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//! This module implements my own bitmap and layout based system.
//! I created those as a result to my annoyance of how bad / limited
//! plotters is at rendering text and creating layouts in a clean manner.
//! There's still stuff to be implemented here, like a cache for glyphs and
//! whatnot, but this does run pretty stably for the b30 renderer.
// {{{ Imports
use anyhow::anyhow;
use freetype::bitmap::PixelMode;
use freetype::face::{KerningMode, LoadFlag};
use freetype::ffi::{FT_Set_Var_Design_Coordinates, FT_GLYPH_BBOX_PIXELS};
use freetype::{Bitmap, BitmapGlyph, Face, Glyph, StrokerLineCap, StrokerLineJoin};
use image::{GenericImage, RgbImage, RgbaImage};
use num::traits::Euclid;
use crate::assets::FREETYPE_LIB;
use crate::context::Error;
// }}}
// {{{ Color
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Color(pub u8, pub u8, pub u8, pub u8);
impl Color {
pub const BLACK: Self = Self::from_rgb_int(0x000000);
pub const WHITE: Self = Self::from_rgb_int(0xffffff);
pub const fn from_rgba_int(i: u32) -> Self {
(i >> 24) as u8,
((i >> 16) & 0xff) as u8,
((i >> 8) & 0xff) as u8,
(i & 0xff) as u8,
pub const fn from_rgb_int(i: u32) -> Self {
Self::from_rgba_int((i << 8) + 0xff)
pub const fn from_bytes(bytes: [u8; 4]) -> Self {
Self(bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], bytes[3])
pub fn alpha(mut self, a: u8) -> Self {
self.3 = a;
pub fn distance(self, other: Self) -> f32 {
let dr = self.0 as f32 - other.0 as f32;
let dg = self.1 as f32 - other.1 as f32;
let db = self.2 as f32 - other.2 as f32;
(dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db).sqrt()
// }}}
// {{{ Rect
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Rect {
pub x: i32,
pub y: i32,
pub width: u32,
pub height: u32,
impl Rect {
pub fn new(x: i32, y: i32, width: u32, height: u32) -> Self {
Self {
pub fn from_extremes(x_min: i32, y_min: i32, x_max: i32, y_max: i32) -> Self {
Self::new(x_min, y_min, (x_max - x_min) as u32, (y_max - y_min) as u32)
pub fn from_image(image: &impl GenericImage) -> Self {
Self::new(0, 0, image.width(), image.height())
pub fn scaled(&self, scale: u32) -> Self {
Self::new(self.x, self.y, self.width * scale, self.height * scale)
pub fn align(&self, alignment: (Align, Align), pos: Position) -> Position {
pos.0 - alignment.0.scale(self.width) as i32,
pos.1 - alignment.1.scale(self.height) as i32,
pub fn align_whole(&self, alignment: (Align, Align), pos: Position) -> Self {
let pos = self.align(alignment, pos);
Self::new(pos.0, pos.1, self.width, self.height)
pub fn center(&self) -> Position {
self.x + self.width as i32 / 2,
self.y + self.height as i32 / 2,
pub fn top_left(&self) -> Position {
(self.x, self.y)
// }}}
// {{{ Align
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Align {
impl Align {
pub fn scale(self, dist: u32) -> u32 {
match self {
Self::Start => 0,
Self::Center => dist / 2,
Self::End => dist,
// }}}
// {{{ Other types
pub type Position = (i32, i32);
fn float_to_ft_fixed(f: f32) -> i64 {
(f * 64.0) as i64
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct TextStyle {
pub size: u32,
pub weight: Option<u32>,
pub color: Color,
pub align: (Align, Align),
pub stroke: Option<(Color, f32)>,
pub drop_shadow: Option<(Color, Position)>,
// }}}
// {{{ BitmapCanvas
pub struct BitmapCanvas {
pub buffer: Box<[u8]>,
pub width: u32,
impl BitmapCanvas {
pub fn height(&self) -> u32 {
self.buffer.len() as u32 / 3 / self.width
// {{{ Draw pixel
pub fn set_pixel(&mut self, pos: (u32, u32), color: Color) {
let index = 3 * (pos.1 * self.width + pos.0) as usize;
let alpha = color.3 as u32;
self.buffer[index + 0] =
((alpha * color.0 as u32 + (255 - alpha) * self.buffer[index + 0] as u32) / 255) as u8;
self.buffer[index + 1] =
((alpha * color.1 as u32 + (255 - alpha) * self.buffer[index + 1] as u32) / 255) as u8;
self.buffer[index + 2] =
((alpha * color.2 as u32 + (255 - alpha) * self.buffer[index + 2] as u32) / 255) as u8;
// }}}
// {{{ Draw RGB image
/// Draws a bitmap image with no alpha channel.
