Add lambda calculus
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,9 +10,11 @@
| [existentials-blog](./existentials-blog) | Perhaps supposed to turn into a blog about existentials? |
| [existentials](./existentials) | Experiment regarding the Church-encoding of existential types |
| [gadts](./gadts) | Experiment regarding ways to encode GADTs in Purescript |
| [lambda-calculus](./lambda-calculus) | Lambda calculus evaluator |
| [lune](./lune) | Failed effect-system project |
| [maps](./maps) | Attempt at implementing maps with membership proofs |
| [proofs](./proofs) | Attempt at expressing mathematical proofs using Purescript's effect system |
| [purebird](./purebird) | Flappy-bird game |
| [purpleflow](./purpleflow) | Unfinished dependently-typed programming language |
| [slice](./slice) | Basic benchmarks and a `Slice` type |
| [sprint](./sprint) | Failled effect-system based on typelevel lists |
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
let upstream =
|||| sha256:f5e978371d4cdc4b916add9011021509c8d869f4c3f6d0d2694c0e03a85046c8
in upstream
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
{ name = "lc"
, dependencies =
[ "aff"
, "arrays"
, "console"
, "control"
, "effect"
, "either"
, "fixed-points"
, "foldable-traversable"
, "identity"
, "lists"
, "matryoshka"
, "maybe"
, "node-buffer"
, "node-process"
, "node-streams"
, "nonempty"
, "parsing"
, "prelude"
, "psci-support"
, "refs"
, "strings"
, "transformers"
, "tuples"
, "unordered-collections"
, packages = ./packages.dhall
, sources = [ "src/**/*.purs", "test/**/*.purs" ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
module Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
import Control.Lazy (fix)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask, local, runReader)
import Control.Plus (empty)
import Data.Array (reverse)
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Array.NonEmpty (some)
import Data.Array.NonEmpty as NonEmptyArray
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Foldable (foldl, foldlDefault)
import Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Functor.Mu (Mu(..))
import Data.HashMap as HashMap
import Data.Identity (Identity)
import Data.List (List(..), (:))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe, maybe)
import Data.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.String (joinWith)
import Data.Traversable (class Foldable, class Traversable, foldrDefault, traverseDefault)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, effectCanceler, launchAff_, makeAff)
import Effect.Class.Console (logShow)
import Effect.Ref as Ref
import Matryoshka (class Corecursive, cata, embed, project)
import Node.Encoding (Encoding(..))
import Node.Process (stdin)
import Node.Stream (Readable, onDataString, onEnd, onError, pause)
import Text.Parsing.Parser (ParseError, Parser, runParser)
import Text.Parsing.Parser.String (oneOf)
import Text.Parsing.Parser.Token (GenLanguageDef(..), GenTokenParser, LanguageDef, alphaNum, letter, makeTokenParser)
readText :: forall w. Readable w -> Aff (Maybe String)
readText r = makeAff $ \res -> do
dataRef <- ""
onDataString r UTF8 \chunk ->
Ref.modify_ (_ <> chunk) dataRef
onEnd r do
allData <- dataRef
res $ Right (Just allData)
onError r $ Left >>> res
pure $ effectCanceler (pause r)
main :: Effect Unit
main = launchAff_ do
text <- fromMaybe " " <$> readText stdin
case parseLambdaCalculus text of
Left err -> logShow err
Right ast -> logShow $ project $ reduce $ introduceDeBrujinIndices ast
---------- Types
data AstF v f
= Call f f
| Lambda String f
| Var v
type Ast v = Mu (AstF v)
data DeBrujin
= Bound Int String
| Free String
derive instance functorAst :: Functor (AstF v)
instance foldableAst :: Foldable (AstF v) where
foldMap f = case _ of
Call function argument -> f function <> f argument
Var _ -> mempty
Lambda _ body -> f body
foldr f = foldrDefault f
foldl f = foldlDefault f
instance traversableAst :: Traversable (AstF v) where
sequence = case _ of
Call f a -> Call <$> f <*> a
Lambda name body -> Lambda name <$> body
Var v -> pure $ Var v
traverse = traverseDefault
instance showAst :: Show (AstF DeBrujin (Ast DeBrujin)) where
show :: AstF DeBrujin (Ast DeBrujin) -> String
show = case _ of
Var (Free name) -> name
Var (Bound _ name) -> name
Call function argument
-> withParensIf (project function) needsParensLeft
<> " "
<> withParensIf (project argument) needsParensRight
Lambda name body -> showLambdas (name : Nil) (project body)
showLambdas names (Lambda name body) = showLambdas (name:names) (project body)
showLambdas Nil body = show body
showLambdas names body
= "\\"
<> joinWith " " (reverse $ Array.fromFoldable names)
<> ". "
<> show body
withParensIf term predicate = if predicate term
then "(" <> show term <> ")"
else show term
needsParensLeft = case _ of
Lambda _ _ -> true
_ -> false
