2024-08-09 19:19:59 +02:00
use std ::fmt ::{ Display , Write } ;
2024-08-08 23:26:13 +02:00
use num ::Rational64 ;
use crate ::context ::Error ;
2024-08-09 19:19:59 +02:00
use super ::chart ::Chart ;
2024-08-08 23:26:13 +02:00
// {{{ Grade
#[ derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord) ]
pub enum Grade {
EX ,
AA ,
A ,
B ,
C ,
D ,
impl Grade {
pub const GRADE_STRINGS : [ & 'static str ; 7 ] = [ " EX+ " , " EX " , " AA " , " A " , " B " , " C " , " D " ] ;
pub const GRADE_SHORTHANDS : [ & 'static str ; 7 ] = [ " exp " , " ex " , " aa " , " a " , " b " , " c " , " d " ] ;
#[ inline ]
pub fn to_index ( self ) -> usize {
self as usize
impl Display for Grade {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut std ::fmt ::Formatter < '_ > ) -> std ::fmt ::Result {
write! ( f , " {} " , Self ::GRADE_STRINGS [ self . to_index ( ) ] )
// }}}
// {{{ Score
#[ derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord) ]
pub struct Score ( pub u32 ) ;
impl Score {
// {{{ Score analysis
// {{{ Mini getters
#[ inline ]
pub fn to_zeta ( self , note_count : u32 ) -> Score {
self . analyse ( note_count ) . 0
#[ inline ]
pub fn shinies ( self , note_count : u32 ) -> u32 {
self . analyse ( note_count ) . 1
#[ inline ]
pub fn units ( self , note_count : u32 ) -> u32 {
self . analyse ( note_count ) . 2
// }}}
#[ inline ]
pub fn increment ( note_count : u32 ) -> Rational64 {
Rational64 ::new_raw ( 5_000_000 , note_count as i64 ) . reduced ( )
/// Remove the contribution made by shinies to a score.
#[ inline ]
pub fn forget_shinies ( self , note_count : u32 ) -> Self {
Self (
( Self ::increment ( note_count ) * Rational64 ::from_integer ( self . units ( note_count ) as i64 ) )
. floor ( )
. to_integer ( ) as u32 ,
/// Compute a score without making a distinction between shinies and pures. That is, the given
/// value for `pures` must refer to the sum of `pure` and `shiny` notes.
/// This is the simplest way to compute a score, and is useful for error analysis.
#[ inline ]
pub fn compute_naive ( note_count : u32 , pures : u32 , fars : u32 ) -> Self {
Self (
( Self ::increment ( note_count ) * Rational64 ::from_integer ( ( 2 * pures + fars ) as i64 ) )
. floor ( )
. to_integer ( ) as u32 ,
/// Returns the zeta score, the number of shinies, and the number of score units.
/// Pure (and higher) notes reward two score units, far notes reward one, and lost notes reward
/// none.
pub fn analyse ( self , note_count : u32 ) -> ( Score , u32 , u32 ) {
// Smallest possible difference between (zeta-)scores
let increment = Self ::increment ( note_count ) ;
let zeta_increment = Rational64 ::new_raw ( 2_000_000 , note_count as i64 ) . reduced ( ) ;
let score = Rational64 ::from_integer ( self . 0 as i64 ) ;
let score_units = ( score / increment ) . floor ( ) ;
let non_shiny_score = ( score_units * increment ) . floor ( ) ;
let shinies = score - non_shiny_score ;
let zeta_score_units = Rational64 ::from_integer ( 2 ) * score_units + shinies ;
let zeta_score = Score ( ( zeta_increment * zeta_score_units ) . floor ( ) . to_integer ( ) as u32 ) ;
zeta_score ,
shinies . to_integer ( ) as u32 ,
score_units . to_integer ( ) as u32 ,
// }}}
// {{{ Score => Play rating
#[ inline ]
pub fn play_rating ( self , chart_constant : u32 ) -> i32 {
chart_constant as i32
+ if self . 0 > = 10_000_000 {
} else if self . 0 > = 9_800_000 {
100 + ( self . 0 as i32 - 9_800_000 ) / 2_000
} else {
( self . 0 as i32 - 9_500_000 ) / 3_000
#[ inline ]
pub fn play_rating_f32 ( self , chart_constant : u32 ) -> f32 {
( self . play_rating ( chart_constant ) ) as f32 / 100.0
2024-08-09 19:19:59 +02:00
pub fn display_play_rating ( self , prev : Option < Self > , chart : & Chart ) -> Result < String , Error > {
let mut buffer = String ::with_capacity ( 14 ) ;
let play_rating = self . play_rating_f32 ( chart . chart_constant ) ;
write! ( buffer , " {:.2} " , play_rating ) ? ;
if let Some ( prev ) = prev {
let prev_play_rating = prev . play_rating_f32 ( chart . chart_constant ) ;
if play_rating > = prev_play_rating {
write! ( buffer , " (+{:.2}) " , play_rating - prev_play_rating ) ? ;
} else {
write! ( buffer , " (-{:.2}) " , play_rating - prev_play_rating ) ? ;
Ok ( buffer )
2024-08-08 23:26:13 +02:00
// }}}