pub fn blit_rbg(&mut self, pos: Position, (iw, ih): (u32, u32), src: &[u8]) {
let iw = iw as i32;
let ih = ih as i32;
let width = self.width as i32;
let height = self.height() as i32;
let x_start = 0.max(-pos.0);
let y_start = 0.max(-pos.1);
let x_end = iw.min(width - pos.0);
let y_end = ih.min(height - pos.1);
for dx in x_start..x_end {
for dy in y_start..y_end {
let x = pos.0 + dx;
let y = pos.1 + dy;
let r = src[(dx + dy * iw) as usize * 3];
let g = src[(dx + dy * iw) as usize * 3 + 1];
let b = src[(dx + dy * iw) as usize * 3 + 2];
let color = Color(r, g, b, 0xff);
self.set_pixel((x as u32, y as u32), color);
// }}}
// {{{ Draw RGBA image
/// Draws a bitmap image taking care of the alpha channel.
pub fn blit_rbga(&mut self, pos: Position, (iw, ih): (u32, u32), src: &[u8]) {
let iw = iw as i32;
let ih = ih as i32;
let width = self.width as i32;
let height = self.height() as i32;
let x_start = 0.max(-pos.0);
let y_start = 0.max(-pos.1);
let x_end = iw.min(width - pos.0);
let y_end = ih.min(height - pos.1);
for dx in x_start..x_end {
for dy in y_start..y_end {
let x = pos.0 + dx;
let y = pos.1 + dy;
let r = src[(dx + dy * iw) as usize * 4];
let g = src[(dx + dy * iw) as usize * 4 + 1];
let b = src[(dx + dy * iw) as usize * 4 + 2];
let a = src[(dx + dy * iw) as usize * 4 + 3];
let color = Color(r, g, b, a);
self.set_pixel((x as u32, y as u32), color);
// }}}
// {{{ Draw scaled up RBGA image
pub fn blit_rbga_scaled_up(
&mut self,
pos: Position,
(iw, ih): (u32, u32),
src: &[u8],
scale: u32,
) {
let scale = scale as i32;
let iw = iw as i32;
let ih = ih as i32;
let width = self.width as i32;
let height = self.height() as i32;
let x_start = pos.0.max(0);
let y_start = pos.1.max(0);
let x_end = (pos.0 + iw * scale).min(width);
let y_end = (pos.1 + ih * scale).min(height);
for x in x_start..x_end {
for y in y_start..y_end {
// NOTE: I could instead keep separate counters.
// It would introduce an additional if statement,
// but would not perform division.
