use std::str::FromStr; // {{{ Imports use std::{fmt::Display, num::NonZeroU16}; use anyhow::{anyhow, bail}; use image::{ImageBuffer, Rgb}; use rusqlite::types::{FromSql, FromSqlError, FromSqlResult, ValueRef}; use rusqlite::ToSql; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use crate::bitmap::Color; use crate::context::Error; // }}} // {{{ Difficuly #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum Difficulty { PST, PRS, FTR, ETR, BYD, } impl Difficulty { pub const DIFFICULTIES: [Difficulty; 5] = [Self::PST, Self::PRS, Self::FTR, Self::ETR, Self::BYD]; pub const DIFFICULTY_SHORTHANDS: [&'static str; 5] = ["PST", "PRS", "FTR", "ETR", "BYD"]; pub const DIFFICULTY_SHORTHANDS_IN_BRACKETS: [&'static str; 5] = ["[PST]", "[PRS]", "[FTR]", "[ETR]", "[BYD]"]; pub const DIFFICULTY_STRINGS: [&'static str; 5] = ["PAST", "PRESENT", "FUTURE", "ETERNAL", "BEYOND"]; #[inline] pub fn to_index(self) -> usize { self as usize } } impl FromStr for Difficulty { type Err = anyhow::Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { for (i, level) in Self::DIFFICULTY_SHORTHANDS.iter().enumerate() { if *level == s { return Ok(Self::DIFFICULTIES[i]); } } bail!("Invalid level '{s}'"); } } impl FromSql for Difficulty { fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult { let str: String = rusqlite::types::FromSql::column_result(value)?; for (i, s) in Self::DIFFICULTY_SHORTHANDS.iter().enumerate() { if str == **s { return Ok(Self::DIFFICULTIES[i]); } } FromSqlResult::Err(FromSqlError::Other( format!("Cannot convert {} to difficulty", str).into(), )) } } impl ToSql for Difficulty { fn to_sql(&self) -> rusqlite::Result> { Self::DIFFICULTY_SHORTHANDS[*self as usize].to_sql() } } impl Display for Difficulty { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", Self::DIFFICULTY_SHORTHANDS[self.to_index()]) } } pub const DIFFICULTY_MENU_PIXEL_COLORS: [Color; Difficulty::DIFFICULTIES.len()] = [ Color::from_rgb_int(0xAAE5F7), Color::from_rgb_int(0xBFDD85), Color::from_rgb_int(0xCB74AB), Color::from_rgb_int(0xC4B7D3), Color::from_rgb_int(0xF89AAC), ]; // }}} // {{{ Level #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum Level { Unknown, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, SevenP, Eight, EightP, Nine, NineP, Ten, TenP, Eleven, ElevenP, Twelve, } impl Level { pub const LEVELS: [Self; 18] = [ Self::Unknown, Self::One, Self::Two, Self::Three, Self::Four, Self::Five, Self::Six, Self::Seven, Self::SevenP, Self::Eight, Self::EightP, Self::Nine, Self::NineP, Self::Ten, Self::TenP, Self::Eleven, Self::ElevenP, Self::Twelve, ]; pub const LEVEL_STRINGS: [&'static str; 18] = [ "?", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "7+", "8", "8+", "9", "9+", "10", "10+", "11", "11+", "12", ]; #[inline] pub fn to_index(self) -> usize { self as usize } } impl FromStr for Level { type Err = anyhow::Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { for (i, level) in Self::LEVEL_STRINGS.iter().enumerate() { if *level == s { return Ok(Self::LEVELS[i]); } } bail!("Invalid level '{s}'"); } } impl Display for Level { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", Self::LEVEL_STRINGS[self.to_index()]) } } impl FromSql for Level { fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult { let str: String = rusqlite::types::FromSql::column_result(value)?; for (i, s) in Self::LEVEL_STRINGS.iter().enumerate() { if str == **s { return Ok(Self::LEVELS[i]); } } FromSqlResult::Err(FromSqlError::Other( format!("Cannot convert {} to level", str).into(), )) } } impl ToSql for Level { fn to_sql(&self) -> rusqlite::Result> { Self::LEVEL_STRINGS[*self as usize].to_sql() } } // }}} // {{{ Side #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum Side { Light, Conflict, Silent, Lephon, } impl Side { pub const SIDES: [Self; 4] = [Self::Light, Self::Conflict, Self::Silent, Self::Lephon]; pub const SIDE_STRINGS: [&'static str; 4] = ["light", "conflict", "silent", "lephon"]; #[inline] pub fn to_index(self) -> usize { self as usize } } impl FromSql for Side { fn column_result(value: ValueRef<'_>) -> FromSqlResult { let str: String = rusqlite::types::FromSql::column_result(value)?; for (i, s) in Self::SIDE_STRINGS.iter().enumerate() { if str == **s { return Ok(Self::SIDES[i]); } } FromSqlResult::Err(FromSqlError::Other( format!("Cannot convert {} to side", str).into(), )) } } impl ToSql for Side { fn to_sql(&self) -> rusqlite::Result> { Self::SIDE_STRINGS[*self as usize].to_sql() } } // }}} // {{{ Song #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Song { pub id: u32, pub shorthand: String, pub title: String, pub lowercase_title: String, #[allow(dead_code)] pub artist: String, pub bpm: String, pub side: Side, } impl Song { /// Returns true if multiple songs are known to exist with the given title. #[inline] pub fn ambigous_name(&self) -> bool { self.title == "Genesis" || self.title == "Quon" } } impl Display for Song { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { if self.ambigous_name() { write!