// {{{ Score => grade
#[ inline ]
// TODO: Perhaps make an enum for this
pub fn grade ( self ) -> Grade {
let score = self . 0 ;
if score > 9900000 {
Grade ::EXP
} else if score > 9800000 {
Grade ::EX
} else if score > 9500000 {
Grade ::AA
} else if score > 9200000 {
Grade ::A
} else if score > 8900000 {
Grade ::B
} else if score > 8600000 {
Grade ::C
} else {
Grade ::D
// }}}
// {{{ Scores & Distribution => score
pub fn resolve_ambiguities (
scores : Vec < Score > ,
read_distribution : Option < ( u32 , u32 , u32 ) > ,
note_count : u32 ,
) -> Result < ( Score , Option < u32 > , Option < & 'static str > ) , Error > {
if scores . len ( ) = = 0 {
return Err ( " No scores in list to disambiguate from. " ) ? ;
let mut no_shiny_scores : Vec < _ > = scores
. iter ( )
. map ( | score | score . forget_shinies ( note_count ) )
. collect ( ) ;
no_shiny_scores . sort ( ) ;
no_shiny_scores . dedup ( ) ;
if let Some ( read_distribution ) = read_distribution {
let pures = read_distribution . 0 ;
let fars = read_distribution . 1 ;
let losts = read_distribution . 2 ;
// Compute score from note breakdown subpairs
let pf_score = Score ::compute_naive ( note_count , pures , fars ) ;
let fl_score = Score ::compute_naive (
note_count ,
note_count . checked_sub ( losts + fars ) . unwrap_or ( 0 ) ,
fars ,
) ;
let lp_score = Score ::compute_naive (
note_count ,
pures ,
note_count . checked_sub ( losts + pures ) . unwrap_or ( 0 ) ,
) ;
if no_shiny_scores . len ( ) = = 1 {
// {{{ Score is fixed, gotta figure out the exact distribution
let score = * scores . iter ( ) . max ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
// {{{ Look for consensus among recomputed scores
// Lemma: if two computed scores agree, then so will the third
let consensus_fars = if pf_score = = fl_score {
Some ( fars )
} else {
// Due to the above lemma, we know all three scores must be distinct by
// this point.
// Our strategy is to check which of the three scores agrees with the real
// score, and to then trust the `far` value that contributed to that pair.
let no_shiny_score = score . forget_shinies ( note_count ) ;
let pf_appears = no_shiny_score = = pf_score ;
let fl_appears = no_shiny_score = = fl_score ;
let lp_appears = no_shiny_score = = lp_score ;
match ( pf_appears , fl_appears , lp_appears ) {
( true , false , false ) = > Some ( fars ) ,
( false , true , false ) = > Some ( fars ) ,
( false , false , true ) = > Some ( note_count - pures - losts ) ,
_ = > None ,
} ;
// }}}
if scores . len ( ) = = 1 {
Ok ( ( score , consensus_fars , None ) )
} else {
Ok ( ( score , consensus_fars , Some ( " Due to a reading error, I could not make sure the shiny-amount I calculated is accurate! " ) ) )
// }}}
} else {
// {{{ Score is not fixed, gotta figure out everything at once
// Some of the values in the note distribution are likely wrong (due to reading
// errors). To get around this, we take each pair from the triplet, compute the score
// it induces, and figure out if there's any consensus as to which value in the
// provided score list is the real one.
// Note that sometimes the note distribution cannot resolve any of the issues. This is
// usually the case when the disagreement comes from the number of shinies.
// {{{ Look for consensus among recomputed scores
// Lemma: if two computed scores agree, then so will the third
let ( trusted_pure_count , consensus_computed_score , consensus_fars ) = if pf_score
= = fl_score
( true , pf_score , fars )
} else {
// Due to the above lemma, we know all three scores must be distinct by
// this point.
// Our strategy is to check which of the three scores appear in the
// provided score list.
let pf_appears = no_shiny_scores . contains ( & pf_score ) ;
let fl_appears = no_shiny_scores . contains ( & fl_score ) ;
let lp_appears = no_shiny_scores . contains ( & lp_score ) ;
match ( pf_appears , fl_appears , lp_appears ) {
( true , false , false ) = > ( true , pf_score , fars ) ,
( false , true , false ) = > ( false , fl_score , fars ) ,
( false , false , true ) = > ( true , lp_score , note_count - pures - losts ) ,
_ = > Err ( format! ( " Cannot disambiguate scores {:?} . Multiple disjoint note breakdown subpair scores appear on the possibility list " , scores ) ) ?
