Fork 0

Score correction

Signed-off-by: prescientmoon <git@moonythm.dev>
This commit is contained in:
prescientmoon 2024-06-26 18:22:40 +02:00
parent c77f4fdc1d
commit b2e88e703b
Signed by: prescientmoon
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:UUF9JT2s8Xfyv76b8ZuVL7XrmimH4o49p4b+iexbVH4
3 changed files with 219 additions and 36 deletions

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use std::fmt::Display;
use crate::context::{Context, Error};
use crate::score::{jacket_rects, CreatePlay, ImageCropper, ImageDimensions, RelativeRect};
use crate::score::{jacket_rects, CreatePlay, ImageCropper, ImageDimensions, RelativeRect, Score};
use crate::user::User;
use image::imageops::FilterType;
use image::ImageFormat;
@ -293,7 +293,8 @@ Title error: {}
.content(format!("Image {}: reading score", i + 1));
handle.edit(ctx, edited).await?;
let score = match cropper.read_score(Some(chart.note_count), &ocr_image) {
let score_possibilities =
match cropper.read_score(Some(chart.note_count), &ocr_image) {
// {{{ OCR error handling
Err(err) => {
@ -308,18 +309,25 @@ Title error: {}
// }}}
Ok(score) => score,
Ok(scores) => scores,
// {{{ Build play
let (score, maybe_fars, score_warning) =
Score::resolve_ambiguities(score_possibilities, None, chart.note_count)?;
let play = CreatePlay::new(score, chart, &user)
// }}}
// }}}
// {{{ Deliver embed
let (embed, attachment) = play.to_embed(&song, &chart, i).await?;
let (mut embed, attachment) = play.to_embed(&song, &chart, i).await?;
if let Some(warning) = score_warning {
embed = embed.description(warning);
if let Some(attachment) = attachment {

View file

@ -9,18 +9,15 @@ mod jacket;
mod score;
mod user;
use chart::Difficulty;
use context::{Error, UserContext};
use poise::serenity_prelude::{self as serenity, UserId};
use poise::serenity_prelude::{self as serenity};
use sqlx::sqlite::SqlitePoolOptions;
use std::{env::var, path::PathBuf, str::FromStr, sync::Arc, time::Duration};
// {{{ Error handler
async fn on_error(error: poise::FrameworkError<'_, UserContext, Error>) {
match error {
poise::FrameworkError::Setup { error, .. } => panic!("Failed to start bot: {:?}", error),
poise::FrameworkError::Command { error, ctx, .. } => {
println!("Error in command `{}`: {:?}", ctx.command().name, error,);
error => {
if let Err(e) = poise::builtins::on_error(error).await {
println!("Error while handling error: {}", e)
@ -76,6 +73,10 @@ async fn main() {
println!("Logged in as {}", _ready.user.name);
poise::builtins::register_globally(ctx, &framework.options().commands).await?;
let ctx = UserContext::new(PathBuf::from_str(&data_dir)?, pool).await?;
// for song in ctx.song_cache.lock().unwrap().songs() {
// song.lookup(Difficulty::BYD)
// }

