namespace Nat theorem add_equations: ∀{a b c d: Nat}, a = b → c = d → a + c = b + d := by intro a b c d ab cd rw [ab, cd] theorem add_to_equation_right: ∀{a b c: Nat}, a = b → a + c = b + c := by intro a b c ab exact add_equations ab rfl theorem succ_equation : ∀{a b: Nat}, Nat.succ a = Nat.succ b → a = b := by intro a b apply -- (a + 1 = b + 1) = a + b apply Nat.succ.injEq -- this was already here? inductive A : Nat -> Type | ooo: (n: Nat) → A n theorem subtract_to_equation_right: ∀{a b c: Nat}, a + c = b + c → a = b := by intro a b c acbc induction c with | zero => repeat rw [Nat.add_zero] at acbc exact acbc | succ pc inner => /- a + S pc = b + S pc -- comm S pc + a = S pc + b -- addition definition S (pc + a) = S (pc + b) -- injective constructor pc + a = pc + b -/ rw [Nat.add_comm a (Nat.succ pc), Nat.add_comm b (Nat.succ pc)] at acbc simp [Nat.succ_add, Nat.add_comm] at acbc exact (inner acbc) theorem subtract_to_equation_left: ∀{a b c: Nat}, c + a = c + b → a = b := by intro a b c cacb rw [Nat.add_comm c a, Nat.add_comm c b] at cacb exact (subtract_to_equation_right cacb) theorem add_equation_both_sides_right: ∀{a b c: Nat}, (a = b) ↔ (a + c = b + c) := by intro a b c apply Iff.intro . exact add_to_equation_right . exact subtract_to_equation_right theorem multiply_equation_left: ∀{a b c: Nat}, (a = b) → (c * a = c * b) := by intro a b c ab rw [ab] theorem double.addition_is_multiplication (x: Nat): 2 * x = x + x := by induction x with | zero => simp | succ px ic => simp [<-Nat.add_one, Nat.left_distrib, ic, Nat.add_left_comm, Nat.add_assoc] end Nat