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purescript(switcheroo): Simplified types

Signed-off-by: prescientmoon <git@moonythm.dev>
This commit is contained in:
Matei Adriel 2023-02-13 13:19:56 +01:00 committed by prescientmoon
parent a1f2c01651
commit ca3cb6ae29
Signed by: prescientmoon
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:WFp/cO76nbarETAoQcQXuV+0h7XJsEsOCI0UsyPIy6U
2 changed files with 105 additions and 128 deletions

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Data.Identity (Identity(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Safe.Coerce (coerce)
import Swictheroo.Stream (Finished, Producer, constantProducer, runConsumeM_)
import Swictheroo.Stream (ConsumeM, Producer, constantProducer, runConsumeM_, unitProducer)
import Swictheroo.Stream as Stream
type Producers m =
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ type Producers m =
, ping :: Producer m Boolean
program :: forall m. Monad m => Producers m -> Finished m String Unit
program :: forall m. Monad m => Producers m -> ConsumeM m Unit Unit String
program producers = Ix.do
Stream.replace producers.download
a <- Stream.pull
@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ program producers = Ix.do
Stream.replace producers.ping
c <- Stream.pull
Stream.terminate $ Array.fold
Stream.replace unitProducer
pure $ Array.fold
[ "Download: "
, show a
, ", Report: "
@ -104,7 +106,7 @@ Note that in an actual production codebase we would receive
allow mocking and to not tie ourselves to a specific monad.
{- One could thing about this approach is
{- One cool thing about this approach is
that simple state can be kept without the need for StateT!
(because we can simply pass around values)

