# Mongy A high level interface for MongoDB built on top of Mongoose #Get started: To get started, first install the package: ``` npm install mongy ``` Then you need to include it in your script: ``` const Mongy = require("mongy"); ``` The next step is to create an instance of the Mongy class: ``` const mydb = new Mongy(); ``` To connect to your datebase you need to call the (async) 'connect' method: ``` mydb.connect(process.env.DBURL); ``` To create your first model call createModel(name,collection,schema): ``` mydb.createModel("User","users",{ name:String, email:String }); ``` To make an instance of the model call 'instantiate(name,data)': ``` async function addUser(name,email){ const myNewUser = mydb.instantiate("User",{name,email}); } ``` And then to save your model call the (async) function 'saveModel': ``` async function addUser(name,email){ ... await mydb.saveModel(myNewUser); } ``` Then you can get the data of your user via the '.find(name,data)' method: ``` async function getUsers(name){ return await mydb.find("User",{name}); } ```