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50 lines
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module Sprint where
import Prelude
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafeCrashWith)
import Type.Data.List (type (:>), List', Nil')
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
data State s a
= Get (s -> a)
| Put s (Unit -> a)
type Ability = Type -> Type
data Sprint :: List' Ability -> Type -> Type
data Sprint effects a
= Pure a
| Bind (forall t. (forall eff. Functor eff => String -> WithContinuation eff effects a -> t) -> t)
type WithContinuation :: Ability -> List' Ability -> Type -> Type
type WithContinuation eff effects a = eff (Sprint effects a)
flat :: forall a effects. Sprint effects (Sprint effects a) -> Sprint effects a
flat = case _ of
Pure m -> m
Bind f -> f \n eff -> Bind \cont -> cont n $ map flat eff
handle :: forall rest eff a t. String -> Sprint (eff :> rest) a -> (a -> t) -> (WithContinuation eff (eff :> rest) a -> t) -> Sprint rest t
handle name m casePure caseBind = case m of
Pure a -> Pure $ casePure a
Bind f -> f go
go :: forall eff'. Functor eff' => String -> WithContinuation eff' (eff :> rest) a -> Sprint rest t
go name' eff = case name == name' of
false -> Bind \f' -> f' name' $ map (\m' -> handle name m' casePure caseBind) eff
true -> Pure $ caseBind (unsafeCoerce eff)
evalState :: forall rest s a. s -> Sprint (State s :> rest) a -> Sprint rest a
evalState s m = flat $ handle "State" m Pure case _ of
Put s' continue -> evalState s' $ continue unit
Get continue -> evalState s $ continue s
extract :: forall a. Sprint Nil' a -> a
extract = case _ of
Pure a -> a
_ -> unsafeCrashWith "can't extract :("
---------- Typeclass instances
derive instance functorState :: Functor (State s)