fsharp(ygosim): feat: implemented everything from tribute summoning (except tributes don't go to the graveyard yet)
Signed-off-by: prescientmoon <git@moonythm.dev>
This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Board
open FSharpPlus.Lens
open FSharpPlus.Operators
module Side =
open Card.CardInstance
@ -124,7 +125,9 @@ module Board =
type CardInstance = CardInstance.CardInstance<Board>
type Monster = Card.Monster<Board>
type Monster = MonsterTypes.Monster<Board>
type MonsterInstance = MonsterInstance.MonsterInstance<Board>
type Effect = Effect.Effect<Board>
@ -147,9 +150,11 @@ module Board =
module Client =
open Player
open Turn
open Card
open Board
open Utils
type Log =
| CardToHand of string
| MonsterSummoned of Monster * int
@ -157,35 +162,57 @@ module Client =
| StateChanged of PlayerState * PlayerState
| ChooseZone of int list
| ChooseMonster of Monster list
| ChooseTributes of Monster list
type Client = Log -> int
let rec chooseZone client free =
let result =
|> List.toIndices
free |>> view _1
|> ChooseZone
|> client
if List.containsIndex result free then result
if List.containsIndex result free then free.[result] ^. _1
else chooseZone client free
let rec chooseMonster client monsters =
let result =
|> List.map (fun (m, _) -> m)
|> List.map (view _1)
|> ChooseMonster
|> client
if List.containsIndex result monsters then monsters.[result]
else chooseMonster client monsters
let rec chooseTributes client monsters count old: list<MonsterInstance> =
match count with
| 0 -> old
| count ->
let resultIndex =
|> map (view _1)
|> ChooseTributes
|> client
if List.containsIndex resultIndex monsters then
let result = monsters.[resultIndex]
let withoutCurrent = filter <| Card.MonsterInstance.withoutInstance result <| monsters
chooseTributes client withoutCurrent <| count - 1 <| result :: old
chooseTributes client monsters count old
module Zone =
open Player
open Side
open Board
let freeMonsterZones (player: Player) = List.filter Option.isNone player.side.monsters
let freeMonsterZones (player: Player) =
|> List.indexed
|> List.filter (view _2 >> Option.isNone)
let freeMonsterZoneCount = freeMonsterZones >> List.length
let hasFreeMonsterZones = (>=) << freeMonsterZoneCount
let hasFreeMonsterZone player = hasFreeMonsterZones player 1
@ -194,6 +221,7 @@ module Zone =
module Summon =
open Card.Card
open Card.Monster
open Player
open Card.CardInstance
open Card
open Board
@ -238,25 +266,48 @@ module Summon =
hasNormalSummonableMonster board && board ^. Board.currentPlayerLastNormalSummon < board ^. Board.turn
let performNormalSummon client board =
// Decide what monster to summon
let summonable = normalSummonable board
let target = chooseMonster client summonable
let (_, _id) = target
let (_monster, _id) = target
let free = freeMonsterZones <| board ^. Board.currentPlayer
// Find what monsters to tribute
let tributteCount = numberOfTributes _monster
let possibleTributes = board ^. Board.currentPlayerMonsters |>> ((=<<) monster) |> choose id
let tributes = chooseTributes client possibleTributes tributteCount []
// helpers to remove the tributes from the board
let replaceInstance instance =
let isInstance = List.tryFind (view _2 >> (=) instance.id) tributes |> Option.isSome
if isInstance then None
else Some instance
let replaceTributes = map <| Option.bind replaceInstance
// Tribute monsters
let boardWithoutTributes = board |> over Board.currentPlayerMonsters replaceTributes
let free = freeMonsterZones <| boardWithoutTributes ^. Board.currentPlayer
// TODO: move tributes to graveyard
// Choose a zone to summon the monster
let zone = chooseZone client free
let turn = boardWithoutTributes ^. Board.turn
let turn = board ^. Board.turn
// Instance to actually summon
let summonedInstance =
|> toCardInstance
|> Some
// Remove card from hand
let removeTarget = List.filter (fun card -> card.id <> _id)
// Notify the client a new monster was summoned
client <| MonsterSummoned(target ^. _1, zone) |> ignore
// Update the board
|> over Board.currentPlayerHand removeTarget
|> (Board.currentPlayerMonsters << Lens.indexToLens zone) .-> summonedInstance
|> Board.currentPlayerLastNormalSummon .-> turn
@ -283,7 +334,7 @@ module Game =
|> Board.currentPlayerHand .-> hand
|> Board.currentPlayerDeck .-> deck
let toDeckBottom (card: CardInstance) (player: Player) = over Player.deck (fun d -> card :: d) player
let toDeckBottom (card: CardInstance) (player: Player) = over Player.deck (fun d -> rev <| card :: rev d) player
let handleMainPhase client board =
if canNormalSummon board then performNormalSummon client board
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Card
open FSharpPlus.Lens
open FSharpPlus.Operators
module Effect =
type Condition<'s> = 's -> bool
@ -28,8 +29,7 @@ module Effect =
let inline resolve f effect = f effect.resolve <&> fun r -> { effect with resolve = r }
