feat: basic rendering
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,39 +2,34 @@ module Main where
import Prelude
import Data.Compactable (compact)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.HashMap as HashMap
import Data.String (joinWith)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class.Console (logShow)
import Effect.Console (log)
import RealFunction (PortSide(..), RealFunction, SolveM, _constraints, collectConstraints, myFactory, runSolveM, tryFindBound)
import Run.Except (runFail)
import Run.Reader.Extra (fromState')
import Moontorio.Render (RenderFn, renderFactory)
import RealFunction (PortSide(..), RealFunction, SolveM, collectConstraints, myFactory, runSolveM, tryFindBoundSolveM)
p :: SolveM (Array RealFunction)
p = do
a <- fromState' _constraints $ runFail $ tryFindBound (0 /\ Input)
b <- fromState' _constraints $ runFail $ tryFindBound (0 /\ Output)
c <- fromState' _constraints $ runFail $ tryFindBound (1 /\ Input)
d <- fromState' _constraints $ runFail $ tryFindBound (1 /\ Output)
e <- fromState' _constraints $ runFail $ tryFindBound (2 /\ Input)
f <- fromState' _constraints $ runFail $ tryFindBound (2 /\ Output)
g <- fromState' _constraints $ runFail $ tryFindBound (4 /\ Input)
h <- fromState' _constraints $ runFail $ tryFindBound (4 /\ Output)
pure $ compact [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h]
a <- tryFindBoundSolveM (0 /\ Input)
b <- tryFindBoundSolveM (0 /\ Output)
c <- tryFindBoundSolveM (1 /\ Input)
d <- tryFindBoundSolveM (1 /\ Output)
e <- tryFindBoundSolveM (2 /\ Input)
f <- tryFindBoundSolveM (2 /\ Output)
g <- tryFindBoundSolveM (4 /\ Input)
h <- tryFindBoundSolveM (4 /\ Output)
pure [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h]
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
for_ (HashMap.toArrayBy Tuple myFactory) \(Tuple key value) -> log $ show key <> ": " <> show value
main :: RenderFn -> Effect Unit
main render = do
-- for_ (HashMap.toArrayBy Tuple myFactory) \(Tuple key value) -> log $ show key <> ": " <> show value
case runSolveM myFactory p of
Left err -> log err
Right (Tuple s f) -> do
log $ joinWith "\n" $ show <$> s.constraints
logShow $ f <*> pure 0.0
renderFactory render myFactory s.constraints
-- log $ joinWith "\n" $ show <$> s.constraints
-- logShow $ f <*> pure 0.0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
module Moontorio.Render where
import Prelude
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import RealFunction (Constraints, Factory, PortSide(..), RealFunction, factoryPorts, tryFindBoundPure, tryFindValuePure)
type RenderFn = String -> Array RealFunction -> Effect Unit
renderFactory :: RenderFn -> Factory -> Constraints -> Effect Unit
renderFactory render factory constraints = for_ (factoryPorts factory) \portId -> do
let inputMax = tryFindBoundPure (portId /\ Input) constraints
let outputMax = tryFindBoundPure (portId /\ Output) constraints
let actual = tryFindValuePure portId constraints
render ("Port " <> show portId) [inputMax, outputMax, actual]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
module Run.Supply where
import Prelude
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Run (Run, Step(..), lift, on, runAccumPure)
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))
-- | Monad providing an infinite supply of values of a particular type.
-- | Example use cases: generating unique ids.
