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2023-10-29 00:44:23 +02:00
module Canopy.Adjudecate where
import Prelude
import Control.Bind (bind)
import Data.Foldable (class Foldable, any, foldMap, foldlDefault, foldrDefault)
import Data.List (List(..))
import Data.List as List
import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), (/\))
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafeCrashWith)
import Prim.Row (class Cons)
type Index = Int
data Proposition a
= False
| True
| Disj (Proposition a) (Proposition a)
| Conj (Proposition a) (Proposition a)
| Negation (Proposition a)
| Other a
derive instance Functor Proposition
instance Apply Proposition where
apply = ap
instance Applicative Proposition where
pure = Other
instance Bind Proposition where
bind (Other a) f = f a
bind False _ = False
bind True _ = True
bind (Negation p) f = Negation (bind p f)
bind (Conj l r) f = Conj (bind l f) (bind r f)
bind (Disj l r) f = Disj (bind l f) (bind r f)
instance Foldable Proposition where
foldMap f (Other a) = f a
foldMap f (Disj l r) = foldMap f l <> foldMap f r
foldMap f (Conj l r) = foldMap f l <> foldMap f r
foldMap f (Negation p) = foldMap f p
foldMap _ _ = mempty
foldr = foldrDefault
foldl = foldlDefault
instance Monad Proposition
derive instance Eq a => Eq (Proposition a)
simp :: forall a. Eq a => Proposition a -> Proposition a
simp (Conj False _) = False
simp (Conj _ False) = False
simp (Disj True _) = True
simp (Disj _ True) = True
simp (Negation True) = False
simp (Negation False) = True
simp (Negation (Negation p)) = simp p
simp (Conj l r) | l == r = simp l
simp (Disj l r) | l == r = simp l
simp (Negation (Disj l r)) = simp $ Conj (simp $ Negation l) (simp $ Negation r)
simp (Negation (Conj l r)) = simp $ Disj (simp $ Negation l) (simp $ Negation r)
simp (Conj l (Negation r)) | l == r = False
simp (Disj l (Negation r)) | l == r = True
simp (Negation p) = Negation (simp p)
simp (Conj l r) = Conj (simp l) (simp r)
simp (Disj l r) = Disj (simp l) (simp r)
simp o = o
-- Put this inside a proposition to have
-- two wildcard (self and target)
data BinaryWildcard = BSelf | BTarget | BRef Index
-- Put this inside a proposition to have
-- a single wildcard (target)
data UnaryWildcard = UTarget | URef Index
newtype Entry = Entry
-- Expression which must be true for us to also be true.
{ requires :: Proposition Index
-- We can add arbitrary logic to entries already in the graph
, contributes :: List (Proposition BinaryWildcard)
data MoveImplications
= Empty
| AddEntry Entry MoveImplications
referencesSelf :: Proposition UnaryWildcard -> Boolean
referencesSelf = any case _ of
URef 0 -> true
_ -> false
applyContributions :: List (Proposition UnaryWildcard) -> MoveImplications -> MoveImplications
applyContributions Nil Empty = Empty
applyContributions (Cons contribution rest) (AddEntry entry implications) = AddEntry entry' (applyContributions rest implications')
entry' = ?e
implications' = ?i
contributions = implications # List.partition referencesSelf
applyContributions _ _ = unsafeCrashWith "Different amounts of contributions and implications"
resolveMoveImplications :: MoveImplications -> List Boolean
resolveMoveImplications Empty = List.Nil
resolveMoveImplications (AddEntry (Entry { requires, contributes }) implications) =
unaryContributions :: List (Proposition UnaryWildcard)
unaryContributions = contributes <#> \proposition -> do
wildcard <- proposition
case wildcard of
BTarget -> pure UTarget
BRef i -> pure $ URef i
BSelf -> map URef requires