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-- | These is the pretty printing functions, which produce SQL
-- source from ASTs. The code attempts to format the output in a
-- readable way.
module Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Pretty
) where
import Prelude hiding ((<>))
TODO: there should be more comments in this file, especially the bits
which have been changed to try to improve the layout of the output.
Try to do this when this code is ported to a modern pretty printing lib.
--import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Dialect
import Text.PrettyPrint (render, vcat, text, (<>), (<+>), empty, parens,
nest, Doc, punctuate, comma, sep, quotes,
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList, catMaybes)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Syntax
import Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Dialect
-- | Convert a query expr ast to concrete syntax.
prettyQueryExpr :: Dialect -> QueryExpr -> String
prettyQueryExpr d = render . queryExpr d
-- | Convert a value expr ast to concrete syntax.
prettyScalarExpr :: Dialect -> ScalarExpr -> String
prettyScalarExpr d = render . scalarExpr d
-- | A terminating semicolon.
terminator :: Doc
terminator = text ";\n"
-- | Convert a statement ast to concrete syntax.
prettyStatement :: Dialect -> Statement -> String
prettyStatement _ EmptyStatement = render terminator
prettyStatement d s = render (statement d s)
-- | Convert a list of statements to concrete syntax. A semicolon
-- is inserted after each statement.
prettyStatements :: Dialect -> [Statement] -> String
prettyStatements d = render . vcat . map prettyStatementWithSemicolon
prettyStatementWithSemicolon :: Statement -> Doc
prettyStatementWithSemicolon s = statement d s <> terminator
-- = scalar expressions
scalarExpr :: Dialect -> ScalarExpr -> Doc
scalarExpr _ (StringLit s e t) = text s <> text t <> text e
scalarExpr _ (NumLit s) = text s
scalarExpr _ (IntervalLit s v f t) =
text "interval"
<+> me (\x -> text $ case x of
Plus -> "+"
Minus -> "-") s
<+> quotes (text v)
<+> intervalTypeField f
<+> me (\x -> text "to" <+> intervalTypeField x) t
scalarExpr _ (Iden i) = names i
scalarExpr _ Star = text "*"
scalarExpr _ Parameter = text "?"
scalarExpr _ (PositionalArg n) = text $ "$" ++ show n
scalarExpr _ (HostParameter p i) =
text p
<+> me (\i' -> text "indicator" <+> text i') i
scalarExpr d (App f es) = names f <> parens (commaSep (map (scalarExpr d) es))
scalarExpr dia (AggregateApp f d es od fil) =
names f
<> parens ((case d of
Distinct -> text "distinct"
All -> text "all"
SQDefault -> empty)
<+> commaSep (map (scalarExpr dia) es)
<+> orderBy dia od)
<+> me (\x -> text "filter"
<+> parens (text "where" <+> scalarExpr dia x)) fil
scalarExpr d (AggregateAppGroup f es od) =
names f
<> parens (commaSep (map (scalarExpr d) es))
<+> if null od
then empty
else text "within group" <+> parens (orderBy d od)
scalarExpr d (WindowApp f es pb od fr) =
names f <> parens (commaSep $ map (scalarExpr d) es)
<+> text "over"
<+> parens ((case pb of
[] -> empty
_ -> text "partition by"
<+> nest 13 (commaSep $ map (scalarExpr d) pb))
<+> orderBy d od
<+> me frd fr)
frd (FrameFrom rs fp) = rsd rs <+> fpd fp
frd (FrameBetween rs fps fpe) =
rsd rs <+> text "between" <+> fpd fps
<+> text "and" <+> fpd fpe
rsd rs = case rs of
FrameRows -> text "rows"
FrameRange -> text "range"
