Fork 0

Added purpleflow

This commit is contained in:
Matei Adriel 2023-06-18 18:46:34 +02:00
parent 8819e10d9e
commit a45a4e94b3
7 changed files with 547 additions and 0 deletions

purpleflow/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@

purpleflow/packages.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
Welcome to your new Dhall package-set!
Below are instructions for how to edit this file for most use
cases, so that you don't need to know Dhall to use it.
## Use Cases
Most will want to do one or both of these options:
1. Override/Patch a package's dependency
2. Add a package not already in the default package set
This file will continue to work whether you use one or both options.
Instructions for each option are explained below.
### Overriding/Patching a package
- Change a package's dependency to a newer/older release than the
default package set's release
- Use your own modified version of some dependency that may
include new API, changed API, removed API by
using your custom git repo of the library rather than
the package set's repo
where `entityName` is one of the following:
- dependencies
- repo
- version
let upstream = --
in upstream
with packageName.entityName = "new value"
let upstream = --
in upstream
with halogen.version = "master"
with halogen.repo = "https://example.com/path/to/git/repo.git"
with halogen-vdom.version = "v4.0.0"
with halogen-vdom.dependencies = [ "extra-dependency" ] # halogen-vdom.dependencies
### Additions
- Add packages that aren't already included in the default package set
where `<version>` is:
- a tag (i.e. "v4.0.0")
- a branch (i.e. "master")
- commit hash (i.e. "701f3e44aafb1a6459281714858fadf2c4c2a977")
let upstream = --
in upstream
with new-package-name =
{ dependencies =
[ "dependency1"
, "dependency2"
, repo =
, version =
let upstream = --
in upstream
with benchotron =
{ dependencies =
[ "arrays"
, "exists"
, "profunctor"
, "strings"
, "quickcheck"
, "lcg"
, "transformers"
, "foldable-traversable"
, "exceptions"
, "node-fs"
, "node-buffer"
, "node-readline"
, "datetime"
, "now"
, repo =
, version =
let upstream =
in upstream

View file

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
module PF.Core.Data.Ast where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (class MonadThrow, throwError)
import Control.Monad.RWS (modify)
import Control.Monad.State (class MonadState)
import Data.HashMap (HashMap)
import Data.HashMap as HashMap
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import PF.Core.Data.Cst as Cst
import Safe.Coerce (coerce)
newtype VarId = VarId Int
newtype DBIndex = DBIndex Int
newtype DBLevel = DBLevel Int
newtype DBDepth = DBDepth Int
type Expression = Expression_
type VarInfo =
{ id :: VarId
data Expression_
= Lambda VarInfo Expression
| Var VarInfo DBIndex
| Let VarInfo Expression Expression
| Call Expression Expression
| Pi
{ domain :: Expression
, codomain :: Expression
, var :: Maybe VarInfo
| Annotate
{ value :: Expression
, type_ :: Expression
| Type
type DesugarContext =
{ scope ::
HashMap Cst.VarName
{ id :: VarId
, level :: DBLevel
, depth :: DBDepth
-- | For depth n
-- | 0 => n - 0
-- | 1 => n - 1
-- | ...
-- | n - 1 => 1
-- | n - 0=> 0
levelToIndex :: DBDepth -> DBLevel -> DBIndex
levelToIndex (DBDepth depth) (DBLevel level) =
DBIndex (depth - level)
-- | Inverse of levelToIndex
indexToLevel :: DBDepth -> DBIndex -> DBLevel
indexToLevel (DBDepth depth) (DBIndex index) =
DBLevel (depth - index)
increaseDepth :: DBDepth -> DBDepth
increaseDepth (DBDepth a) = DBDepth (a + 1)
depthToLevel :: DBDepth -> DBLevel
depthToLevel = coerce
type DesugarState = Int
genId :: forall m. MonadState DesugarState m => m VarId
genId = modify ((+) 1) # map coerce
data DesugarError = VarNotFound Cst.VarName
:: forall m
. MonadState DesugarState m
=> MonadThrow DesugarError m
=> DesugarContext
-> Cst.Expression
-> m Expression
fromCST context = case _ of
Cst.Type -> pure Type
Cst.Call f a -> ado
f <- fromCST context f
a <- fromCST context a
in Call f a
Cst.Annotate { value, type_ } -> ado
value <- fromCST context value
type_ <- fromCST context type_
in Annotate { value, type_ }
Cst.Var name -> case HashMap.lookup name context.scope of
Just { id, level } -> do
let index = levelToIndex context.depth level
pure $ Var { id } index
Nothing -> throwError (VarNotFound name)
Cst.Lambda arg body -> do
id <- genId
let extended = extendContext arg id context
body <- fromCST extended body
pure $ Lambda { id } body
Cst.Let var value body -> do
id <- genId
let extended = extendContext var id context
value <- fromCST context value
body <- fromCST extended body
pure $ Let { id } value body
Cst.Pi { var, domain, codomain } -> do
id <- genId
extended = var # maybe context
\var -> extendContext var id context
domain <- fromCST context domain
codomain <- fromCST extended codomain
pure $ Pi
{ domain
, codomain
, var: var $> { id }
extendContext :: Cst.VarName -> VarId -> DesugarContext -> DesugarContext
extendContext var id context = do
let depth = increaseDepth context.depth
{ depth: depth
, scope: HashMap.insert var
{ id
, level: depthToLevel depth