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@ -6,60 +6,60 @@ import Control.Alt (class Alt)
import Control.Alternative (class Plus, (<|>))
import Control.Applicative.Indexed (class IxApplicative, class IxApply, class IxFunctor)
import Control.Bind.Indexed (class IxBind)
import Control.Monad.Indexed (class IxMonad, iap)
import Control.Monad.Indexed (class IxMonad, iap, iapply, ibind, imap, ipure)
import Control.Parallel (parOneOf, parSequence_)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Lazy (Lazy)
import Data.Lazy as Lazy
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Profunctor.Strong (first)
import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), (/\))
import Effect.Aff (Aff, never)
-- | A producer can:
-- | - Produce values
-- | - Destroy itself
-- |
-- | A producer does this by reacting to input events
-- | in order to satisfy continuations.
newtype Producer m a =
Producer (forall c. Monad m => ProducerEvent m c a -> m c)
data ProducerEvent m c a
-- | Producers advance to a new version once they produce a value.
-- | This allows pure producers to exist. For example, a pure producer
-- | could hold an array of events, return the first one, and then create
-- | a new producer from the tail of the array
= Produce (a -> Producer m a -> c)
| Destroy c
{ destroy :: m Unit
-- | Producers advance to a new version once they produce a value.
-- | This allows pure producers to exist. For example, a pure producer
-- | could hold an array of events, return the first one, and then create
-- | a new producer from the tail of the array
, produce :: m (Lazy (a /\ Producer m a))
produce :: forall m i. Monad m => Producer m i -> m (i /\ Producer m i)
produce (Producer producer) = producer (Produce (/\))
produce (Producer producer) = producer.produce <#> Lazy.force
destroyProducer :: forall m i. Monad m => Producer m i -> m Unit
destroyProducer (Producer producer) = producer (Destroy unit)
destroyProducer (Producer producer) = producer.destroy
constantProducer :: forall m a. Monad m => a -> Producer m a
constantProducer value = Producer case _ of
Destroy c -> pure c
Produce next -> pure (next value (constantProducer value))
constantProducer :: forall m a. Monad m => a -> Producer m a
constantProducer value = Producer
{ destroy: pure unit
, produce: pure $ Lazy.defer \_ -> value /\ (constantProducer value)
unitProducer :: forall m. Monad m => Producer m Unit
unitProducer :: forall m. Monad m => Producer m Unit
unitProducer = constantProducer unit
filterMapProducer :: forall a b m. Monad m => (a -> Maybe b) -> Producer m a -> Producer m b
filterMapProducer f producer = Producer case _ of
Destroy c -> destroyProducer producer $> c
Produce next -> loop producer
-- Keeps producing values until one matches the given predicate!
loop producer = do
value /\ producer' <- produce producer
case f value of
Nothing -> loop producer'
Just updated -> pure (next updated (filterMapProducer f producer'))
filterMapProducer f producer = Producer
{ destroy: destroyProducer producer
, produce: loop producer
-- Keeps producing values until one matches the given predicate!
loop producer = do
value /\ producer' <- produce producer
case f value of
Nothing -> loop producer'
Just updated -> pure $ Lazy.defer \_ -> updated /\ (filterMapProducer f producer')
-- | Type parameter explanation:
-- | - m = underlying monad
-- | - t = type we want to end on
-- | - i = what the producer present when
-- | the computation *starts* needs to produce
-- | - o = what the producer present when
@ -67,126 +67,101 @@ filterMapProducer f producer = Producer case _ of
-- | - a = result of the computation
-- |
-- | This monad encapsulates the followin 3 operations:
-- | - Basic continuations (we have a type we want to terminate on)
-- | - Consuming values from a producer
-- | - Cancelling + replacing the current producer with a different one.
newtype ConsumeM m t i o a = ConsumeM
( forall c
. { producer :: Producer m i
, continue :: Producer m o -> a -> m c
, terminate :: t -> m c
-> m c
newtype ConsumeM m i o a = ConsumeM
( Producer m i -> m (a /\ Producer m o)
-- | A ConsumeM computation that has finshed running
type Finished m t i = ConsumeM m t i Void Void
pull :: forall m i. Monad m => ConsumeM m i i i
pull = ConsumeM produce
pull :: forall m t i. Monad m => ConsumeM m t i i i
pull = ConsumeM \inputs -> do
i /\ producer' <- produce inputs.producer
inputs.continue producer' i
replace :: forall m i o. Monad m => Producer m o -> ConsumeM m i o Unit
replace producer' = ConsumeM \producer -> do
destroyProducer producer
pure (unit /\ producer')
replace :: forall m t i o. Monad m => Producer m o -> ConsumeM m t i o Unit
replace producer' = ConsumeM \inputs -> do
destroyProducer inputs.producer
inputs.continue producer' unit
terminate :: forall m t i. Monad m => t -> Finished m t i
terminate result = ConsumeM \inputs -> do
destroyProducer inputs.producer
inputs.terminate result
lift :: forall m t i a. Monad m => m a -> ConsumeM m t i i a
lift computation = ConsumeM \inputs -> do
lift :: forall m i a. Monad m => m a -> ConsumeM m i i a
lift computation = ConsumeM \producer -> do
result <- computation
inputs.continue inputs.producer result
pure (result /\ producer)
producer :: forall m t i. Monad m => ConsumeM m t i i (Producer m i)
producer = ConsumeM \inputs -> inputs.continue inputs.producer inputs.producer
producer :: forall m i. Monad m => ConsumeM m i i (Producer m i)
producer = ConsumeM \p -> pure (p /\ p)
mapSource :: forall m t i o. Monad m => (Producer m i -> Producer m o) -> ConsumeM m t i o Unit
mapSource f = ConsumeM \inputs -> do
let new = f inputs.producer
inputs.continue new unit
mapSource :: forall m i o. Monad m => (Producer m i -> Producer m o) -> ConsumeM m i o Unit
mapSource f = ConsumeM \producer -> do
pure (unit /\ f producer)
runConsumeM :: forall m i t. Monad m => Producer m i -> Finished m t i -> m t
runConsumeM producer (ConsumeM run) = run
{ producer
, terminate: pure
, continue: \producer value -> absurd value -- not eta-reduced for clarity
runConsumeM :: forall m i o a. Monad m => Producer m i -> ConsumeM m i o a -> m a
runConsumeM producer (ConsumeM run) = do
result /\ producer' <- run producer
destroyProducer producer'
pure result
runConsumeM_ :: forall m t. Monad m => Finished m t Unit -> m t
runConsumeM_ :: forall m a o. Monad m => ConsumeM m Unit o a -> m a
runConsumeM_ = runConsumeM unitProducer
---------- Typeclass instances
instance Monad m => Functor (Producer m) where
map f (Producer producer) = Producer case _ of
Destroy c -> producer (Destroy c)
Produce next -> producer $ Produce \a p -> next (f a) (map f p)
instance Functor m => Functor (Producer m) where
map f (Producer producer) = Producer
{ destroy: producer.destroy
, produce: producer.produce <#> map (bimap f (map f))
instance Monad m => IxFunctor (ConsumeM m t) where
instance Functor m => IxFunctor (ConsumeM m) where
imap f (ConsumeM consumer) = ConsumeM
\inputs -> consumer
{ producer: inputs.producer
, terminate: inputs.terminate
, continue: \producer a -> inputs.continue producer (f a)
\producer -> consumer producer <#> first f
instance Monad m => IxApply (ConsumeM m t) where
instance Functor m => Functor (ConsumeM m i i) where
map = imap
instance Monad m => IxApply (ConsumeM m) where
iapply = iap
instance Monad m => IxApplicative (ConsumeM m t) where
ipure a = ConsumeM \inputs -> inputs.continue inputs.producer a
instance Monad m => Apply (ConsumeM m i i) where
apply = iapply
instance Monad m => IxBind (ConsumeM m t) where
instance Monad m => IxApplicative (ConsumeM m) where
ipure a = ConsumeM \p -> pure (a /\ p)
instance Monad m => Applicative (ConsumeM m i i) where
pure = ipure
instance Monad m => IxBind (ConsumeM m) where
ibind (ConsumeM consumer) f = ConsumeM
\inputs -> do
consumerResult <- consumer
{ producer: inputs.producer
, terminate: \result -> pure (Left result)
, continue: \a b -> pure (Right (a /\ b))
\producer -> do
result /\ producer' <- consumer producer
let (ConsumeM consumer') = f result
consumer' producer'
case consumerResult of
-- Terminated
Left final -> inputs.terminate final
instance Monad m => Bind (ConsumeM m i i) where
bind = ibind
-- Kept going
Right (producer' /\ result) -> do
let (ConsumeM consumer') = f result
{ producer: producer'
, continue: inputs.continue
, terminate: inputs.terminate
instance Monad m => IxMonad (ConsumeM m t)
instance Monad m => IxMonad (ConsumeM m)
instance Monad m => Monad (ConsumeM m i i)
---------- Merge producers
type AffProducer = Producer Aff
instance Alt AffProducer where
alt first second = Producer case _ of
Produce continue -> ado
result <- parOneOf
[ produce first <#> Left
, produce second <#> Right
case result of
Left (result /\ first') -> continue result (first' <|> second)
Right (result /\ second') -> continue result (first <|> second')
Destroy continue -> ado
[ destroyProducer first
, destroyProducer second
in continue
alt first second = Producer
{ destroy:
[ destroyProducer first
, destroyProducer second
, produce: ado
result <- parOneOf
[ produce first <#> Left
, produce second <#> Right
pure case result of
Left (result /\ first') -> result /\ (first' <|> second)
Right (result /\ second') -> result /\ (first <|> second')
instance Plus AffProducer where
empty = Producer \_ -> never
empty = Producer { destroy: pure unit, produce: never }