(f, "{} ({})", self.title, self.artist) } else { write!(f, "{}", self.title) } } } // }}} // {{{ Chart #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub struct Jacket { pub raw: &'static [u8], pub bitmap: &'static ImageBuffer, Vec>, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Chart { pub id: u32, pub song_id: u32, pub title: Option, // Name override for charts like PRAGMATISM pub lowercase_title: Option, pub note_design: Option, pub difficulty: Difficulty, pub level: Level, pub note_count: u32, pub chart_constant: u32, #[serde(skip)] pub cached_jacket: Option, /// If `None`, the default jacket is used. /// Otherwise, a difficulty-specific jacket exists. pub jacket_source: Option, } // }}} // {{{ Cached song #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct CachedSong { pub song: Song, chart_ids: [Option; Difficulty::DIFFICULTIES.len()], } impl CachedSong { #[inline] pub fn new(song: Song) -> Self { Self { song, chart_ids: [None; 5], } } #[inline] pub fn charts(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.chart_ids .into_iter() .enumerate() .filter_map(|(i, id)||id| (Difficulty::DIFFICULTIES[i], id.get() as u32))) } } // }}} // {{{ Song cache #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] pub struct SongCache { pub songs: Vec>, pub charts: Vec>, } impl SongCache { #[inline] pub fn lookup_song(&self, id: u32) -> Result<&CachedSong, Error> { self.songs .get(id as usize) .and_then(|i| i.as_ref()) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Could not find song with id {}", id)) } #[inline] pub fn lookup_chart(&self, chart_id: u32) -> Result<(&Song, &Chart), Error> { let chart = self .charts .get(chart_id as usize) .and_then(|i| i.as_ref()) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Could not find chart with id {}", chart_id))?; let song = &self.lookup_song(chart.song_id)?.song; Ok((song, chart)) } #[inline] pub fn lookup_song_mut(&mut self, id: u32) -> Result<&mut CachedSong, Error> { self.songs .get_mut(id as usize) .and_then(|i| i.as_mut()) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Could not find song with id {}", id)) } #[inline] pub fn lookup_chart_mut(&mut self, chart_id: u32) -> Result<&mut Chart, Error> { self.charts .get_mut(chart_id as usize) .and_then(|i| i.as_mut()) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Could not find chart with id {}", chart_id)) } #[inline] pub fn lookup_by_difficulty( &self, id: u32, difficulty: Difficulty, ) -> Result<(&Song, &Chart), Error> { let cached_song = self.lookup_song(id)?; let chart_id = cached_song.chart_ids[difficulty.to_index()] .ok_or_else(|| { anyhow!( "Cannot find chart {} [{difficulty:?}]", ) })? .get() as u32; let chart = self.lookup_chart(chart_id)?.1; Ok((&, chart)) } #[inline] pub fn lookup_by_difficulty_mut( &mut self, id: u32, difficulty: Difficulty, ) -> Result<&mut Chart, Error> { let cached_song = self.lookup_song(id)?; let chart_id = cached_song.chart_ids[difficulty.to_index()] .ok_or_else(|| { anyhow!( "Cannot find chart {} [{difficulty:?}]", ) })? .get() as u32; let chart = self.lookup_chart_mut(chart_id)?; Ok(chart) } #[inline] pub fn charts(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.charts.iter().filter_map(|i| i.as_ref()) } #[inline] pub fn charts_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator { self.charts.iter_mut().filter_map(|i| i.as_mut()) } // {{{ Populate cache pub fn new(conn: &rusqlite::Connection) -> Result { let mut result = Self::default(); // {{{ Songs let mut query = conn.prepare_cached("SELECT * FROM songs")?; let songs = query.query_map((), |row| { Ok(Song { id: row.get("id")?, lowercase_title: row.get::<_, String>("title")?.to_lowercase(), shorthand: row.get("shorthand")?, title: row.get("title")?, artist: row.get("artist")?, bpm: row.get("bpm")?, side: row.get("side")?, }) })?; for song in songs { let song = song?; let song_id = as usize; if song_id >= result.songs.len() { result.songs.resize(song_id + 1, None); } result.songs[song_id] = Some(CachedSong::new(song)); } // }}} // {{{ Charts let mut query = conn.prepare_cached("SELECT * FROM charts")?; let charts = query.query_map((), |row| { Ok(Chart { id: row.get("id")?, song_id: row.get("song_id")?, title: row.get("title")?, lowercase_title: row .get::<_, Option>("title")? .map(|t| t.to_lowercase()), difficulty: row.get("difficulty")?, level: row.get("level")?, chart_constant: row.get("chart_constant")?, note_count: row.get("note_count")?, note_design: row.get("note_design")?, cached_jacket: None, jacket_source: None, }) })?; for chart in charts { let chart = chart?; // {{{ Tie chart to song { let index = chart.difficulty.to_index(); result.lookup_song_mut(chart.song_id)?.chart_ids[index] = Some(NonZeroU16::new( as u16).unwrap()); } // }}} // {{{ Save chart to cache { let index = as usize; if index >= result.charts.len() { result.charts.resize(index + 1, None); } result.charts[index] = Some(chart); } // }}} } // }}} Ok(result) } // }}} } // }}}