data SupplyF s a = Supply (s -> a)
type SUPPLY s r = ( supply :: SupplyF s | r )
generate :: forall r s. Run (SUPPLY s r) s
generate = lift _supply (Supply identity)
-- | Elimininate the supply monad using a function generating the next value
runSupply :: forall r s a. (s -> s) -> s -> Run (SUPPLY s r) a -> Run r a
runSupply next
= runAccumPure
(next >>> \current -> on _supply (Loop <<< handleSupply current) Done)
(\s a -> a)
handleSupply :: forall i. s -> SupplyF s i -> Tuple s i
handleSupply current (Supply continue) = Tuple current (continue current)
---------- Typeclass instances
derive instance functorSupply :: Functor (SupplyF s)
--------- SProxies
_supply :: Proxy "supply"
_supply = Proxy
@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ import Prelude
import Data.Array (length, mapWithIndex)
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Foldable (for_, minimum)
import Data.Foldable (foldMap, for_, minimum)
import Data.FoldableWithIndex (forWithIndex_)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.HashMap (HashMap)
import Data.HashMap as HashMap
import Data.HashMap as Map
import Data.HashSet as HashSet
import Data.Int (toNumber)
import Data.Lens (Lens')
import Data.Lens.Record (prop)
@ -20,15 +21,18 @@ import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Number (infinity)
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..), uncurry)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..), fst, uncurry)
import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), (/\))
import Functorio.Lens (getAt, modifyAt)
import Functorio.Lens (modifyAt)
import Math (sin)
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafeCrashWith, unsafePartial)
import Run (Run, extract)
import Run.Except (EXCEPT, fail, runExcept)
import Run.Fail.Extra (traverseFail)
import Run.Reader (READER, ask, runReader)
import Run.Reader.Extra (fromState')
import Run.State (STATE, runState)
import Run.Supply (SUPPLY, generate, runSupply)
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Type.Row (type (+))
import Visited (VISITED, once, runVisited)
@ -57,28 +61,34 @@ type Factory = HashMap MachineId Machine
---------- Some configs
yellowBelt :: BeltConfig
yellowBelt = { speed: 15.0, delay: 1.0/3.0 }
yellowBelt = { speed: 15.0, delay: 4.0/3.0 }
redBelt :: BeltConfig
redBelt = { speed: 30.0, delay: 1.0/6.0 }
redBelt = { speed: 30.0, delay: 4.0/6.0 }
blueBelt :: BeltConfig
blueBelt = { speed: 45.0, delay: 1.0/8.0 }
blueBelt = { speed: 45.0, delay: 4.0/8.0 }
-- | Example factory
myFactory :: Factory
myFactory = Map.fromArray machines
machines = mapWithIndex Tuple
[ Provider [0, 1, 2] $ const 80.0
[ Provider [0, 1] $ startsAtZero $ \t -> 40.0 + 10.0 * sin t
, Belt { input: 0, output: 3, config: yellowBelt }
, Belt { input: 1, output: 4, config: redBelt }
, Belt { input: 2, output: 5, config: blueBelt }
-- , Belt { input: 2, output: 5, config: blueBelt }
, Consumer 3
, Consumer 4
, Consumer 5
---------- Helpers for real functions
type Endomorphism a = a -> a
startsAtZero :: Endomorphism RealFunction
startsAtZero f x | x >= 0.0 = f x
| otherwise = 0.0
---------- Monad for factory solving
type PortData =
{ id :: PortId
@ -105,38 +115,44 @@ data ThroughputConstraint
type Constraints = Array ThroughputConstraint
type SolveState =
{ constraints :: Constraints
, lastId :: Int }
{ constraints :: Constraints }
type SolveM = Run
( EXCEPT String
+ STATE SolveState
+ READER Factory
+ () )
runSolveM :: forall a. Factory -> SolveM a -> Either String (Tuple SolveState a)
runSolveM factory = runReader factory >>> runState initialState >>> runExcept >>> extract
initialState :: SolveState
initialState = { constraints: [], lastId: 0 }
runSolveM factory = runReader factory >>> runState mempty >>> runExcept >>> runSupply ((+) 1) 0 >>> extract
focusBiRelationship :: PortId /\ PortSide -> BiRelationship -> Maybe BiRelationship
focusBiRelationship place relationship | relationship.p1 == place = Just relationship
| relationship.p2 == place = Just $ flipBiRelationship relationship
| otherwise = Nothing