fpd UnboundedPreceding = text "unbounded preceding"
fpd UnboundedFollowing = text "unbounded following"
fpd Current = text "current row"
fpd (Preceding e) = scalarExpr d e <+> text "preceding"
fpd (Following e) = scalarExpr d e <+> text "following"
scalarExpr dia (SpecialOp nm [a,b,c]) | nm `elem` [[Name Nothing "between"]
,[Name Nothing "not between"]] =
sep [scalarExpr dia a
,names nm <+> scalarExpr dia b
,nest (length (unnames nm) + 1) $ text "and" <+> scalarExpr dia c]
scalarExpr d (SpecialOp [Name Nothing "rowctor"] as) =
parens $ commaSep $ map (scalarExpr d) as
scalarExpr d (SpecialOp nm es) =
names nm <+> parens (commaSep $ map (scalarExpr d) es)
scalarExpr d (SpecialOpK nm fs as) =
names nm <> parens (sep $ catMaybes
(fmap (scalarExpr d) fs
: map (\(n,e) -> Just (text n <+> scalarExpr d e)) as))
scalarExpr d (PrefixOp f e) = names f <+> scalarExpr d e
scalarExpr d (PostfixOp f e) = scalarExpr d e <+> names f
scalarExpr d e@(BinOp _ op _) | op `elem` [[Name Nothing "and"]
,[Name Nothing "or"]] =
-- special case for and, or, get all the ands so we can vcat them
-- nicely
case ands e of
(e':es) -> vcat (scalarExpr d e'
: map ((names op <+>) . scalarExpr d) es)
[] -> empty -- shouldn't be possible
ands (BinOp a op' b) | op == op' = ands a ++ ands b
ands x = [x]
-- special case for . we don't use whitespace
scalarExpr d (BinOp e0 [Name Nothing "."] e1) =
scalarExpr d e0 <> text "." <> scalarExpr d e1
scalarExpr d (BinOp e0 f e1) =
scalarExpr d e0 <+> names f <+> scalarExpr d e1
scalarExpr dia (Case t ws els) =
sep $ [text "case" <+> me (scalarExpr dia) t]
++ map w ws
++ maybeToList (fmap e els)
++ [text "end"]
w (t0,t1) =
text "when" <+> nest 5 (commaSep $ map (scalarExpr dia) t0)
<+> text "then" <+> nest 5 (scalarExpr dia t1)
e el = text "else" <+> nest 5 (scalarExpr dia el)
scalarExpr d (Parens e) = parens $ scalarExpr d e
scalarExpr d (Cast e tn) =
text "cast" <> parens (sep [scalarExpr d e
,text "as"
,typeName tn])
scalarExpr _ (TypedLit tn s) =
typeName tn <+> quotes (text s)
scalarExpr d (SubQueryExpr ty qe) =
(case ty of
SqSq -> empty
SqExists -> text "exists"
SqUnique -> text "unique"
) <+> parens (queryExpr d qe)
scalarExpr d (QuantifiedComparison v c cp sq) =
scalarExpr d v
<+> names c
<+> (text $ case cp of
CPAny -> "any"
CPSome -> "some"
CPAll -> "all")
<+> parens (queryExpr d sq)
scalarExpr d (Match v u sq) =
scalarExpr d v
<+> text "match"
<+> (if u then text "unique" else empty)
<+> parens (queryExpr d sq)
scalarExpr d (In b se x) =
scalarExpr d se <+>
(if b then empty else text "not")
<+> text "in"
<+> parens (nest (if b then 3 else 7) $
case x of
InList es -> commaSep $ map (scalarExpr d) es
InQueryExpr qe -> queryExpr d qe)
scalarExpr d (Array v es) =
scalarExpr d v <> brackets (commaSep $ map (scalarExpr d) es)
scalarExpr d (ArrayCtor q) =
text "array" <> parens (queryExpr d q)
scalarExpr d (MultisetCtor es) =
text "multiset" <> brackets (commaSep $ map (scalarExpr d) es)
scalarExpr d (MultisetQueryCtor q) =
text "multiset" <> parens (queryExpr d q)
scalarExpr d (MultisetBinOp a c q b) =
[scalarExpr d a
,text "multiset"
,text $ case c of
Union -> "union"
Intersect -> "intersect"
Except -> "except"
,case q of
SQDefault -> empty
All -> text "all"
Distinct -> text "distinct"
,scalarExpr d b]
{-scalarExpr d (Escape v e) =
scalarExpr d v <+> text "escape" <+> text [e]
scalarExpr d (UEscape v e) =
scalarExpr d v <+> text "uescape" <+> text [e]-}