let dx = (x - pos.0) / scale;
let dy = (y - pos.1) / scale;
let r = src[(dx + dy * iw) as usize * 4];
let g = src[(dx + dy * iw) as usize * 4 + 1];
let b = src[(dx + dy * iw) as usize * 4 + 2];
let a = src[(dx + dy * iw) as usize * 4 + 3];
let color = Color(r, g, b, a);
self.set_pixel((x as u32, y as u32), color);
// }}}
// {{{ Fill
/// Fill with solid color
pub fn fill(&mut self, pos: Position, (iw, ih): (u32, u32), color: Color) {
let height = self.height();
for dx in 0..iw {
for dy in 0..ih {
let x = pos.0 + dx as i32;
let y = pos.1 + dy as i32;
if x >= 0 && (x as u32) < self.width && y >= 0 && (y as u32) < height {
self.set_pixel((x as u32, y as u32), color);
// }}}
// {{{ Draw text
pub fn plan_text_rendering(
pos: Position,
faces: &mut [&mut Face],
style: TextStyle,
text: &str,
) -> Result<(Position, Rect, Vec<(i64, Glyph)>), Error> {
// {{{ Control weight
if let Some(weight) = style.weight {
for face in faces.iter_mut() {
unsafe {
let raw = face.raw_mut() as *mut _;
let slice = [(weight as i64) << 16];
// {{{ Debug logging
// let mut amaster = 0 as *mut FT_MM_Var;
// FT_Get_MM_Var(raw, &mut amaster as *mut _);
// println!("{:?}", *amaster);
// println!("{:?}", *(*amaster).axis);
// println!("{:?}", *(*amaster).namedstyle);
// }}}
// Set variable weight
let _err = FT_Set_Var_Design_Coordinates(raw, 3, slice.as_ptr());
// Some fonts are not variable, so we just ignore errors :/
// if err != FT_Err_Ok {
// let err: FtResult<_> = Err(err.into());
// err?;
// }
// }}}
for face in faces.iter_mut() {
face.set_char_size((style.size << 6) as isize, 0, 0, 0)?;
// {{{ Compute layout
let mut pen_x = 0;
let kerning: Vec<_> = faces.iter().map(|f| f.has_kerning()).collect();
let mut previous = None;
let mut data = Vec::new();
for c in text.chars() {
let c = match c {
'' => '~',
c => c,
let (face_index, glyph_index) = faces
.find_map(|(i, face)| {
let glyph_index = face.get_char_index(c as usize)?;
Some((i, glyph_index))
.ok_or_else(|| {
anyhow!("Could not get glyph index for char '{}' in \"{}\"", c, text)
let face = &mut faces[face_index];
if let Some((prev_face_index, prev_glyth_index)) = previous
&& prev_face_index == face_index
&& kerning[face_index]
let delta =
face.get_kerning(prev_glyth_index, glyph_index, KerningMode::KerningDefault)?;
pen_x += delta.x >> 6; // we shift to get rid of sub-pixel accuracy
face.load_glyph(glyph_index, LoadFlag::DEFAULT)?;
data.push((pen_x, face.glyph().get_glyph()?));
pen_x += face.glyph().advance().x >> 6;
previous = Some((face_index, glyph_index));
// }}}
// {{{ Find bounding box
let mut x_min = 32000;
let mut y_min = 32000;
let mut x_max = -32000;
let mut y_max = -32000;
for (pen_x, glyph) in &data {
let mut bbox = glyph.get_cbox(FT_GLYPH_BBOX_PIXELS);
bbox.xMin += pen_x;
bbox.xMax += pen_x;
if bbox.xMin < x_min {
x_min = bbox.xMin
if bbox.xMax > x_max {
x_max = bbox.xMax
if bbox.yMin < y_min {
y_min = bbox.yMin
if bbox.yMax > y_max {
y_max = bbox.yMax
// Check that we really grew the string bbox
if x_min > x_max {
x_min = 0;
x_max = 0;
y_min = 0;
y_max = 0;
let bbox = Rect::from_extremes(x_min as i32, y_min as i32, x_max as i32, y_max as i32);
let pos = bbox.align(style.align, pos);
// }}}
Ok((pos, bbox, data))
/// Render text
pub fn text(
&mut self,
pos: Position,
faces: &mut [&mut Face],
style: TextStyle,
text: &str,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let (pos, bbox, data) = Self::plan_text_rendering(pos, faces, style, text)?;
// {{{ Render glyphs
for (pos_x, glyph) in &data {
let b_glyph = glyph.to_bitmap(freetype::RenderMode::Normal, None)?;
