fsharp(ygosim): feat: added basic effect types
Signed-off-by: prescientmoon <git@moonythm.dev>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
module Board
module Side =
open Card
open Card.Card
type Side =
{ field: CardInstance option
monsters: CardInstance list
spells: CardInstance list
graveyard: CardInstance list
deck: CardInstance list }
type Side<'s> =
{ field: CardInstance<'s> option
monsters: CardInstance<'s> list
spells: CardInstance<'s> list
graveyard: CardInstance<'s> list
deck: CardInstance<'s> list }
let emptySide =
{ field = None
@ -20,27 +20,27 @@ module Side =
module Player =
open Side
open Card
open Card.Card
type PlayerState =
| InGame
| Won
| Lost of reason: string
type Player =
type Player<'s> =
{ lifePoints: int
side: Side
hand: CardInstance list
side: Side<'s>
hand: CardInstance<'s> list
state: PlayerState }
let inflictDamage (player: Player) amount = { player with lifePoints = player.lifePoints - amount }
let initialPlayer lp =
{ lifePoints = lp
side = emptySide
hand = []
state = InGame }
// module Side =
module Turn =
type Phase =
| Draw
@ -60,24 +60,45 @@ module Turn =
| End -> (Draw, turn + 1)
module Board =
open Player
open Turn
open Card
type Board =
type Player = Player.Player<Board>
and Board =
{ players: Player * Player
turn: int
phase: Phase }
type Card = Card.Card<Board>
type CardInstance = Card.CardInstance<Board>
type Effect = Effect.Effect<Board>
type Condition = Effect.Condition<Board>
type Action = Effect.Action<Board>
let emptyBoard =
{ players = (initialPlayer 8000, initialPlayer 8000)
{ players = (Player.initialPlayer 8000, Player.initialPlayer 8000)
turn = 0
phase = Turn.Draw }
phase = Draw }
module Game =
open Board
open Turn
open Player
open Card
type PlayerAction =
| Pass
| NormalSummon
| InitialDraw
| Activate
| Set
// let canDoInitialDraw (board: Board) =
let draw (player: Player) =
match player.side.deck with
@ -1,77 +1,104 @@
module Card
// TODO: actually implement it
type BaseCard =
{ name: string
text: string }
type SpellCardType =
| NormalSpell
| Field
| Equip
| ContinuosSpell
| QuickPlay
| Ritual
module Effect =
type Condition<'s> = 's -> bool
type TrapCardType =
| NormalTrap
| Counter
| ContinuosTrap
type Action<'s> =
{ condition: Condition<'s>
resolution: 's -> 's }
type Attribute =
| Dark
| Light
| Water
| Fire
| Earth
| Wind
| Divine
type EffectType =
| Trigger
| Ignition
type Race =
| Aqua
| Beast
| BeastWarrior
| Creator
| Cyberse
| Dinosaur
| DivineBeast
| Dragon
| Fairy
| Fiend
| Fish
| Insect
| Machine
| Plant
| Psychic
| Pyro
| Reptile
| Rock
| SeaSerpent
| Spellcaster
| Thunder
| Warrior
| WingedBeast
| Wyrm
| Zombie
type SpellCardDetails =
{ spellType: SpellCardType }
type TrapCardDetails =
{ trapType: TrapCardType }
type Effect<'s> =
{ cost: Action<'s>
resolve: Action<'s>
_type: EffectType }
type MonsterCardDetails =
{ attack: int
defense: int
attribute: Attribute
level: int }
module Card =
open Effect
type BaseCard<'s> =
{ name: string
text: string
effects: Effect<'s> list }
type SpellCardType =
| NormalSpell
| Field
| Equip
| ContinuosSpell
| QuickPlay
| Ritual
type TrapCardType =
| NormalTrap
| Counter
| ContinuosTrap
type Attribute =
| Dark
| Light
| Water
| Fire
| Earth
| Wind
| Divine
type Race =
| Aqua
| Beast
| BeastWarrior
| Creator
| Cyberse
| Dinosaur
| DivineBeast
| Dragon
| Fairy
| Fiend
| Fish
| Insect
| Machine
| Plant
| Psychic
| Pyro
| Reptile
| Rock
| SeaSerpent
| Spellcaster
| Thunder
| Warrior
| WingedBeast
| Wyrm
| Zombie
type SpellCardDetails =
{ spellType: SpellCardType }
type TrapCardDetails =
{ trapType: TrapCardType }
type Card =
| Monster of BaseCard * MonsterCardDetails
| Spell of BaseCard * SpellCardDetails
| Trap of BaseCard * TrapCardDetails
type MonsterCardDetails =
{ attack: int
defense: int
attribute: Attribute
level: int }
// TODO: actually make this do what its supposed to
type CardInstance = Card
type Card<'s> =
| Monster of BaseCard<'s> * MonsterCardDetails
| Spell of BaseCard<'s> * SpellCardDetails
| Trap of BaseCard<'s> * TrapCardDetails
// TODO: actually make this do what its supposed to
type CardInstance<'s> = Card<'s>
module Decklist =
type Decklist =
{ main: int list
side: int list
extra: int list }
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
open Game
let main argv =
let main _ =
let board = Board.emptyBoard
let sampleCard = Spell ({name= "sampleCard"; text="something"}, {spellType = Card.ContinuosSpell})
let sampleCard = Card.Spell ({name= "sampleCard"; text="something"; effects = []}, {spellType = Card.ContinuosSpell})
let secondBoard = withCurrentPlayer <| Game.toDeckBottom sampleCard <| board
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