scalarExpr d (Collate v c) =
scalarExpr d v <+> text "collate" <+> names c
scalarExpr _ (NextValueFor ns) =
text "next value for" <+> names ns
scalarExpr d (VEComment cmt v) =
vcat $ map comment cmt ++ [scalarExpr d v]
scalarExpr _ (OdbcLiteral t s) =
text "{" <> lt t <+> quotes (text s) <> text "}"
lt OLDate = text "d"
lt OLTime = text "t"
lt OLTimestamp = text "ts"
scalarExpr d (OdbcFunc e) =
text "{fn" <+> scalarExpr d e <> text "}"
scalarExpr d (Convert t e Nothing) =
text "convert(" <> typeName t <> text "," <+> scalarExpr d e <> text ")"
scalarExpr d (Convert t e (Just i)) =
text "convert(" <> typeName t <> text "," <+> scalarExpr d e <> text "," <+> text (show i) <> text ")"
unname :: Name -> String
unname (Name Nothing n) = n
unname (Name (Just (s,e)) n) =
s ++ n ++ e
unnames :: [Name] -> String
unnames ns = intercalate "." $ map unname ns
name :: Name -> Doc
name (Name Nothing n) = text n
name (Name (Just (s,e)) n) = text s <> text n <> text e
names :: [Name] -> Doc
names ns = hcat $ punctuate (text ".") $ map name ns
typeName :: TypeName -> Doc
typeName (TypeName t) = names t
typeName (PrecTypeName t a) = names t <+> parens (text $ show a)
typeName (PrecScaleTypeName t a b) =
names t <+> parens (text (show a) <+> comma <+> text (show b))
typeName (PrecLengthTypeName t i m u) =
names t
<> parens (text (show i)
<> me (\x -> case x of
PrecK -> text "K"
PrecM -> text "M"
PrecG -> text "G"
PrecT -> text "T"
PrecP -> text "P") m
<+> me (\x -> case x of
PrecCharacters -> text "CHARACTERS"
PrecOctets -> text "OCTETS") u)
typeName (CharTypeName t i cs col) =
names t
<> me (\x -> parens (text $ show x)) i
<+> (if null cs
then empty
else text "character set" <+> names cs)
<+> (if null col
then empty
else text "collate" <+> names col)
typeName (TimeTypeName t i tz) =
names t
<> me (\x -> parens (text $ show x)) i
<+> text (if tz
then "with time zone"
else "without time zone")
typeName (RowTypeName cs) =
text "row" <> parens (commaSep $ map f cs)
f (n,t) = name n <+> typeName t
typeName (IntervalTypeName f t) =
text "interval"
<+> intervalTypeField f
<+> me (\x -> text "to" <+> intervalTypeField x) t
typeName (ArrayTypeName tn sz) =
typeName tn <+> text "array" <+> me (brackets . text . show) sz
typeName (MultisetTypeName tn) =
typeName tn <+> text "multiset"
intervalTypeField :: IntervalTypeField -> Doc
intervalTypeField (Itf n p) =
text n
<+> me (\(x,x1) ->
parens (text (show x)
<+> me (\y -> (sep [comma,text (show y)])) x1)) p
-- = query expressions
queryExpr :: Dialect -> QueryExpr -> Doc
queryExpr dia (Select d sl fr wh gb hv od off fe) =
sep [text "select"
,case d of
SQDefault -> empty
All -> text "all"
Distinct -> text "distinct"
,nest 7 $ sep [selectList dia sl]
,from dia fr
,maybeScalarExpr dia "where" wh
,grpBy dia gb
,maybeScalarExpr dia "having" hv
,orderBy dia od
,me (\e -> text "offset" <+> scalarExpr dia e <+> text "rows") off
fetchFirst =
me (\e -> if diLimit dia
then text "limit" <+> scalarExpr dia e
else text "fetch first" <+> scalarExpr dia e
<+> text "rows only") fe
queryExpr dia (QueryExprSetOp q1 ct d c q2) =
sep [queryExpr dia q1
,text (case ct of
Union -> "union"
Intersect -> "intersect"
Except -> "except")
<+> case d of
SQDefault -> empty
All -> text "all"
Distinct -> text "distinct"
<+> case c of
Corresponding -> text "corresponding"
Respectively -> empty
,queryExpr dia q2]