let bitmap = b_glyph.bitmap();
let pixel_mode = bitmap.pixel_mode()?;
assert_eq!(pixel_mode, PixelMode::Gray);
let char_pos = (
pos.0 + *pos_x as i32 - bbox.x,
pos.1 + bbox.height as i32 + bbox.y,
if let Some((shadow_color, offset)) = style.drop_shadow {
let char_pos = (char_pos.0 + offset.0, char_pos.1 + offset.1);
self.blit_glyph(&b_glyph, &bitmap, char_pos, shadow_color);
if let Some((stroke_color, stroke_width)) = style.stroke {
// {{{ Create stroke
let stroker = FREETYPE_LIB.with(|lib| lib.new_stroker())?;
let sglyph = glyph.stroke(&stroker)?;
let sb_glyph = sglyph.to_bitmap(freetype::RenderMode::Normal, None)?;
let sbitmap = sb_glyph.bitmap();
let spixel_mode = sbitmap.pixel_mode()?;
assert_eq!(spixel_mode, PixelMode::Gray);
// }}}
self.blit_glyph(&sb_glyph, &sbitmap, char_pos, stroke_color);
self.blit_glyph(&b_glyph, &bitmap, char_pos, style.color);
// }}}
// }}}
// {{{ Blit glyph
pub fn blit_glyph(
&mut self,
b_glyph: &BitmapGlyph,
bitmap: &Bitmap,
pos: Position,
color: Color,
) {
let iw = bitmap.width();
let ih = bitmap.rows();
let height = self.buffer.len() as u32 / 3 / self.width;
let src = bitmap.buffer();
for dx in 0..iw {
for dy in 0..ih {
let x = pos.0 + dx + b_glyph.left();
let y = pos.1 + dy - b_glyph.top();
// TODO: gamma correction
if x >= 0 && (x as u32) < self.width && y >= 0 && (y as u32) < height {
let gray = src[(dx + dy * iw) as usize];
let r = color.0;
let g = color.1;
let b = color.2;
let a = ((color.3 as u32 * gray as u32) / 0xff) as u8;
let color = Color(r, g, b, a);
self.set_pixel((x as u32, y as u32), color);
// }}}
pub fn new(width: u32, height: u32) -> Self {
let buffer = vec![u8::MAX; 3 * (width * height) as usize].into_boxed_slice();
Self { buffer, width }
// }}}
// {{{ Layout types
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct LayoutBox {
relative_to: Option<(LayoutBoxId, i32, i32)>,
pub width: u32,
pub height: u32,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct LayoutBoxId(usize);
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct LayoutManager {
boxes: Vec<LayoutBox>,
pub struct LayoutDrawer {
pub layout: LayoutManager,
pub canvas: BitmapCanvas,
impl LayoutManager {
// {{{ Trivial box creation
pub fn make_box(&mut self, width: u32, height: u32) -> LayoutBoxId {
let id = self.boxes.len();
self.boxes.push(LayoutBox {
relative_to: None,
pub fn make_relative_box(
&mut self,
to: LayoutBoxId,
x: i32,
y: i32,
width: u32,
height: u32,
) -> LayoutBoxId {
let id = self.make_box(width, height);
self.edit_to_relative(id, to, x, y);
// }}}
// {{{ Chage box to be relative
pub fn edit_to_relative(
&mut self,
id: LayoutBoxId,
id_relative_to: LayoutBoxId,
x: i32,
y: i32,
) {
let current = self.boxes[id.0];
if let Some((current_points_to, dx, dy)) = current.relative_to
&& current_points_to != id_relative_to
self.edit_to_relative(current_points_to, id_relative_to, x - dx, y - dy);
} else {
self.boxes[id.0].relative_to = Some((id_relative_to, x, y));
let a = self.lookup(id);
let b = self.lookup(id_relative_to);
assert_eq!((a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y), (x, y));
// }}}
// {{{ Margins
pub fn margin(&mut self, id: LayoutBoxId, t: i32, r: i32, b: i32, l: i32) -> LayoutBoxId {
let inner = self.boxes[id.0];
let out = self.make_box(
(inner.width as i32 + l + r) as u32,
(inner.height as i32 + t + b) as u32,
self.edit_to_relative(id, out, l, t);
pub fn margin_xy(&mut self, inner: LayoutBoxId, x: i32, y: i32) -> LayoutBoxId {
self.margin(inner, y, x, y, x)
pub fn margin_uniform(&mut self, inner: LayoutBoxId, amount: i32) -> LayoutBoxId {
