module Benchmarks where import Prelude import Benchotron.Core (Benchmark, benchFn, benchFn', mkBenchmark) import Control.Monad.ST.Internal as ST import Control.Monad.ST.Internal as STRef import Data.Array (foldMap, foldr, foldl, (..)) import Data.Array.NonEmpty as NonEmptyArray import Data.Array.ST as STArray import Data.List (List(..), (:)) import Data.List as List import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..)) import Data.Monoid.Additive (Additive(..)) import Data.ZipperArray (ZipperArray) import Data.ZipperArray as ZipperArray import Slice (Slice) import Slice as Slice import Test.QuickCheck (arbitrary) import Test.QuickCheck.Gen (vectorOf) listSum :: List Int -> Int listSum (head:tail) = head + listSum tail listSum _ = 0 listSumTCO :: List Int -> Int listSumTCO = go 0 where go s Nil = s go s (head:tail) = go (s + head) tail zipperSum :: ZipperArray Int -> Int zipperSum arr = ZipperArray.current arr + case ZipperArray.goNext arr of Nothing -> 0 Just next -> zipperSum next sliceSum :: Slice Int -> Int sliceSum arr = case Slice.uncons arr of Nothing -> 0 Just { head, tail } -> head + sliceSum tail sliceSumTCO :: Slice Int -> Int sliceSumTCO = go 0 where go s arr = case Slice.uncons arr of Nothing -> s Just { head, tail } -> go (s + head) tail listFib :: Int -> List Int listFib = go 1 1 where go a b 0 = Nil go a b n = c:go c a (n - 1) where c = a + b stArrayFib :: Int -> Array Int stArrayFib to = do a <- 1 b <- 1 result <- STArray.empty ST.for 1 to \_ -> do a' <- a b' <- b let c = a' + b' void $ STArray.push c result <* STRef.write a' b <* STRef.write c a pure result foreign import arraySum :: Array Int -> Int foreign import arrayFib :: Int -> Array Int benchSum :: Benchmark benchSum = mkBenchmark { slug: "sum" , title: "Finding the sum of a sequence of integers" , sizes: (1..10) <#> (_ * 1000) , sizeInterpretation: "Number of elements in the array" , inputsPerSize: 1 , gen: \n -> NonEmptyArray.cons' <$> arbitrary <*> vectorOf n arbitrary , functions: [ -- benchFn' "array" arraySum NonEmptyArray.toArray benchFn' "list" listSum List.fromFoldable , benchFn' "list (tail call optimization" listSumTCO List.fromFoldable , benchFn' "zipper" zipperSum ZipperArray.fromNonEmptyArray , benchFn' "array slice" sliceSum (NonEmptyArray.toArray >>> Slice.fromArray) , benchFn' "array slice (tail call optimization)" sliceSumTCO (NonEmptyArray.toArray >>> Slice.fromArray) , benchFn' "array foldr" (foldr (+) 0) NonEmptyArray.toArray , benchFn' "array foldl" (foldl (+) 0) NonEmptyArray.toArray , benchFn' "array foldMap" (foldMap Additive) NonEmptyArray.toArray , benchFn' "list foldr" (foldr (+) 0) List.fromFoldable , benchFn' "list foldl" (foldl (+) 0) List.fromFoldable , benchFn' "list foldMap" (foldMap Additive) List.fromFoldable ] } benchFib :: Benchmark benchFib = mkBenchmark { slug: "fibonacci" , title: "Generating the first n fibonacci numbers as a sequence" , sizes: (1..10) <#> (_ * 100) , sizeInterpretation: "Number of elements" , inputsPerSize: 1 , gen: pure , functions: [ benchFn "array" arrayFib , benchFn "list" listFib , benchFn "stArray" stArrayFib ] }