290 lines
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290 lines
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-- single line comment
universe u
def m: Nat := 1
#check m
#check m
#check (m + m)
#eval (m + m)
#check Nat × Nat
def Γ := 2 + m
def double (a: Nat) := a + a
#eval double (double 3)
section composition
variable (α β γ: Type)
def compose (f: α → β) (g: β → γ): (α -> γ) := fun x: α => g (f x)
end composition
def quadruble := compose _ _ _ double double
#print compose
section composition'
variable (α β γ : Type)
variable (g : β → γ) (f : α → β) (h : α → α)
variable (x : α)
def compose' := g (f x)
def doTwice := h (h x)
def doThrice := h (h (h x))
end composition'
def a: Nat := 3
#eval double a
#print compose'
#check (Nat : Sort 1)
#check (Prop : Sort 1)
#check (Prop : Type)
section proofs
theorem hmm (α: Prop) (β: Prop): Prop := α
theorem hmm2 : Prop -> Prop -> Prop :=
fun α β => show Prop from α
theorem hmm3 (hm: α): α := hm
axiom myProof: Prop
#check hmm
#check hmm2
#check hmm3 myProof
#check @hmm3
#check @hmm3 myProof
end proofs
section logic
variable {α β π: Prop}
variable (ha: α) (hb: β)
theorem pair: α -> β -> α ∧ β := fun a b => And.intro a b
theorem unpair: (α → β → π) → α ∧ β → π := fun f a =>
show π from f (And.left a) (And.right a)
theorem pairsCommute: (α ∧ β) → (β ∧ α) := fun p =>
show (β ∧ α) from And.intro (And.right p) (And.left p)
example (h: α ∧ β): β ∧ α := ⟨h.right, h.left⟩
theorem thrice: (f: α) -> α ∧ α ∧ α := fun f => ⟨ f, f, f ⟩
theorem negateFunc: (β → α) → ¬α → ¬β :=
fun f notₐ b =>
show False from notₐ (f b)
#print pairsCommute
#check (⟨ha, hb⟩: α ∧ β)
theorem exFalso: (α ∧ ¬ α) → β :=
fun contradiction =>
show β from (contradiction.right contradiction.left).elim
theorem pairIso: α ∧ β ↔ β ∧ α := ⟨ pairsCommute, pairsCommute ⟩
end logic
section classical
open Classical
variable (α : Prop)
def dneT: Prop := ¬¬α → α
theorem doubleNegation: α ↔ ¬¬α :=
suffices l: α → ¬¬α from
suffices r: ¬¬α → α from ⟨ l, r ⟩
show dneT α from fun doubleNegA => (em α).elim
(fun p: α => p)
(fun p: ¬α => absurd p doubleNegA)
show α → ¬¬α from (fun a f => f a)
#print byCases
theorem dne: dneT α := fun nnₚ =>
byCases id
(fun nₚ => (nnₚ nₚ).elim)
#print byContradiction
theorem dne': dneT α := fun nnₚ =>
byContradiction fun nₚ => nnₚ nₚ
end classical
section exercises
variable (p q r : Prop)
theorem noContradictions : ¬(p ↔ ¬p) :=
fun contradiction =>
suffices someP: p from contradiction.mp someP someP
suffices someNotP: ¬p from show p from contradiction.mpr someNotP
show ¬p from fun p => contradiction.mp p p
end exercises
section quantifiers
variable (α: Type) (r: α → α → Prop)
variable (transitivity: ∀x y z, r x y → r y z → r x z)
variable (n: Nat)
variable (trans2: ∀x y z, r x y → r y z → r x z)
variable (trans3: ∀τ β ω, r τ β → r β ω → r τ ω)
axiom someA: α
#print someA
#check transitivity
#print Eq.subst
theorem substTest: (a b c: Nat) → (myProp: Nat -> Prop) →
(a + b = c) → myProp c → myProp (a + b) :=
fun a b c myProp p₁ l => @Eq.subst Nat (fun a => myProp a) c (a + b) p₁.symm l