queryExpr d (With rc withs qe) =
text "with" <+> (if rc then text "recursive" else empty)
<+> vcat [nest 5
(vcat $ punctuate comma $ flip map withs $ \(n,q) ->
withAlias n <+> text "as" <+> parens (queryExpr d q))
,queryExpr d qe]
withAlias (Alias nm cols) = name nm
<+> me (parens . commaSep . map name) cols
queryExpr d (Values vs) =
text "values"
<+> nest 7 (commaSep (map (parens . commaSep . map (scalarExpr d)) vs))
queryExpr _ (Table t) = text "table" <+> names t
queryExpr d (QEComment cmt v) =
vcat $ map comment cmt ++ [queryExpr d v]
alias :: Alias -> Doc
alias (Alias nm cols) =
text "as" <+> name nm
<+> me (parens . commaSep . map name) cols
selectList :: Dialect -> [(ScalarExpr,Maybe Name)] -> Doc
selectList d is = commaSep $ map si is
si (e,al) = scalarExpr d e <+> me als al
als al = text "as" <+> name al
from :: Dialect -> [TableRef] -> Doc
from _ [] = empty
from d ts =
sep [text "from"
,nest 5 $ vcat $ punctuate comma $ map tr ts]
tr (TRSimple t) = names t
tr (TRLateral t) = text "lateral" <+> tr t
tr (TRFunction f as) =
names f <> parens (commaSep $ map (scalarExpr d) as)
tr (TRAlias t a) = sep [tr t, alias a]
tr (TRParens t) = parens $ tr t
tr (TRQueryExpr q) = parens $ queryExpr d q
tr (TRJoin t0 b jt t1 jc) =
sep [tr t0
,if b then text "natural" else empty
,joinText jt <+> tr t1
,joinCond jc]
tr (TROdbc t) = text "{oj" <+> tr t <+> text "}"
joinText jt =
sep [case jt of
JInner -> text "inner"
JLeft -> text "left"
JRight -> text "right"
JFull -> text "full"
JCross -> text "cross"
,text "join"]
joinCond (Just (JoinOn e)) = text "on" <+> scalarExpr d e
joinCond (Just (JoinUsing es)) =
text "using" <+> parens (commaSep $ map name es)
joinCond Nothing = empty
maybeScalarExpr :: Dialect -> String -> Maybe ScalarExpr -> Doc
maybeScalarExpr d k = me
(\e -> sep [text k
,nest (length k + 1) $ scalarExpr d e])
grpBy :: Dialect -> [GroupingExpr] -> Doc
grpBy _ [] = empty
grpBy d gs = sep [text "group by"
,nest 9 $ commaSep $ map ge gs]
ge (SimpleGroup e) = scalarExpr d e
ge (GroupingParens g) = parens (commaSep $ map ge g)
ge (Cube es) = text "cube" <> parens (commaSep $ map ge es)
ge (Rollup es) = text "rollup" <> parens (commaSep $ map ge es)
ge (GroupingSets es) = text "grouping sets" <> parens (commaSep $ map ge es)
orderBy :: Dialect -> [SortSpec] -> Doc
orderBy _ [] = empty
orderBy dia os = sep [text "order by"
,nest 9 $ commaSep $ map f os]
f (SortSpec e d n) =
scalarExpr dia e
<+> (case d of
Asc -> text "asc"
Desc -> text "desc"
DirDefault -> empty)
<+> (case n of
NullsOrderDefault -> empty
NullsFirst -> text "nulls" <+> text "first"
NullsLast -> text "nulls" <+> text "last")
-- = statements
statement :: Dialect -> Statement -> Doc
-- == ddl
statement _ (CreateSchema nm) =
text "create" <+> text "schema" <+> names nm
statement d (CreateTable nm cds) =
text "create" <+> text "table" <+> names nm
<+> parens (commaSep $ map cd cds)
cd (TableConstraintDef n con) =
maybe empty (\s -> text "constraint" <+> names s) n
<+> tableConstraint d con
cd (TableColumnDef cd') = columnDef d cd'
statement d (AlterTable t act) =
texts ["alter","table"] <+> names t
<+> alterTableAction d act
statement _ (DropSchema nm db) =
text "drop" <+> text "schema" <+> names nm <+> dropBehav db
statement d (CreateDomain nm ty def cs) =
text "create" <+> text "domain" <+> names nm
<+> typeName ty
<+> maybe empty (\def' -> text "default" <+> scalarExpr d def') def