focusBiRelationshipWithoutSide :: PortId -> BiRelationship -> Maybe BiRelationship
focusBiRelationshipWithoutSide id relationship | fst relationship.p1 == id = Just relationship
| fst relationship.p2 == id = Just $ flipBiRelationship relationship
| otherwise = Nothing
flipBiRelationship :: BiRelationship -> BiRelationship
flipBiRelationship { p1, p2, p1top2, p2top1 } = { p1: p2, p2: p1, p1top2: p2top1, p2top1: p1top2 }
factoryPorts :: Factory -> HashSet.HashSet PortId
factoryPorts = foldMap case _ of
Belt { input, output } -> HashSet.fromArray [input, output]
Provider outputs _ -> HashSet.fromArray outputs
Chest { inputs, outputs } -> HashSet.fromArray (inputs <> outputs)
Consumer input -> HashSet.singleton input
---------- System solving algorithm
constrain :: ThroughputConstraint -> SolveM Unit
constrain constraint = modifyAt _constraints $ push constraint
push = flip Array.snoc
getId :: SolveM Int
getId = modifyAt _lastId ((+) 1) *> getAt _lastId
collectConstraints :: SolveM Unit
collectConstraints = do
factory <- ask
@ -157,6 +173,12 @@ evalExpr = case _ of
tryFindBound :: forall r. PortId /\ PortSide -> Run (READER Constraints r) RealFunction
tryFindBound at = tryFindBoundImpl at <#> \f time -> extract $ runVisited $ f time
tryFindBoundSolveM :: PortId /\ PortSide -> SolveM RealFunction
tryFindBoundSolveM at = fromState' _constraints $ tryFindBound at
tryFindBoundPure :: PortId /\ PortSide -> Constraints -> RealFunction
tryFindBoundPure at constraints = extract $ runReader constraints $ tryFindBound at
tryFindBoundImpl :: forall r k.
PortId /\ PortSide ->
Run (READER Constraints r) (Number -> Run (VISITED BiRelationshipId k) Number)
@ -174,7 +196,29 @@ tryFindBoundImpl (targetId /\ targetSide) = do
# runReader constraints
<#> minimum'
minimum' = minimum >>> fromMaybe infinity
minimum' = minimum >>> fromMaybe 0.0
tryFindValue :: forall r. PortId -> Run (READER Constraints r) RealFunction
tryFindValue at = tryFindValueImpl at <#> \f time -> extract $ runVisited $ f time
tryFindValueImpl :: forall r k. PortId -> Run (READER Constraints r) (Number -> Run (VISITED BiRelationshipId k) Number)
tryFindValueImpl targetId = do
constraints <- ask
pure \time -> constraints
# traverseFail case _ of
Limit expr _ id | id == targetId -> evalExpr expr <*> pure time
BiRelationship id raw
| Just relationship <- focusBiRelationshipWithoutSide targetId raw -> do
f <- once id fail $ tryFindValueImpl $ fst relationship.p2
f (relationship.p1top2 time)
_ -> fail
# runReader constraints
<#> minimum'
minimum' = minimum >>> fromMaybe 0.0
tryFindValuePure :: PortId -> Constraints -> RealFunction
tryFindValuePure at constraints = extract $ runReader constraints $ tryFindValue at
collectConstraintsImpl :: MachineId -> Machine -> SolveM Unit
collectConstraintsImpl at = case _ of
@ -204,9 +248,10 @@ collectConstraintsImpl at = case _ of
| otherwise = head.maxOutput time
outputsImpl _ _ _ = Nil
Consumer for -> pure unit
Consumer for -> do
constrain $ Limit (Literal infinity) Output for
Belt { input, output, config } -> do
biId <- getId
biId <- generate
constrain $ BiRelationship biId
{ p1: input /\ Output
@ -220,9 +265,6 @@ collectConstraintsImpl at = case _ of
_ -> unsafeCrashWith "unimplemented"
---------- Lenses
_lastId :: Lens' SolveState Int
_lastId = prop (Proxy :: _ "lastId")
_constraints :: Lens' SolveState (Array ThroughputConstraint)
_constraints = prop (Proxy :: _ "constraints")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
import { main } from "Main.purs";
import functionPlot from "function-plot";
let lastId = 0;
const root = document.body;
const width = 400;
const height = 250;
const render = (name) => (functions) => () => {
const currentId = ++lastId;
const node = document.createElement("div");
node.id = currentId;
node.title = name;
node.className = "graph";
const functionData = functions.map((fn) => ({
fn: (scope) => fn(scope.x),
graphType: "polyline",
target: node,
yAxis: { domain: [-5, 35] },
xAxis: { domain: [-1, 5] },
grid: true,
data: functionData,
Reference in a new issue