self.margin(inner, amount, amount, amount, amount)
// }}}
// {{{ Glueing
pub fn glue_horizontally(
&mut self,
first_id: LayoutBoxId,
second_id: LayoutBoxId,
) -> LayoutBoxId {
let first = self.boxes[first_id.0];
let second = self.boxes[second_id.0];
let id = self.make_box(first.width.max(second.width), first.height + second.height);
self.edit_to_relative(first_id, id, 0, 0);
self.edit_to_relative(second_id, id, 0, first.height as i32);
pub fn glue_vertically(
&mut self,
first_id: LayoutBoxId,
second_id: LayoutBoxId,
) -> LayoutBoxId {
let first = self.boxes[first_id.0];
let second = self.boxes[second_id.0];
let id = self.make_box(first.width + second.width, first.height.max(second.height));
self.edit_to_relative(first_id, id, 0, 0);
self.edit_to_relative(second_id, id, first.width as i32, 0);
// }}}
// {{{ Repeating
pub fn repeated_evenly(
&mut self,
id: LayoutBoxId,
amount: (u32, u32),
) -> (LayoutBoxId, impl Iterator<Item = Position>) {
let inner = self.boxes[id.0];
let outer_id = self.make_box(inner.width * amount.0, inner.height * amount.1);
self.edit_to_relative(id, outer_id, 0, 0);
(0..amount.0 * amount.1).map(move |i| {
let (y, x) = i.div_rem_euclid(&amount.0);
((x * inner.width) as i32, (y * inner.height) as i32)
// }}}
// {{{ Lookup box
pub fn lookup(&self, id: LayoutBoxId) -> Rect {
let current = self.boxes[id.0];
if let Some((to, dx, dy)) = current.relative_to {
let r = self.lookup(to);
Rect::new(r.x + dx, r.y + dy, current.width, current.height)
} else {
Rect::new(0, 0, current.width, current.height)
pub fn width(&self, id: LayoutBoxId) -> u32 {
pub fn height(&self, id: LayoutBoxId) -> u32 {
// }}}
// {{{ Alignment
pub fn position_relative_to(&self, id: LayoutBoxId, pos: Position) -> Position {
let current = self.lookup(id);
((pos.0 + current.x), (pos.1 + current.y))
pub fn align(&self, id: LayoutBoxId, align: (Align, Align), pos: Position) -> Position {
self.lookup(id).align(align, pos)
// }}}
impl LayoutDrawer {
pub fn new(layout: LayoutManager, canvas: BitmapCanvas) -> Self {
Self { layout, canvas }
// {{{ Drawing
// {{{ Draw pixel
pub fn set_pixel(&mut self, id: LayoutBoxId, pos: (u32, u32), color: Color) {
let pos = self
.position_relative_to(id, (pos.0 as i32, pos.1 as i32));
self.canvas.set_pixel((pos.0 as u32, pos.1 as u32), color);
// }}}
// {{{ Draw images
/// Draws a bitmap image taking with no alpha channel.
pub fn blit_rbg(&mut self, id: LayoutBoxId, pos: Position, image: &RgbImage) {
let pos = self.layout.position_relative_to(id, pos);
.blit_rbg(pos, image.dimensions(), image.as_raw());
/// Draws a bitmap image taking care of the alpha channel.
pub fn blit_rbga(&mut self, id: LayoutBoxId, pos: Position, image: &RgbaImage) {
let pos = self.layout.position_relative_to(id, pos);
.blit_rbga(pos, image.dimensions(), image.as_raw());
pub fn blit_rbg_scaled_up(
&mut self,
id: LayoutBoxId,
pos: Position,
dims: (u32, u32),
src: &[u8],
scale: u32,
) {
let pos = self.layout.position_relative_to(id, pos);
self.canvas.blit_rbga_scaled_up(pos, dims, src, scale);
// }}}
// {{{ Fill
/// Fills with solid color
pub fn fill(&mut self, id: LayoutBoxId, color: Color) {
let current = self.layout.lookup(id);
(current.x, current.y),
(current.width, current.height),
// }}}
// {{{ Draw text
/// Render text
pub fn text(
&mut self,
id: LayoutBoxId,
pos: Position,
faces: &mut [&mut Face],
style: TextStyle,
text: &str,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let pos = self.layout.position_relative_to(id, pos);
self.canvas.text(pos, faces, style, text)
// }}}
// }}}
// }}}