let inline _type f effect = f effect._type <&> fun t -> { effect with _type = t }
module Card =
module BaseCard =
open Effect
type BaseCard<'s> =
@ -42,18 +42,10 @@ module Card =
let inline text f card = f card.text <&> fun v -> { card with text = v }
let inline effects f card = f card.effects <&> fun v -> { card with effects = v }
type SpellCardType =
| NormalSpell
| Field
| Equip
| ContinuosSpell
| QuickPlay
| Ritual
type TrapCardType =
| NormalTrap
| Counter
| ContinuosTrap
module MonsterTypes =
open BaseCard
type Attribute =
| Dark
@ -91,19 +83,6 @@ module Card =
| Wyrm
| Zombie
type SpellCardDetails =
{ spellType: SpellCardType }
module SpellCardDetails =
let inline spellType f card = f card.spellType <&> fun v -> { card with spellType = v }
type TrapCardDetails =
{ trapType: TrapCardType }
module TrapCardDetails =
let inline trapType f card = f card.trapType <&> fun v -> { card with trapType = v }
type MonsterCardDetails =
{ attack: int
defense: int
@ -117,8 +96,39 @@ module Card =
let inline attribute f card = f card.attribute <&> fun v -> { card with attribute = v }
let inline level f card = f card.level <&> fun v -> { card with level = v }
type Monster<'s> = BaseCard<'s> * MonsterCardDetails
module Card =
open BaseCard
open MonsterTypes
type SpellCardType =
| NormalSpell
| Field
| Equip
| ContinuosSpell
| QuickPlay
| Ritual
type TrapCardType =
| NormalTrap
| Counter
| ContinuosTrap
type SpellCardDetails =
{ spellType: SpellCardType }
module SpellCardDetails =
let inline spellType f card = f card.spellType <&> fun v -> { card with spellType = v }
type TrapCardDetails =
{ trapType: TrapCardType }
module TrapCardDetails =
let inline trapType f card = f card.trapType <&> fun v -> { card with trapType = v }
type Card<'s> =
| Monster of Monster<'s>
| Spell of BaseCard<'s> * SpellCardDetails
@ -144,10 +154,11 @@ module CardInstance =
module Monster =
open Card
open MonsterTypes
open CardInstance
open Card
let monster card: option<Monster<'s> * int> =
let monster card: option<Monster<'a> * int> =
match card.template with
| Monster m -> Some(m, card.id)
| _ -> None
@ -157,6 +168,20 @@ module Monster =
{ template = Monster card
id = _id }
module MonsterInstance =
open MonsterTypes
type MonsterInstance<'s> = Monster<'s> * int
module private Internals =
// idk how to preperly override (=)
let areEqual (_, _id1) (_, _id2) = _id1 = _id2
let (==) = areEqual
open Internals
let withoutInstance instance = areEqual instance >> not
module Decklist =
type Decklist =
{ main: int list
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
open Board.Game
open Board.Client
open Card.Card
open Card.MonsterTypes
open Card.BaseCard
let printState state =
match state with
@ -24,10 +26,27 @@
attribute = Fire
race = Warrior })
let tributeCardTemplate =
Monster ({ name= "sampleCard2"
effects = []}
,{ attack = 3000
defense = 2500
level = 7
attribute = Fire
race = Warrior })
let (sampleCard, initialBoard) = instantiate emptyBoard sampleCardTemplate
let board = over Board.firstPlayer <| toDeckBottom sampleCard <| initialBoard
let (sampleCard1, board1) = instantiate emptyBoard sampleCardTemplate
let (sampleCard2, board2) = instantiate board1 sampleCardTemplate
let (sampleCard3, board3) = instantiate board2 sampleCardTemplate
let (sampleCard4, board4) = instantiate board3 sampleCardTemplate
let (tributeCard, board5) = instantiate board4 tributeCardTemplate
let board6 = over Board.firstPlayer <| toDeckBottom sampleCard1 <| board5
let board7 = over Board.firstPlayer <| toDeckBottom sampleCard2 <| board6
let board8 = over Board.secondPlayer <| toDeckBottom sampleCard3 <| board7
let board9 = over Board.secondPlayer <| toDeckBottom sampleCard4 <| board8
let board10 = over Board.firstPlayer <| toDeckBottom tributeCard <| board9
let client action =
match action with
@ -40,14 +59,13 @@
| ChooseZone free ->
printfn "What Zone do wou want to use? %A" free
let i = System.Console.ReadLine() |> int
System.Console.ReadLine() |> int
| ChooseMonster monsters ->
printfn "What monster do you want to choose? %A" <| List.map (fun (_base, details) -> _base.name) monsters
let i = System.Console.ReadLine() |> int
System.Console.ReadLine() |> int
| ChooseTributes monsters ->
printfn "What monster do you want to tribute? %A" <| List.map (fun (_base, details) -> _base.name) monsters
System.Console.ReadLine() |> int
| MonsterSummoned (card, zone) ->
printfn "Monster %A was summoned in zone %i" card zone
@ -55,7 +73,7 @@
printfn "Something unkown happened"
let finalBoard = game board client
let finalBoard = game board10 client
printfn "The final baord was: %A" finalBoard
@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ module List =
else previous)
let (.->) = setIndex
let toIndices list = List.mapi (fun i _ -> i) list
let containsIndex index list = index >= 0 && index < List.length list
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