View file

@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ pub fn jacket_rects() -> &'static [RelativeRect] {
// }}}
// }}}
// {{{ Score
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Score(pub u32);
impl Score {
@ -288,13 +288,41 @@ impl Score {
// }}}
pub fn increment(note_count: u32) -> Rational64 {
Rational64::new_raw(5_000_000, note_count as i64).reduced()
/// Remove the contribution made by shinies to a score.
pub fn forget_shinies(self, note_count: u32) -> Self {
(Self::increment(note_count) * Rational64::from_integer(self.units(note_count) as i64))
.to_integer() as u32,
/// Compute a score without making a distinction between shinies and pures. That is, the given
/// value for `pures` must refer to the sum of `pure` and `shiny` notes.
/// This is the simplest way to compute a score, and is useful for error analysis.
pub fn compute_naive(note_count: u32, pures: u32, fars: u32) -> Self {
(Self::increment(note_count) * Rational64::from_integer((2 * pures + fars) as i64))
.to_integer() as u32,
/// Returns the zeta score, the number of shinies, and the number of score units.
/// Pure (and higher) notes reward two score units, far notes reward one, and lost notes reward
/// none.
pub fn analyse(self, note_count: u32) -> (Score, u32, u32) {
// Smallest possible difference between (zeta-)scores
let increment = Rational64::new_raw(5_000_000, note_count as i64).reduced();
let increment = Self::increment(note_count);
let zeta_increment = Rational64::new_raw(2_000_000, note_count as i64).reduced();
let score = Rational64::from_integer(self.0 as i64);
@ -348,6 +376,151 @@ impl Score {
// }}}
// {{{ Scores & Distribution => score
pub fn resolve_ambiguities(
scores: Vec<Score>,
read_distribution: Option<(u32, u32, u32)>,
note_count: u32,
) -> Result<(Score, Option<u32>, Option<&'static str>), Error> {
if scores.len() == 0 {
return Err("No scores in list to disambiguate from.")?;
let mut no_shiny_scores: Vec<_> = scores
.map(|score| score.forget_shinies(note_count))
if let Some(read_distribution) = read_distribution {
let pures = read_distribution.0;
let fars = read_distribution.1;
let losts = read_distribution.2;
// Compute score from note breakdown subpairs
let pf_score = Score::compute_naive(note_count, pures, fars);
let fl_score = Score::compute_naive(note_count, note_count - losts - fars, fars);
let lp_score = Score::compute_naive(note_count, pures, note_count - losts - pures);
// {{{ Score is fixed, gotta figure out the exact distribution
if no_shiny_scores.len() == 1 {
let score = *scores.iter().max().unwrap();
// {{{ Look for consensus among recomputed scores
// Lemma: if two computed scores agree, then so will the third
let consensus_fars = if pf_score == fl_score {
} else {
// Due to the above lemma, we know all three scores must be distinct by
// this point.
// Our strategy is to check which of the three scores agrees with the real
// score, and to then trust the `far` value that contributed to that pair.
let no_shiny_score = score.forget_shinies(note_count);
let pf_appears = no_shiny_score == pf_score;
let fl_appears = no_shiny_score == fl_score;
let lp_appears = no_shiny_score == lp_score;
match (pf_appears, fl_appears, lp_appears) {
(true, false, false) => Some(fars),
(false, true, false) => Some(fars),
(false, false, true) => Some(note_count - pures - losts),
_ => None,
// }}}
if scores.len() == 0 {
Ok((score, consensus_fars, None))
} else {
Ok((score, consensus_fars, Some("Due to a reading error, I could not make sure the shiny-amount I calculated is accurate!")))
// }}}
// {{{ Score is not fixed, gotta figure out everything at once
} else {
// Some of the values in the note distribution are likely wrong (due to reading
// errors). To get around this, we take each pair from the triplet, compute the score
// it induces, and figure out if there's any consensus as to which value in the
// provided score list is the real one.
// Note that sometimes the note distribution cannot resolve any of the issues. This is
// usually the case when the disagreement comes from the number of shinies.
// {{{ Look for consensus among recomputed scores