View file

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
module PF.Core.Data.Cst where
import Prelude
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.CodePoint.Unicode (isAlpha)
import Data.Hashable (class Hashable)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Profunctor (dimap)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import PF.ParsingCodec.Parser as PC
import Safe.Coerce (coerce)
newtype VarName = VarName String
data Expression
= Lambda VarName Expression
| Var VarName
| Let VarName Expression Expression
| Call Expression Expression
| Pi
{ domain :: Expression
, codomain :: Expression
, var :: Maybe VarName
| Annotate
{ value :: Expression
, type_ :: Expression
| Type
-- Explicit syntax:
- foo
- lam x -> ...
- let a = b in c
- f[a]
- pi x : ty -> body
- x :: y ???
- *
varName :: PC.ParsingCodec VarName VarName
varName = dimap coerce coerce $ PC.takeWhile isAlpha
:: PC.ParsingCodec Expression Expression
-> PC.ParsingCodec Expression Expression
codec_ codec =
[ cType
, cLambda
cType = PC.string "*" `PC.withConstantR` Type
cLambda = PC.dimapMaybe
( PC.tuple
( PC.surround
(PC.string "\\")
(PC.string "->")
translateR (var /\ expr) = Lambda var expr
translateL = case _ of
Lambda var expr -> Just (var /\ expr)
_ -> Nothing
---------- Typeclass instances
derive instance Eq VarName
derive newtype instance Hashable VarName
derive instance Eq Expression