<+> sep (map con cs)
con (cn, e) =
maybe empty (\cn' -> text "constraint" <+> names cn') cn
<+> text "check" <> parens (scalarExpr d e)
statement d (AlterDomain nm act) =
texts ["alter","domain"]
<+> names nm
<+> a act
a (ADSetDefault v) = texts ["set","default"] <+> scalarExpr d v
a (ADDropDefault) = texts ["drop","default"]
a (ADAddConstraint cnm e) =
text "add"
<+> maybe empty (\cnm' -> text "constraint" <+> names cnm') cnm
<+> text "check" <> parens (scalarExpr d e)
a (ADDropConstraint cnm) = texts ["drop", "constraint"]
<+> names cnm
statement _ (DropDomain nm db) =
text "drop" <+> text "domain" <+> names nm <+> dropBehav db
statement _ (CreateSequence nm sgos) =
texts ["create","sequence"] <+> names nm
<+> sep (map sequenceGeneratorOption sgos)
statement _ (AlterSequence nm sgos) =
texts ["alter","sequence"] <+> names nm
<+> sep (map sequenceGeneratorOption sgos)
statement _ (DropSequence nm db) =
text "drop" <+> text "sequence" <+> names nm <+> dropBehav db
statement d (CreateAssertion nm ex) =
texts ["create","assertion"] <+> names nm
<+> text "check" <+> parens (scalarExpr d ex)
statement _ (DropAssertion nm db) =
text "drop" <+> text "assertion" <+> names nm <+> dropBehav db
statement _ (CreateIndex un nm tbl cols) =
texts (if un
then ["create","unique","index"]
else ["create","index"])
<+> names nm
<+> text "on"
<+> names tbl
<+> parens (commaSep $ map name cols)
-- == dml
statement d (SelectStatement q) = queryExpr d q
statement d (Delete t a w) =
text "delete" <+> text "from"
<+> names t <+> maybe empty (\x -> text "as" <+> name x) a
<+> maybeScalarExpr d "where" w
statement _ (Truncate t ir) =
text "truncate" <+> text "table" <+> names t
<+> case ir of
DefaultIdentityRestart -> empty
ContinueIdentity -> text "continue" <+> text "identity"
RestartIdentity -> text "restart" <+> text "identity"
statement d (Insert t cs s) =
text "insert" <+> text "into" <+> names t
<+> maybe empty (\cs' -> parens (commaSep $ map name cs')) cs
<+> case s of
DefaultInsertValues -> text "default" <+> text "values"
InsertQuery q -> queryExpr d q
statement d (Update t a sts whr) =
text "update" <+> names t
<+> maybe empty (\x -> text "as" <+> name x) a
<+> text "set" <+> commaSep (map sc sts)
<+> maybeScalarExpr d "where" whr
sc (Set tg v) = names tg <+> text "=" <+> scalarExpr d v
sc (SetMultiple ts vs) = parens (commaSep $ map names ts) <+> text "="
<+> parens (commaSep $ map (scalarExpr d) vs)
statement _ (DropTable n b) =
text "drop" <+> text "table" <+> names n <+> dropBehav b
statement d (CreateView r nm al q co) =
text "create" <+> (if r then text "recursive" else empty)
<+> text "view" <+> names nm
<+> (maybe empty (\al' -> parens $ commaSep $ map name al')) al
<+> text "as"
<+> queryExpr d q
<+> case co of
Nothing -> empty
Just DefaultCheckOption -> texts ["with", "check", "option"]
Just CascadedCheckOption -> texts ["with", "cascaded", "check", "option"]
Just LocalCheckOption -> texts ["with", "local", "check", "option"]
statement _ (DropView n b) =
text "drop" <+> text "view" <+> names n <+> dropBehav b
-- == transactions
statement _ StartTransaction =
texts ["start", "transaction"]
statement _ (Savepoint nm) =
text "savepoint" <+> name nm
statement _ (ReleaseSavepoint nm) =
texts ["release", "savepoint"] <+> name nm
statement _ Commit =
text "commit"
statement _ (Rollback mn) =
text "rollback"
<+> maybe empty (\n -> texts ["to","savepoint"] <+> name n) mn
