Fork 0

37 lines
1,004 B

block auto !word
block capitalize
abbr bcla by contradiction let's assume
abbr wlog without loss of generality
abbr tits that is to say,
abbr wpbd we will prove the statement in both directions.
abbr itf it then follows
-- for who <- @⟨which,this⟩
-- for what <- @⟨means,implies⟩
-- abbr @⟨@who:ww,tt⟩@⟨@what:m,i⟩ @who @what
abbr stam statement
abbr cox counterexample
abbr lcon linear combination
abbr vst vector space
abbr vx vertex
abbr mx matrix
abbr vertexs vertices
abbr matrixs matrices
for kind <- @⟨parts,substitution⟩
abbr ib@⟨@kind:p,s⟩ integration by @kind
for kind <- @⟨independent,dependent⟩
abbr l@⟨@kind:ind,de⟩ linearly @kind
for kind <- @⟨value,vector,pair⟩
abbr eg@⟨@kind:va,ve,p⟩ eigen@kind
for kind <- @⟨orthogonal,orthonormal⟩
abbr @⟨@kind:ortg,ortn⟩ @kind
for kind <- @⟨scalar,ordinary,linear,⟩
abbr @⟨@kind:s,o,l,⟩deq @kind differential equation