View file

@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
module PF.ParsingCodec.Parser where
import Prelude hiding ((*>), (<*))
import Control.Alternative (guard, (<|>))
import Control.Lazy (class Lazy)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Profunctor (class Profunctor)
import Data.String as String
import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), (/\))
data ParsingCodec i o = ParsingCodec
(String -> Maybe (String /\ o))
(i -> Maybe String)
string :: String -> ParsingCodec Unit String
string target = ParsingCodec decode encode
encode _ = Just target
decode input = do
{ before, after } = String.splitAt
(String.length target)
guard (target == before)
pure (after /\ target)
takeWhile :: (String.CodePoint -> Boolean) -> ParsingCodec String String
takeWhile predicate = ParsingCodec decode encode
encode = Just
decode input = do
let before = String.takeWhile predicate input
let after = String.drop (String.length before) input
pure (after /\ before)
ws :: ParsingCodec Unit String
ws = ParsingCodec decode encode
encode _ = Just " "
decode input = do
spaces = String.takeWhile
(_ == String.codePointFromChar ' ')
let after = String.drop (String.length spaces) input
pure (after /\ spaces)
:: forall i o a b
. (a -> Maybe i)
-> (o -> b)
-> ParsingCodec i o
-> ParsingCodec a b
dimapMaybe mapI mapO (ParsingCodec decode encode) = ParsingCodec
(\input -> decode input <#> map mapO)
(mapI >=> encode)
wss :: ParsingCodec Unit String
wss = ParsingCodec decode encode
encode _ = Just ""
decode input = do
spaces = String.takeWhile
(_ == String.codePointFromChar ' ')
guard (spaces /= "")
let after = String.drop (String.length spaces) input
pure (after /\ spaces)
:: forall a b c d
. ParsingCodec a b
-> ParsingCodec c d
-> ParsingCodec (a /\ c) (b /\ d)
tuple (ParsingCodec decodeL encodeL) (ParsingCodec decodeR encodeR) = ParsingCodec decode encode
encode (inputL /\ inputR) = ado
a <- encodeL inputL
b <- encodeR inputR
in (a <> b)
decode input = do
input /\ left <- decodeL input
remaining /\ right <- decodeR input
pure $ remaining /\ (left /\ right)
:: forall a b c
. ParsingCodec Unit a
-> ParsingCodec b c
-> ParsingCodec b c
ignoreLeft (ParsingCodec decodeL encodeL) (ParsingCodec decodeR encodeR) = ParsingCodec decode encode
encode input = ado
a <- encodeL unit
b <- encodeR input
in a <> b
decode input = do
input /\ _ <- decodeL input
remaining /\ right <- decodeR input
pure $ remaining /\ right
:: forall a b c
. ParsingCodec b c
-> ParsingCodec Unit a
-> ParsingCodec b c
ignoreRight (ParsingCodec decodeL encodeL) (ParsingCodec decodeR encodeR) = ParsingCodec decode encode
encode input = ado
a <- encodeL input
b <- encodeR unit
in a <> b
decode input = do
input /\ left <- decodeL input
remaining /\ _ <- decodeR input
pure $ remaining /\ left
infixl 4 ignoreRight as <*
infixl 4 ignoreLeft as *>
:: forall l r i o
. ParsingCodec Unit l
-> ParsingCodec i o
-> ParsingCodec Unit r
-> ParsingCodec i o
surround left middle right = left *> middle <* right
:: forall o c
. Eq c
=> c
-> ParsingCodec Unit o
-> ParsingCodec c c
withConstantL inner (ParsingCodec decode encode) = ParsingCodec
decode' input = decode input <#> map (const inner)
encode' output = do
guard (output == inner)
encode unit
:: forall o c
. Eq c
=> ParsingCodec Unit o
-> c
-> ParsingCodec c c
withConstantR = flip withConstantL
infixl 4 withConstantL as <$
infixl 4 withConstantR as $>
decode :: forall i o. ParsingCodec i o -> (String -> Maybe (String /\ o))
decode (ParsingCodec r _) = r
encode :: forall i o. ParsingCodec i o -> (i -> Maybe String)
encode (ParsingCodec _ l) = l
---------- Typeclass instances
instance Profunctor ParsingCodec where
dimap mapI mapO (ParsingCodec decode encode) = ParsingCodec
(\input -> decode input <#> map mapO)
(mapI >>> encode)
instance Semigroup (ParsingCodec i o) where
append (ParsingCodec d e) (ParsingCodec d' e') =
ParsingCodec decode encode
decode i = d i <|> d' i
encode o = e o <|> e' o
instance Monoid (ParsingCodec s r) where
mempty = ParsingCodec (const Nothing) (const Nothing)
instance Lazy (ParsingCodec i o) where
defer mkCodec = ParsingCodec
(\i -> decode (mkCodec unit) i)
(\o -> encode (mkCodec unit) o)

purpleflow/spago.dhall Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
{ name = "purpleflow"
, dependencies =
[ "codec"
, "console"
, "effect"
, "prelude"
, "run"
, "strings"
, "transformers"
, "unicode"
, "unordered-collections"
, packages = ./packages.dhall
, sources = [ "packages/**/*.purs", "test/**/*.purs" ]

purpleflow/todo Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
**Ast related stuff**
- [ ] Define base ast
- [ ] Write basic parser
- [ ] Write logic for annoatating scopes and stuff