#set heading(numbering: "1.", supplement: "Chapter") #let numbered(body) = body #show numbered: set math.equation(numbering: "(1)") #set text( size: 14pt) #set page( paper: "a5", margin: (x: 1.8cm, y: 1.5cm), ) #set par( justify: true, leading: 0.52em, ) = Hi How are you? I am typing this in typst! == Subsection! - List item - Other kind of lists: + This is the other kind of lists! + Again :O This vim plugin works surprisingly well! This is a math formula: #numbered[ a + b = rho] #numbered[ $ lambda &= alpha + beta \ lambda ' &= beta rho \ $ ] $ a + b = rho $ #math.equation[ a + b = rho ] Check this out --- @test. I can also write math inline like here $lim_(x -> 100) x^2 = 10^4$. I can do --- and --, pretty neat! #par[#lorem(10)] === Subsubsection See @labelled for more details!