-- == access control
statement _ (GrantPrivilege pas po rs go) =
text "grant" <+> commaSep (map privAct pas)
<+> text "on" <+> privObj po
<+> text "to" <+> commaSep (map name rs)
<+> grantOpt go
grantOpt WithGrantOption = texts ["with","grant","option"]
grantOpt WithoutGrantOption = empty
statement _ (GrantRole rs trs ao) =
text "grant" <+> commaSep (map name rs)
<+> text "to" <+> commaSep (map name trs)
<+> adminOpt ao
adminOpt WithAdminOption = texts ["with","admin","option"]
adminOpt WithoutAdminOption = empty
statement _ (CreateRole nm) =
texts ["create","role"] <+> name nm
statement _ (DropRole nm) =
texts ["drop","role"] <+> name nm
statement _ (RevokePrivilege go pas po rs db) =
text "revoke"
<+> grantOptFor go
<+> commaSep (map privAct pas)
<+> text "on" <+> privObj po
<+> text "from" <+> commaSep (map name rs)
<+> dropBehav db
grantOptFor GrantOptionFor = texts ["grant","option","for"]
grantOptFor NoGrantOptionFor = empty
statement _ (RevokeRole ao rs trs db) =
text "revoke"
<+> adminOptFor ao
<+> commaSep (map name rs)
<+> text "from" <+> commaSep (map name trs)
<+> dropBehav db
adminOptFor AdminOptionFor = texts ["admin","option","for"]
adminOptFor NoAdminOptionFor = empty
statement _ (StatementComment cs) = vcat $ map comment cs
statement _ EmptyStatement = empty
== sessions
== extras
dropBehav :: DropBehaviour -> Doc
dropBehav DefaultDropBehaviour = empty
dropBehav Cascade = text "cascade"
dropBehav Restrict = text "restrict"
columnDef :: Dialect -> ColumnDef -> Doc
columnDef d (ColumnDef n t mdef cons) =
name n <+> typeName t
<+> case mdef of
Nothing -> empty
Just (DefaultClause def) ->
text "default" <+> scalarExpr d def
Just (GenerationClause e) ->
texts ["generated","always","as"] <+> parens (scalarExpr d e)
Just (IdentityColumnSpec w o) ->
text "generated"
<+> (case w of
GeneratedAlways -> text "always"
GeneratedByDefault -> text "by" <+> text "default")
<+> text "as" <+> text "identity"
<+> (case o of
[] -> empty
os -> parens (sep $ map sequenceGeneratorOption os))
<+> sep (map cdef cons)
cdef (ColConstraintDef cnm con) =
maybe empty (\s -> text "constraint" <+> names s) cnm
<+> pcon con
pcon ColNotNullConstraint = texts ["not","null"]
pcon ColUniqueConstraint = text "unique"
pcon (ColPrimaryKeyConstraint autoincrement) =
texts $ ["primary","key"] ++ ["autoincrement"|autoincrement]
pcon (ColCheckConstraint v) = text "check" <+> parens (scalarExpr d v)
pcon (ColReferencesConstraint tb c m u del) =
text "references"
<+> names tb
<+> maybe empty (\c' -> parens (name c')) c
<+> refMatch m
<+> refAct "update" u
<+> refAct "delete" del
sequenceGeneratorOption :: SequenceGeneratorOption -> Doc
sequenceGeneratorOption (SGODataType t) =
text "as" <+> typeName t
sequenceGeneratorOption (SGORestart mi) =
text "restart" <+> maybe empty (\mi' -> texts ["with", show mi']) mi
sequenceGeneratorOption (SGOStartWith i) = texts ["start", "with", show i]
sequenceGeneratorOption (SGOIncrementBy i) = texts ["increment", "by", show i]
sequenceGeneratorOption (SGOMaxValue i) = texts ["maxvalue", show i]
sequenceGeneratorOption SGONoMaxValue = texts ["no", "maxvalue"]
sequenceGeneratorOption (SGOMinValue i) = texts ["minvalue", show i]
sequenceGeneratorOption SGONoMinValue = texts ["no", "minvalue"]
sequenceGeneratorOption SGOCycle = text "cycle"
sequenceGeneratorOption SGONoCycle = text "no cycle"
