ "nsst", "⊄" }, -- [n]ot [s]ub[s]et
{ "sseq", "⊆" }, -- [s]ub[s]et or [eq]ual
{ "nsseq", "⊈" }, -- [n]ot [s]ub[s]et or [eq]ual
{ "psseq", "⊊" }, -- [p]roper [s]ub[s]et or [eq]ual
{ "spt", "⊃" }, -- [s]u[p]erset
{ "nspt", "⊅" }, -- [s]u[p]erset
{ "speq", "⊇" }, -- [s]u[p]erset or [eq]ual
{ "nspeq", "⊉" }, -- [n]ot [s]u[p]erset or [eq]ual
{ "pspeq", "⊋" }, -- [p]roper [s]u[p]erset or [eq]ual
-- }}}
-- }}}
-- {{{ Double stroked chars
{ "AA", "𝔸" },
{ "BB", "𝔹" },
{ "CC", "ℂ" },
{ "DD", "ⅅ" },
{ "EE", "𝔼" },
{ "FF", "𝔽" },
{ "GG", "𝔾" },
{ "HH", "ℍ" },
{ "II", "𝕀" },
{ "JJ", "𝕁" },
{ "KK", "𝕂" },
{ "LL", "𝕃" },
{ "MM", "𝕄" },
{ "NN", "ℕ" },
{ "OO", "𝕆" },
{ "PP", "ℙ" },
{ "QQ", "ℚ" },
{ "RR", "ℝ" },
{ "SS", "𝕊" },
{ "TT", "𝕋" },
{ "UU", "𝕌" },
{ "VV", "𝕍" },
{ "WW", "𝕎" },
{ "XX", "𝕏" },
{ "YY", "𝕐" },
{ "ZZ", "ℤ" },
-- }}}
-- {{{ Common operators
{ "comp", "∘" }, -- composition
{ "mul", "⋅" }, -- multiplication
{ "sqrt", "√" }, -- square root
{ "cbrt", "∛" }, -- cube root
-- }}}
-- {{{ Integrals
{ "int", "∫" }, -- integral
{ "iint", "∬" }, -- integral
{ "iiint", "∭" }, -- integral
{ "pint", "∮" }, -- integral
{ "piint", "∯" }, -- integral
{ "piiint", "∰" }, -- integral
-- }}}
-- {{{ Common relations
{ "sim", "∼" }, -- similarity
{ "simeq", "≃" },
{ "cong", "≅" }, -- congruence
{ "defas", "≔" }, -- defined as
{ "eq", "=" }, -- [eq]ual
{ "neq", "≠" }, -- [n]ot [eq]ual
{ "leq", "≤" }, -- [l]ess than or [e][q]ual
{ "geq", "≥" }, -- [g]reater than or [e][q]ual
{ "iin", "∈" }, -- [I]ncluded [i][n]
{ "nin", "∉" }, -- [n]ot included [i][n]
{ "iic", "∋" }, -- [I]n[c]ludes
{ "nic", "∌" }, -- does'[n]t [i]n[c]lude
-- }}}
-- {{{ Greek characters
{ "alpha", "α" },
{ "beta", "β" },
{ "gamma", "γ" },
{ "Gamma", "Γ" },
{ "delta", "δ" },
{ "Delta", "Δ" },
{ "eps", "ε" },
{ "zeta", "ζ" },
{ "eta", "η" },
{ "theta", "θ" },
{ "Theta", "Θ" },
{ "iota", "ι" },
{ "kappa", "κ" },
{ "lam", "λ" },
{ "Lam", "Λ" },
{ "mu", "μ" },
{ "nu", "ν" },
{ "xi", "ξ" },
{ "pi", "π" },
{ "Pi", "∏" },
{ "rho", "ρ" },
{ "sigma", "σ" },
{ "Sigma", "Σ" },
{ "tau", "τ" },
{ "upsilon", "υ" },
{ "phi", "ϕ" },
{ "ophi", "φ" }, -- open phi?
{ "Phi", "Φ" },
{ "chi", "χ" },
{ "psi", "ψ" },
{ "Psi", "Ψ" },
{ "omega", "ω" },
{ "Omega", "Ω" },
-- }}}
-- {{{ Common symbols
{ "iinf", "∞" },
{ "niinf", "-∞" },
{ "star", "⋆" },
{ "nabla", "∇" },
{ "minidiam", "⋄" },
{ "tto", "→" },
{ "ttoo", "⟶" },
{ "mapto", "↦" },
{ "square", "□" },
{ "rquare", "▢" }, -- rounded square
{ "diam", "◇" },
-- }}}
-- {{{ Brackets
{ "langle", "⟨" },
{ "rangle", "⟩" },
-- }}}
-- }}}
function M.setup()
A.manyLocalAbbr(scrap.expand_many(M.unicode, { capitalized = false }))
return M