// Lemma: if two computed scores agree, then so will the third
let (trusted_pure_count, consensus_computed_score, consensus_fars) = if pf_score
== fl_score
(true, pf_score, fars)
} else {
// Due to the above lemma, we know all three scores must be distinct by
// this point.
// Our strategy is to check which of the three scores appear in the
// provided score list.
let pf_appears = no_shiny_scores.contains(&pf_score);
let fl_appears = no_shiny_scores.contains(&fl_score);
let lp_appears = no_shiny_scores.contains(&lp_score);
match (pf_appears, fl_appears, lp_appears) {
(true, false, false) => (true, pf_score, fars),
(false, true, false) => (false, fl_score, fars),
(false, false, true) => (true, lp_score, note_count - pures - losts),
_ => Err(format!("Cannot disambiguate scores {:?}. Multiple disjoint note breakdown subpair scores appear on the possibility list", scores))?
// }}}
// {{{ Collect all scores that agree with the consensus score.
let agreement: Vec<_> = scores
.filter(|score| score.forget_shinies(note_count) == consensus_computed_score)
.filter(|score| {
let shinies = score.shinies(note_count);
shinies <= note_count && (!trusted_pure_count || shinies <= pures)
.map(|v| *v)
// }}}
// {{{ Case 1: Disagreement in the amount of shinies!
if agreement.len() > 1 {
let agreement_shiny_amounts: Vec<_> =
agreement.iter().map(|v| v.shinies(note_count)).collect();
"Shiny count disagreement. Possible scores: {:?}. Possible shiny amounts: {:?}, Read distribution: {:?}",
scores, agreement_shiny_amounts, read_distribution
Ok((agreement.into_iter().max().unwrap(), Some(consensus_fars),
Some("Due to a reading error, I could not make sure the shiny-amount I calculated is accurate!")))
// }}}
// {{{ Case 2: Total agreement!
} else if agreement.len() == 1 {
Ok((agreement[0], Some(consensus_fars), None))
// }}}
// {{{ Case 3: No agreement!
} else {
Err(format!("Could not disambiguate between possible scores {:?}. Note distribution does not agree with any possibility, leading to a score of {:?}.", scores, consensus_computed_score))?
// }}}
// }}}
} else {
if no_shiny_scores.len() == 1 {
if scores.len() == 1 {
Ok((scores[0], None, None))
} else {
Ok((scores.into_iter().max().unwrap(), None, Some("Due to a reading error, I could not make sure the shiny-amount I calculated is accurate!")))
} else {
Err("Cannot disambiguate between more than one score without a note distribution.")?
// }}}
impl Display for Score {
@ -407,6 +580,12 @@ impl CreatePlay {
pub fn with_fars(mut self, far_count: Option<u32>) -> Self {
self.far_notes = far_count;
// {{{ Save
pub async fn save(self, ctx: &UserContext) -> Result<Play, Error> {
let attachment_id = self.discord_attachment_id.map(|i| i.get() as i64);
@ -628,7 +807,7 @@ impl ImageCropper {
&mut self,
note_count: Option<u32>,
image: &DynamicImage,
) -> Result<Score, Error> {
) -> Result<Vec<Score>, Error> {
&image.resize_exact(image.width(), image.height(), FilterType::Nearest),
RelativeRect::from_aspect_ratio(ImageDimensions::from_image(image), score_rects())
@ -659,8 +838,6 @@ impl ImageCropper {
// The OCR sometimes fails to read "74" with the arcaea font,
// so we try to detect that and fix it
loop {
println!("Attempts: {:?}.", results);
let old_stack_len = results.len();
results = results
@ -690,7 +867,7 @@ impl ImageCropper {
// }}}
// {{{ Return score if consensus exists
// 1. Discard scores that are known to be impossible
results = results
let mut results: Vec<_> = results
.filter(|result| {
8_000_000 <= *result
@ -704,24 +881,22 @@ impl ImageCropper {
.map(|r| Score(r))
// 2. Look for consensus
for result in results.iter() {
if results.iter().filter(|e| **e == *result).count() > results.len() / 2 {
return Ok(Score(*result));
return Ok(vec![*result]);
// }}}
// If there's no consensus, we return everything
"Cannot read score. Possible values: {:?}.",
fn read_score_with_mode(&mut self, mode: PageSegMode, whitelist: &str) -> Result<Score, Error> {
@ -744,7 +919,6 @@ impl ImageCropper {
let text: String = t.get_text()?.trim().to_string();
println!("Got {}", text);
let text: String = text
.map(|char| if char == '/' { '7' } else { char })