refMatch :: ReferenceMatch -> Doc
refMatch m = case m of
DefaultReferenceMatch -> empty
MatchFull -> texts ["match", "full"]
MatchPartial -> texts ["match","partial"]
MatchSimple -> texts ["match", "simple"]
refAct :: String -> ReferentialAction -> Doc
refAct t a = case a of
DefaultReferentialAction -> empty
RefCascade -> texts ["on", t, "cascade"]
RefSetNull -> texts ["on", t, "set", "null"]
RefSetDefault -> texts ["on", t, "set", "default"]
RefRestrict -> texts ["on", t, "restrict"]
RefNoAction -> texts ["on", t, "no", "action"]
alterTableAction :: Dialect -> AlterTableAction -> Doc
alterTableAction d (AddColumnDef cd) =
texts ["add", "column"] <+> columnDef d cd
alterTableAction d (AlterColumnSetDefault n v) =
texts ["alter", "column"]
<+> name n
<+> texts ["set","default"] <+> scalarExpr d v
alterTableAction _ (AlterColumnDropDefault n) =
texts ["alter", "column"]
<+> name n
<+> texts ["drop","default"]
alterTableAction _ (AlterColumnSetNotNull n) =
texts ["alter", "column"]
<+> name n
<+> texts ["set","not","null"]
alterTableAction _ (AlterColumnDropNotNull n) =
texts ["alter", "column"]
<+> name n
<+> texts ["drop","not","null"]
alterTableAction _ (AlterColumnSetDataType n t) =
texts ["alter", "column"]
<+> name n
<+> texts ["set","data","Type"]
<+> typeName t
alterTableAction _ (DropColumn n b) =
texts ["drop", "column"]
<+> name n
<+> dropBehav b
alterTableAction d (AddTableConstraintDef n con) =
text "add"
<+> maybe empty (\s -> text "constraint" <+> names s) n
<+> tableConstraint d con
alterTableAction _ (DropTableConstraintDef n b) =
texts ["drop", "constraint"]
<+> names n
<+> dropBehav b
tableConstraint :: Dialect -> TableConstraint -> Doc
tableConstraint _ (TableUniqueConstraint ns) =
text "unique" <+> parens (commaSep $ map name ns)
tableConstraint _ (TablePrimaryKeyConstraint ns) =
texts ["primary","key"] <+> parens (commaSep $ map name ns)
tableConstraint _ (TableReferencesConstraint cs t tcs m u del) =
texts ["foreign", "key"]
<+> parens (commaSep $ map name cs)
<+> text "references"
<+> names t
<+> maybe empty (\c' -> parens (commaSep $ map name c')) tcs
<+> refMatch m
<+> refAct "update" u
<+> refAct "delete" del
tableConstraint d (TableCheckConstraint v) = text "check" <+> parens (scalarExpr d v)
privAct :: PrivilegeAction -> Doc
privAct PrivAll = texts ["all","privileges"]
privAct (PrivSelect cs) = text "select" <+> maybeColList cs
privAct (PrivInsert cs) = text "insert" <+> maybeColList cs
privAct (PrivUpdate cs) = text "update" <+> maybeColList cs
privAct (PrivReferences cs) = text "references" <+> maybeColList cs
privAct PrivDelete = text "delete"
privAct PrivUsage = text "usage"
privAct PrivTrigger = text "trigger"
privAct PrivExecute = text "execute"
maybeColList :: [Name] -> Doc
maybeColList cs =
if null cs
then empty
else parens (commaSep $ map name cs)
privObj :: PrivilegeObject -> Doc
privObj (PrivTable nm) = names nm
privObj (PrivDomain nm) = text "domain" <+> names nm
privObj (PrivType nm) = text "type" <+> names nm
privObj (PrivSequence nm) = text "sequence" <+> names nm
privObj (PrivFunction nm) = texts ["specific", "function"] <+> names nm
-- = utils
commaSep :: [Doc] -> Doc
commaSep ds = sep $ punctuate comma ds
me :: (a -> Doc) -> Maybe a -> Doc
me = maybe empty
comment :: Comment -> Doc
comment (BlockComment str) = text "/*" <+> text str <+> text "*/"
texts :: [String] -> Doc
texts ts = sep $ map text ts