} ;
// }}}
// {{{ Collect all scores that agree with the consensus score.
let agreement : Vec < _ > = scores
. iter ( )
. filter ( | score | score . forget_shinies ( note_count ) = = consensus_computed_score )
. filter ( | score | {
let shinies = score . shinies ( note_count ) ;
shinies < = note_count & & ( ! trusted_pure_count | | shinies < = pures )
} )
. map ( | v | * v )
. collect ( ) ;
// }}}
// {{{ Case 1: Disagreement in the amount of shinies!
if agreement . len ( ) > 1 {
let agreement_shiny_amounts : Vec < _ > =
agreement . iter ( ) . map ( | v | v . shinies ( note_count ) ) . collect ( ) ;
println! (
" Shiny count disagreement. Possible scores: {:?}. Possible shiny amounts: {:?}, Read distribution: {:?} " ,
scores , agreement_shiny_amounts , read_distribution
) ;
let msg = Some (
" Due to a reading error, I could not make sure the shiny-amount I calculated is accurate! "
) ;
Ok ( (
agreement . into_iter ( ) . max ( ) . unwrap ( ) ,
Some ( consensus_fars ) ,
msg ,
) )
// }}}
// {{{ Case 2: Total agreement!
} else if agreement . len ( ) = = 1 {
Ok ( ( agreement [ 0 ] , Some ( consensus_fars ) , None ) )
// }}}
// {{{ Case 3: No agreement!
} else {
Err ( format! ( " Could not disambiguate between possible scores {:?} . Note distribution does not agree with any possibility, leading to a score of {:?} . " , scores , consensus_computed_score ) ) ?
// }}}
// }}}
} else {
if no_shiny_scores . len ( ) = = 1 {
if scores . len ( ) = = 1 {
Ok ( ( scores [ 0 ] , None , None ) )
} else {
Ok ( ( scores . into_iter ( ) . max ( ) . unwrap ( ) , None , Some ( " Due to a reading error, I could not make sure the shiny-amount I calculated is accurate! " ) ) )
} else {
Err ( " Cannot disambiguate between more than one score without a note distribution. " ) ?
// }}}
2024-08-09 19:19:59 +02:00
// {{{ Display self with diff
/// Similar to the display implementation, but without the padding
/// to at least 7 digits.
fn display_mini_into ( self , buffer : & mut String ) -> Result < ( ) , Error > {
let score = self . 0 ;
if self . 0 < 1_000 {
write! ( buffer , " {} " , score ) ? ;
} else if self . 0 < 1_000_000 {
write! ( buffer , " {}'{:0>3} " , ( score / 1000 ) , score % 1000 ) ? ;
} else {
write! ( buffer , " {} " , self ) ? ;
Ok ( ( ) )
pub fn display_with_diff ( self , prev : Option < Self > ) -> Result < String , Error > {
let mut buffer = String ::with_capacity ( 24 ) ;
write! ( buffer , " {} " , self ) ? ;
if let Some ( prev ) = prev {
write! ( buffer , " ( " ) ? ;
if self > = prev {
write! ( buffer , " + " ) ? ;
Score ( self . 0 - prev . 0 ) . display_mini_into ( & mut buffer ) ? ;
} else {
write! ( buffer , " - " ) ? ;
Score ( prev . 0 - self . 0 ) . display_mini_into ( & mut buffer ) ? ;
write! ( buffer , " ) " ) ? ;
Ok ( buffer )
// }}}
2024-08-08 23:26:13 +02:00
impl Display for Score {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut std ::fmt ::Formatter < '_ > ) -> std ::fmt ::Result {
let score = self . 0 ;
write! (
f ,
" {}'{:0>3}'{:0>3} " ,
score / 1000000 ,
( score / 1000 ) % 1000 ,
score % 1000
// }}}
// {{{ Tests
#[ cfg(test) ]
mod score_tests {
use super ::* ;
#[ test ]
fn zeta_score_consistent_with_pms ( ) {
for note_count in 200 ..= 2000 {
for shiny_count in 0 ..= note_count {
let score = Score ( 10000000 + shiny_count ) ;
let zeta_score_units = 4 * ( note_count - shiny_count ) + 5 * shiny_count ;
let ( zeta_score , computed_shiny_count , units ) = score . analyse ( note_count ) ;
let expected_zeta_score = Rational64 ::from_integer ( zeta_score_units as i64 )
* Rational64 ::new_raw ( 2000000 , note_count as i64 ) . reduced ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( zeta_score , Score ( expected_zeta_score . to_integer ( ) as u32 ) ) ;
assert_eq! ( computed_shiny_count , shiny_count ) ;
assert_eq! ( units , 2 * note_count ) ;
// }}}