theorem substTest': {a b c: Nat} → {myProp: Nat -> Prop} →
(a + b = c) → myProp c → myProp (a + b) :=
fun p₁ l => p₁ ▸ l
#check @congr
#print congrArg
#print congrFun
theorem congrArgTest: {a b: Nat} → (c: Nat) → (a = b) → (a + c = b + c) :=
fun c p₁ => congrArg (fun a => a + c) p₁
end quantifiers
section calc_
variable (a b c d e : Nat)
variable (h1 : a = b)
variable (h2 : b = c + 1)
variable (h3 : c = d)
variable (h4 : e = 1 + d)
theorem T : a = e :=
a = b := h1
_ = c + 1 := h2
_ = d + 1 := congrArg Nat.succ h3
_ = 1 + d := Nat.add_comm d 1
_ = e := h4.symm
theorem T₂ : a = e :=
a = b := h1
_ = c + 1 := h2
_ = d + 1 := by rw [h3]
_ = 1 + d := by rw [Nat.add_comm]
_ = e := by rw [h4]
theorem T₃ : a = e :=
by rw [h1, h2, h3, Nat.add_comm, h4]
theorem T₄ : a = e :=
by simp [h1, h2, h3, Nat.add_comm, h4]
example (a b c d : Nat) (h1 : a = b) (h2 : b ≤ c) (h3 : c + 1 < d) : a < d :=
a = b := h1
_ < b + 1 := Nat.lt_succ_self b
_ ≤ c + 1 := Nat.succ_le_succ h2
_ < d := h3
variable (x y: Nat)
theorem A₁: (x + y) * (x + y) = x * x + y * x + x * y + y * y :=
(x + y) * (x + y) = (x + y) * x + (x + y) * y := by rw [Nat.mul_add]
_ = x * x + y * x + (x * y + y * y) := by simp [Nat.add_mul]
_ = x * x + y * x + x * y + y * y := by rw [←Nat.add_assoc]
theorem A₂: (x + y) * (x + y) = x * x + y * x + x * y + y * y :=
by simp [Nat.add_mul, Nat.mul_add, Nat.add_assoc]
axiom forallTest: ¬(∀a: Nat, a + a = a + 1)
theorem existsOne: ∃a: Nat, a + a = a + 1 := ⟨ 1, rfl ⟩
theorem existsBiggerThanOne: ∃a: Nat, a > 1 :=
have r: 1 < 2 := Nat.succ_lt_succ (Nat.zero_lt_succ 0)
⟨ 2, r ⟩
example (x : Nat) (h : x > 0) : ∃ y, y < x :=
⟨ 0, h ⟩
end calc_
section exists_print
variable (g : Nat → Nat → Nat)
variable (hg : g 0 0 = 0)
theorem gex1 : ∃ x, g x x = x := ⟨0, hg⟩
theorem gex2 : ∃ x, g x 0 = x := ⟨0, hg⟩
theorem gex3 : ∃ x, g 0 0 = x := ⟨0, hg⟩
theorem gex4 : ∃ x, g x x = 0 := ⟨0, hg⟩
theorem gex5 : ∃ x, g x x = 0 := ⟨0, hg⟩
theorem gex6 : ∃ x, g x x = 0 := ⟨0, hg⟩
theorem gex7 : ∃ x, g x x = 0 := ⟨0, hg⟩
set_option pp.explicit true -- display implicit arguments
#print gex1
#print gex2
#print gex3
#print gex4
end exists_print
section existentials
variable (α : Type) (p q : α → Prop)
example (h : ∃ x, p x ∧ q x) : ∃ x, q x ∧ p x :=
match h with
| ⟨w, hw⟩ => ⟨w, hw.right, hw.left⟩
theorem _matches : (n: Nat) → n + 1 = 1 + n := fun n =>
match n with
| Nat.succ w => calc
Nat.succ w + 1 = Nat.succ (w + 1) := rfl
_ = Nat.succ (1 + w) := by rw [_matches w]
_ = 1 + Nat.succ w := rfl
| Nat.zero => rfl
end existentials
section tactics
theorem test (p q : Prop) (hp: p) (hq: q): p ∧ q ∧ p := by
apply And.intro
case left =>
exact hp
case right =>
apply And.intro hq hp
#print test
theorem test₂ (p q r : Prop) : p ∧ (q ∨ r) ↔ (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r) := by
apply Iff.intro
. intro h
apply Or.elim h.right
. intro hq
apply Or.inl
exact ⟨h.left, hq⟩
. intro hr
apply Or.inr
exact ⟨h.left, hr⟩
. intro h
apply Or.elim h
. intro pq
apply And.intro
. exact pq.left
. exact Or.inl pq.right
. intro pr
apply And.intro
. exact pr.left
. exact Or.inr pr.right
#print test₂
end tactics