needsParensRight = case _ of
Call _ _ -> true
Lambda _ _ -> true
_ -> false
data Error
= NotInScope Int String
---------- Constructors
call :: forall t v. Corecursive t (AstF v) => t -> t -> t
call f a = embed (Call f a)
var :: forall t v. Corecursive t (AstF v) => v -> t
var = Var >>> embed
lambda :: forall t v. Corecursive t (AstF v) => String -> t -> t
lambda l t = embed (Lambda l t)
---------- Reduction
introduceDeBrujinIndices :: Ast String -> Ast DeBrujin
introduceDeBrujinIndices i = cata go i # flip runReader HashMap.empty
go = case _ of
Var name -> ado
indices <- ask
in var $ maybe (Free name) (\index -> Bound index name) $ HashMap.lookup name indices
Call func arg -> call <$> func <*> arg
Lambda name body -> lambda name <$> local updateContext body
updateContext m = ((+) one <$> m) `HashMap.union` HashMap.singleton name zero
betaReduction :: Ast DeBrujin -> Ast DeBrujin
betaReduction = cata case _ of
Var v -> var v
Call function argument -> do
case project function of
Lambda _ body -> betaReduction $ unshift $ substitute 0 (shift argument) body
_ -> call function argument
Lambda name body -> lambda name body
etaReduction :: Ast DeBrujin -> Ast DeBrujin
etaReduction = cata case _ of
Var v -> var v
Call f a -> call f a
Lambda _ (In (Call term (In (Var (Bound 0 _))))) | not (occurs 0 term) -> unshift term
Lambda name l -> lambda name l
substitute :: Int -> Ast DeBrujin -> Ast DeBrujin -> Ast DeBrujin
substitute at with within = cata go within # flip runReader (at /\ with)
go = case _ of
Call f a -> call <$> f <*> a
Var (Bound index name) -> ado
at' /\ with' <- ask
in if index == at' then with' else var (Bound index name)
Var v -> pure $ var v
Lambda name body -> lambda name <$> local updateContext body
where updateContext (at' /\ with') = (at' + 1) /\ shift with'
shiftBy :: Int -> Ast DeBrujin -> Ast DeBrujin
shiftBy amount term = cata go term 0
go = case _ of
Var (Bound index name) -> \over -> var $ flip Bound name if index < over then index else index + amount
Var v -> const $ var v
Call f a -> \over -> call (f over) (a over)
Lambda name body -> \over -> lambda name $ body (over + 1)
shift :: Ast DeBrujin -> Ast DeBrujin
shift = shiftBy 1
unshift :: Ast DeBrujin -> Ast DeBrujin
unshift = shiftBy (-1)
occurs :: Int -> Ast DeBrujin -> Boolean
occurs = flip (cata go)
go = case _ of
Var (Bound index _) -> (==) index
Call f a -> f || a
Lambda _ body -> (+) 1 >>> body
_ -> const false
reduce :: Ast DeBrujin -> Ast DeBrujin
reduce = betaReduction >>> etaReduction
---------- Parser
-- | Punctuation to start the declaration of a lambda expression.
lambdaStarts :: Array String
lambdaStarts = [ "\\", "λ" ]
-- | Punctuation to start the declaration of the body of a lambda expression.
lambdaBodyStarts :: Array String
lambdaBodyStarts = [ "->", "." ]
-- | Declaration for lambda calculus (with comments).
-- | This is used to generate the lexer
language :: LanguageDef
language =
{ commentStart: "{-"
, commentEnd: "-}"
, commentLine: "--"
, nestedComments: true
, opStart: empty
, opLetter: empty
, caseSensitive: true
, reservedOpNames: lambdaStarts <> lambdaBodyStarts
, reservedNames: []
, identStart: letter
, identLetter: alphaNum <|> oneOf [ '_', '\'' ]
-- | The lexer
tokenParser :: GenTokenParser String Identity
tokenParser = makeTokenParser language
-- | Parsers which run in the identity monad and parse strings
type LambdaParser r
= Parser String r
-- | Parser for individual lambda calculus expressions.
-- | This references itself so we use it within a fixpoint operator
expression' :: LambdaParser (Ast String) -> LambdaParser (Ast String)
expression' expr = do
-- expression'' <- atom
(NonEmpty expression'' args) <- NonEmptyArray.toNonEmpty <$> some atom
pure $ foldl call expression'' args
{ parens, identifier, reservedOp } = tokenParser
atom :: LambdaParser (Ast String)
atom = wrapped <|> lambdaExpr <|> variable
wrapped :: LambdaParser (Ast String)
wrapped = parens expr
variable :: LambdaParser (Ast String)
variable = var <$> identifier
lambdaExpr :: LambdaParser (Ast String)
lambdaExpr = do
Foldable.oneOf $ reservedOp <$> lambdaStarts
(NonEmpty arg args) <- NonEmptyArray.toNonEmpty <$> NonEmptyArray.reverse <$> some identifier
Foldable.oneOf $ reservedOp <$> lambdaBodyStarts
body <- expr
baseAst = lambda arg body
pure $ foldl (flip lambda) baseAst args
-- | Parser for lambda calculus.
expression :: LambdaParser (Ast String)
expression = fix expression'
-- | Try parsing a string into a lambda calculus ast.
parseLambdaCalculus :: String -> Either ParseError (Ast String)
parseLambdaCalculus = flip runParser expression
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module Test.Main where
import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class.Console (log)
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
log "🍝"
log "You should add some tests."
Reference in a new issue